

Published: April 12, 2016


This video article shows the use of the dorsal root ganglia (DRG)/cancer cell model in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.


One way that solid tumors disseminate is through neural invasion. This route is well-known in cancers of the head and neck, prostate, and pancreas. These neurotropic cancer cells have a unique ability to migrate unidirectionally along nerves towards the central nervous system (CNS). The dorsal root ganglia (DRG)/cancer cell model is a three dimensional (3D) in vitro model frequently used for studying the interaction between neural stroma and cancer cells. In this model, mouse or human cancer cell lines are grown in ECM adjacent to preparations of freshly dissociated cultured DRG. In this article, the DRG isolation protocol from mice, and implantation in petri dishes for co-culturing with pancreatic cancer cells are demonstrated. Five days after implantation, the cancer cells made contact with the DRG neurites. Later, these cells formed bridgeheads to facilitate more extensive polarized, neurotropic migration of cancer cells.


直接浸润,淋巴扩散和传播血源性:固体肿瘤的三种主要方式传播。然而,有癌症扩散的第四手段是经常忽视,传播沿着神经。癌神经侵袭(CNI)是癌症扩散的一个公知的途径,尤其是在头部和颈部,1前列腺2,第3和胰腺的癌症。4-8 CNI与胰腺癌的个体的80%以上发生,导致到腹膜后肿瘤,通过腹腔神经节的神经传播。这些神经营养癌细胞具有沿着朝向中枢神经系统(CNS)的神经单向迁移的独特能力。9这一发现表明,在神经周围的微环境可以由癌细胞被利用,提供支持恶性生长因子。




四到六周大的雌性C57BL / CJ小鼠(Harlan,耶路撒冷,以色列)在实验中根据协会评估和实验动物管理规范评审使用。所有实验程序均按照机构动物护理和使用委员会和农业法规部完成。 1.收获脊髓安乐死使用CO 2室中的小鼠。避免颈椎脱位,因为它可能会导致因剪切力根神经节破坏。从这里开始,执行无菌条件下的所有步骤。 浸泡动物向下,用70%的乙醇…

Representative Results

使用视频显微成像,在DRG可以看出植入后轴突发芽5-7天,而癌细胞他们对DRG殖民地迁移了。通过在植入后第 7天,肿瘤细胞来与所述突起( 图2)接触。 在协议中使用的胰腺癌细胞的前向迁移指数为3-4倍比其它细胞系(QLL2,B16F)( 图3a)更高。 图3b给出一个代表X和Y坐标图,?…





The authors have nothing to disclose.


Edith Suss-Toby is thanked for her assistance in the time-lapse microscopy and image analysis. Nofar Rada is thanked for the artistic work.


Operating microscope Leica M205
Tiime Lapse System Zeiss
Forceps Sigma-Aldrich F4142 
Surgical blade Sigma-Aldrich Z309036
Scissors Sigma-Aldrich S3271
35mm petri dishes, glass bottom de groot 60-627860
Name Company  Catalog Number Comments
70% ethanol sigma
Cold PBS Biological industries 02-023-1A
DMEM Biological industries 01-055-1A
FCS Rhenium 10108165
Penicillin and streptomycin Biological industries 01-031-1B
Sodium Pyruvate Biological industries 03-042-1B
L-Glutamine Biological industries 03-020-1B
Growth factor depleted matrigel Trevigen 3433-005-01


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Na’ara, S., Gil, Z., Amit, M. In Vitro Modeling of Cancerous Neural Invasion: The Dorsal Root Ganglion Model. J. Vis. Exp. (110), e52990, doi:10.3791/52990 (2016).

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