
Дизайн Циклические биореактора давление для Ex Vivo Изучение аортального клапанов сердца

Published: August 23, 2011


Циклических биореактора давление способен подчинять ткань сердечного клапана для физиологических и патологических состояний давления был разработан. Программа LabVIEW позволяет пользователям контролировать давление величины амплитуды и частоты. Это устройство может быть использовано для изучения mechanobiology сердечной ткани клапана или изолированные клетки.


The aortic valve, located between the left ventricle and the aorta, allows for unidirectional blood flow, preventing backflow into the ventricle. Aortic valve leaflets are composed of interstitial cells suspended within an extracellular matrix (ECM) and are lined with an endothelial cell monolayer. The valve withstands a harsh, dynamic environment and is constantly exposed to shear, flexion, tension, and compression. Research has shown calcific lesions in diseased valves occur in areas of high mechanical stress as a result of endothelial disruption or interstitial matrix damage1-3. Hence, it is not surprising that epidemiological studies have shown high blood pressure to be a leading risk factor in the onset of aortic valve disease4.

The only treatment option currently available for valve disease is surgical replacement of the diseased valve with a bioprosthetic or mechanical valve5. Improved understanding of valve biology in response to physical stresses would help elucidate the mechanisms of valve pathogenesis. In turn, this could help in the development of non-invasive therapies such as pharmaceutical intervention or prevention. Several bioreactors have been previously developed to study the mechanobiology of native or engineered heart valves6-9. Pulsatile bioreactors have also been developed to study a range of tissues including cartilage10, bone11 and bladder12. The aim of this work was to develop a cyclic pressure system that could be used to elucidate the biological response of aortic valve leaflets to increased pressure loads.

The system consisted of an acrylic chamber in which to place samples and produce cyclic pressure, viton diaphragm solenoid valves to control the timing of the pressure cycle, and a computer to control electrical devices. The pressure was monitored using a pressure transducer, and the signal was conditioned using a load cell conditioner. A LabVIEW program regulated the pressure using an analog device to pump compressed air into the system at the appropriate rate. The system mimicked the dynamic transvalvular pressure levels associated with the aortic valve; a saw tooth wave produced a gradual increase in pressure, typical of the transvalvular pressure gradient that is present across the valve during diastole, followed by a sharp pressure drop depicting valve opening in systole. The LabVIEW program allowed users to control the magnitude and frequency of cyclic pressure. The system was able to subject tissue samples to physiological and pathological pressure conditions. This device can be used to increase our understanding of how heart valves respond to changes in the local mechanical environment.


1. Урожай тканей и подготовка Аортального клапана должны быть собраны от взрослых свиней весом не более 120 фунтов сразу после смерти. Вымойте клапаны дважды стерильными фосфатным буферным раствором (PBS) и транспорт в лабораторию на льду. Все последующие шаги должны выпо?…


Давление в системе успешно выставляются аортального клапана листовки циклическим давлением, которые были представитель диастолического transvalvular давления. Тем не менее, она не смогла, чтобы имитировать систолического transvalvular давления, как только давление упало до 40 мм рт. Transvalvular давлен…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


Авторы выражают благодарность Шад Schipke и Даниэль Чессер за их помощь в проектировании и изготовлении систем и Valtresa Майлс за помощь в подготовке рукописи.


Name of the reagent Company Catalogue number Comments (optional)
DMEM Sigma D5671  
Dulbecco’s PBS Sigma D5652  
Anti-mycotic/antibiotic solution Sigma A5955  
Fetal Bovine Serum ThermoScientific SH30070  
Viton diaphragm solenoid valves McMaster Carr 4868K11  
Pressure Transducer Omega Engineering, Inc. PX302-200GV  
Load cell conditioner Encore Electronics, Inc. 4025-101  
Data Acquisition (DAQ) Module Measurement Computing PMD1608  


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Schipke, K. J., Filip To, S. D., Warnock, J. N. Design of a Cyclic Pressure Bioreactor for the Ex Vivo Study of Aortic Heart Valves. J. Vis. Exp. (54), e3316, doi:10.3791/3316 (2011).

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