
Microfluidic Co-culture of Epithelial Cells and Bacteria for Investigating Soluble Signal-mediated Interactions

Published: April 20, 2010


This protocol describes a microfluidic co-culture model for simultaneous and localized culture of epithelial cells and bacteria. This model can be used for investigating the role of different soluble molecular signals on pathogenesis as well as screen the effectiveness of putative probiotic bacterial strains.


The human gastrointestinal (GI) tract is a unique environment in which intestinal epithelial cells and non-pathogenic (commensal) bacteria coexist. It has been proposed that the microenvironment that the pathogen encounters in the commensal layer is important in determining the extent of colonization. Current culture methods for investigating pathogen colonization are not well suited for investigating this hypothesis as they do not enable co-culture of bacteria and epithelial cells in a manner that mimics the GI tract microenvironment. Here we describe a microfluidic co-culture model that enables independent culture of eukaryotic cells and bacteria, and testing the effect of the commensal microenvironment on pathogen colonization. The co-culture model is demonstrated by developing a commensal Escherichia coli biofilm among HeLa cells, followed by introduction of enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) into the commensal island, in a sequence that mimics the sequence of events in GI tract infection.


1. Fabrication of silicon masters using standard SU-8 photolithography1 (not shown in this video). Use standard SU-8 photolithography methods to create a SU-8 "masters" (SU-8 2050, MicroChem, Newton, MA) for fabricating the different components (PDMS membranes of different thickness, co-culture chamber) in a cleanroom. Such master molds can be fabricated at any microfabrication facility (e.g., Stanford Microfluidics Foundry; …


Conventional assays for pathogen attachment and colonization utilize a monolayer of eukaryotic cells in tissue culture plates into which pathogens are added. These models are not physiologically relevant as they do not incorporate a commensal bacterial biofilm developed on eukaryotic cells. Simple addition of a pre-grown bacterial culture to eukaryotic cells is unlikely to lead to this conformation as biofilms are highly organized structures that develop over time, and it is extremely difficult, if not virtually impossib…


This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation (CBET 0846453) and the National Institutes of Health (1R01GM089999).


Material Name Type Company Catalogue Number Comment
SU-8 2050   Microchem Corp, MA    
high-resolution (16,256 dpi) photolithography mask   Fineline-Imaging Inc, CO    
Trichloro(3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8-tridecafluorooctyl)silane   Sigma-Aldrich 77279  
PDMS   Dow Corning, WI 184 SIL ELAST KIT 0.5KG  
DMEM   Thermo Scientific SH30002.02  
Programmable spin coater   Laurell Tech Corp WS0650S  
Mask aligner   Neutronix-Quintel, PA Q4000  
Oxygen plasma etcher   March Plasma System, CA CS-1701  
Syringe pump   Harvard Apparatus, MA    
Live/Dead Viability/Cytotoxicity Kit   Invitrogen L-3224  


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Kim, J., Hegde, M., Jayaraman, A. Microfluidic Co-culture of Epithelial Cells and Bacteria for Investigating Soluble Signal-mediated Interactions. J. Vis. Exp. (38), e1749, doi:10.3791/1749 (2010).

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