

Published: December 01, 2009




“<em>果蝇</em>周围神经系统(PNS)是一个强大的调查功能和分子水平的神经元发育和树突形态发生的复杂过程模型。为了帮助这些分析,我们已经开发出一种称为树突分枝(DA)神经元,已被广泛用于研究树突形态发生的PNS的神经元的一个子类的隔离策略<sup> 1,2</sup>。这些神经元是非常困难的隔离作为一个纯粹的人口,部分原因是其极低的发生,他们难以达到低于强硬的几丁质的幼虫角质层位置。我们新开发的方法克服了这些挑战,是一个快速和特定的细胞抗体包被的磁珠富集。磁珠分选的研究,我们已经使用了年龄相仿的三龄幼虫,表达了小鼠CD8标记的GFP融合蛋白(<em>无人机mCD8 – GFP</em>)<sup> 3</sup>控制下的IV级树突分枝(DA)神经元特异性<em>扒手(PPK)- GAL4</em>驱动程序<sup> 4</sup>或控制的泛- DA神经元特异性GAL4<sup> 21-7</sup>驱动程序<sup> 5</sup>。虽然此协议已被隔离PNS的不同的几个参数,连接到幼虫角质层的内壁细胞优化,可以使用相同的协议,以分离出许多不同的细胞类型,幼虫或蛹角质层发展(如上皮细胞,肌肉,oenocytes等),或从GAL4特定的驱动程序的表达模式后的幼虫机关的其他类型的细胞。用这种方法分离出的RNA质量高,可以很容易地用于下游基因组分析,如微阵列基因表达分析研究。这种方法提供了一个强大的新工具来进行孤立的研究<em>果蝇</em>树突分枝(DA)神经元底层树突形态发生的分子机制,从而提供了新的见解。


果蝇外周神经元的磁性珠排序总评(共完成“议定书”的时间:2.5-3小时) 在任何时候都保持一个干净,核糖核酸酶自由的环境标准的实验室程序必须遵守,以防止RNA降解。 当解剖果蝇幼虫角质层,并放置在细胞内分解缓冲区,外周神经元是脱离角质层的细胞之一。我们必须利用这个属性,并设计了这个协议,以去除大部分从非特异性的细…


这里介绍的协议优化,坚持紧紧地使用磁珠细胞分选策略果蝇三龄幼虫角质层内表面的外周神经元的分离和纯化。虽然我们已经使用了此协议专门隔离果蝇DA能神经元,此协议的应用到其他类型的细胞,角质层中的幼虫或蛹的发展阶段,坚持以隔离(如上皮细胞,肌肉,其他的外周神经元)可适应由不同的几个参数,并使用不同的GAL4,记者UAS – mCD8 – GFP转基因标签的细胞类型或类型的利益。…




Material Name Type Company Catalogue Number Comment
10X Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS)   MP Bioproducts PBS10X02 Diluted to 1X working solution
10X Liberase Blendzyme 3   Roche 11814176001 Diluted to 1X working solution (28 Wünsch units/vial)
RNase-AWAY   Sigma-Aldrich 83931  
Biotinylated Rat anti-Mouse-CD8a antibody   Invitrogen MCD0815 100 μg/ml stock concentration
BSA (Bovine Serum Albumin), Fraction V   GibcoBRL 11018-017 Prepare a 1% BSA solution in PBS
Dynabeads M-280 Streptavidin   Invitrogen 11205D 1 μl can bind 0.05-0.10 μg of biotinylated antibody
PicoPure RNA Isolation Kit   Molecular Devices KIT0204 Follow manufacturer’s instructions


  • (10) Neodymium block magnets (K & J Magnetics, Inc., Cat. #B444B), alternatively DynaMag™-2 (Invitrogen, Cat. #123-21D) may be used.
  • Kontes Glass Tissue Grinder, 2 ml working capacity, with large clearance pestle (Cat. #885300-0002)
  • Cell filters, e.g. MACS Pre-Separation Filter (Miltenyi Biotec, Cat. #130-041-407)
  • 35 mm petri-dishes coated with Sylgard (Dow Corning Corporation, Cat. #3097358-1004)
  • Dissecting tools: two pairs of Dumont No. 5 forceps (Fine Science Tools, Cat. #11251-20)
  • Vannas spring micro-dissection scissors (Fine Science Tools, Cat. #15000-08)
  • Pipettes (P-1000, P-100, P-10) with disposable tips
  • Standard hemocytometer to count the cells and estimate purity
  • Pasteur pipettes with fire polished tips of standard diameter, narrowed to ~50% of standard diameter and narrowed to ~25% of standard diameter for trituration
  • Table top micro-centrifuge (1-16,000 (x) g)
  • Vortex
  • Fluorescent stereo-microscope (a Leica MZ16FA was used in this protocol)


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  2. Parrish, J. Z., Emoto, K., Kim, ., Jan, Y. N. Mechanisms that regulate establishment, maintenance, and remodeling of dendritic fields. Ann. Rev. Neurosci. 30, 399-423 (2007).
  3. Lee, T., Luo, L. Mosaic analysis with a repressible cell marker for studies of gene function in neuronal morphogenesis. Neuron. 22, 451-461 (1999).
  4. Grueber, W. B. Projections of Drosophila multidendritic neurons in the central nervous system: links with peripheral dendrite morphology. Development. 134, 55-64 (2007).
  5. Song, W., Onishi, M., Jan, L. Y., Jan, Y. N. Peripheral multidendritic sensory neurons are necessary for rhythmic locomotion behavior in Drosophila larvae. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 104, 5199-5204 (2007).
  6. Livak, K. J., Schmittgen, T. D. Analysis of relative gene expression data using real-time quantitative PCR and the 2(-Delta Delta C(T)) methods. Methods. 25, 402-408 (2001).

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Iyer, E. P. R., Iyer, S. C., Sulkowski, M. J., Cox, D. N. Isolation and Purification of Drosophila Peripheral Neurons by Magnetic Bead Sorting. J. Vis. Exp. (34), e1599, doi:10.3791/1599 (2009).

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