

Published: June 01, 2012




多能干细胞已被证明是非常有用的在再生医学领域的1-3。然而,为了有效使用这些细胞的组织再生,变量的数目必须考虑。这些变量包括:植入网站的总体积和表面面积,该组织的力学性能和组织的微环境,其中包括血管的数量和细胞外基质的组成部分。因此,被用来传递这些细胞的材料必须与定义的化学成分的生物相容性,同时保持了机械强度,模仿宿主组织。这些材料还必须渗透到细胞附着和增殖提供了有利的微环境的氧气和营养物质。壳聚糖阳离子多糖,具有优良的生物相容性,可以很容易地化学改性,并具有较高的亲和力体内 MAC绑定romolecules 4-5。壳聚糖模仿外基质糖胺部分,使其能够正常细胞黏附,迁移和增殖的基质。在这项研究中,我们利用壳聚糖微球的形式提供基于胶原蛋白的三维支架6脂肪干细胞(ASC)。一个理想的细胞微球比确定培养时间和细胞密度达到最大数量的细胞可以加载。一旦升序接种到壳聚糖微球(CSM),它们被嵌入在胶原支架和可长时间保持文化。总之,这项研究提供了一种方法,准确地提供三维生物材料支架内的干细胞。


1。分离脂肪干细胞(ASC) 注:所有的程序,在室温下进行,除非另有说明。 分离大鼠肾周和附睾脂肪用无菌汉克的缓冲盐溶液,含1%胎牛血清(FBS),如先前所述6(HBSS中)。 百果组织和转移到25毫升管离心8分钟在室温和500克50毫升含1%胎牛血清的HBSS 1-2克。 收集的自由浮动的脂肪层,并转移到125毫升三角瓶和治疗II型胶原酶(20…




The authors have nothing to disclose.




Name of the reagent/equipment Company Catalogue number Comments
Hanks BalancedSalt Solution (HBSS) Gibco 14175 Consumable
Fetal Bovine Serum Hyclone SH30071.03 Consumable
Collagenase Type II Sigma-Aldrich C6685 Consumable
70-μm nylon mesh filter BD Biosciences 352350 Consumable
100-μm nylon mesh filter BD Biosciences 352360 Consumable
MesenPRO Growth Medium System Invitrogen 12746-012 Consumable
L-glutamine Gibco 25030 Consumable
T75 Tissue Culture Flask BD Biosciences 137787 Consumable
Chitosan Sigma-Aldrich 448869 Consumable
Acetic Acid Sigma-Aldrich 320099 Consumable
N-Octanol Acros Organics 150630025 Consumable
Sorbitan-Mono-oleate Sigma-Aldrich S6760 Consumable
Potassium Hydroxide Sigma-Aldrich P1767 Consumable
Acetone Fisher Scientific L-4859 Consumable
Ethanol Sigma-Aldrich 270741 Consumable
Trinitro Benzenesulfonic Acid Sigma-Aldrich P2297 Consumable
Hydrochloric Acid Sigma-Aldrich 320331 Consumable
Ethyl Ether Sigma-Aldrich 472-484 Consumable
8-μm Tissue Culture Plate Inserts BD Biosciences 353097 Consumable
1.5-ml Microcentrifuge Tubes Fisher 05-408-129 Consumable
MTT Reagent Invitrogen M6494 Consumable
Dimethyl Sulfoxide Sigma-Aldrich D8779 Consumable
Qtracker Cell Labeling Kit (Q tracker 655) Molecular probes Q2502PMP Consumable
Type 1 Collagen Travigen 3447-020-01 Consumable
Sodium Hydroxide Sigma-Aldrich S8045 Consumable
12-Well Tissue Culture Plates BD Biosciences 353043 Consumable
Centrifuge Eppendorf 5417R Equipment
Orbital Shaker New Brunswick Scienctific C24 Equipment
Humidified Incubator with Air-5% CO2 Thermo Scientific Model 370 Equipment
Overhead Stirrer IKA Visc6000 Equipment
Magnetic Stirrer Corning PC-210 Equipment
Vacuum Desiccator Equipment
Particle Size Analyzer Malvern STP2000 Spraytec Equipment
Water Bath Fisher Scientific Isotemp210 Equipment
Spectrophotometer Beckman Beckman Coulter DU800UV/Visible Spectrophotometer Equipment
Vortex Diagger 3030a Equipment
Microplate Reader Molecular Devices SpectraMax M2 Equipment
Light/Fluorescence Microscope Olympus IX71 Equipment
Confocal Microscope Olympus FV-500 Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope Equipment
Scanning Electron Microscope Carl Zeiss MicroImaging Leo 435 VP Equipment
Transmission Electron Microscope JEOL JEOL 1230 Equipment


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Zamora, D. O., Natesan, S., Christy, R. J. Constructing a Collagen Hydrogel for the Delivery of Stem Cell-loaded Chitosan Microspheres. J. Vis. Exp. (64), e3624, doi:10.3791/3624 (2012).

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