
The Arteriovenous (AV) Loop in a Small Animal Model to Study Angiogenesis and Vascularized Tissue Engineering

Published: November 02, 2016


We describe a microsurgical approach for the generation of an arteriovenous (AV) loop as a model for analyzing vascularization in vivo in an isolated and well-characterized environment. This model is not only useful for the investigation of angiogenesis, but is also optimally suited for engineering axially vascularized and transplantable tissues.


A functional blood vessel network is a prerequisite for the survival and growth of almost all tissues and organs in the human body. Moreover, in pathological situations such as cancer, vascularization plays a leading role in disease progression. Consequently, there is a strong need for a standardized and well-characterized in vivo model in order to elucidate the mechanisms of neovascularization and develop different vascularization approaches for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.

We describe a microsurgical approach for a small animal model for induction of a vascular axis consisting of a vein and artery that are anastomosed to an arteriovenous (AV) loop. The AV loop is transferred to an enclosed implantation chamber to create an isolated microenvironment in vivo, which is connected to the living organism only by means of the vascular axis. Using 3D imaging (MRI, micro-CT) and immunohistology, the growing vasculature can be visualized over time. By implanting different cells, growth factors and matrices, their function in blood vessel network formation can be analyzed without any disturbing influences from the surroundings in a well controllable environment.

In addition to angiogenesis and antiangiogenesis studies, the AV loop model is also perfectly suited for engineering vascularized tissues. After a certain prevascularization time, the generated tissues can be transplanted into the defect site and microsurgically connected to the local vessels, thereby ensuring immediate blood supply and integration of the engineered tissue. By varying the matrices, cells, growth factors and chamber architecture, it is possible to generate various tissues, which can then be tailored to the individual patient’s needs.


Most tissues and organs in the human body are dependent on a functional blood vessel network that supplies nutrients, exchanges gases and removes waste products. Malfunction of this system caused by local or systemic vascular problems can lead to a multitude of severe diseases. Moreover, in research areas such as tissue engineering or regenerative medicine, a functional blood vessel network within artificially generated tissues or transplanted organs is indispensable for successful clinical application.

For decades researchers have been investigating the exact mechanisms involved in the growing vasculature to gain deeper insight into pathological situations in order to find novel therapeutic interventions and provide better prevention of vascular disorders. In the first step, basic processes such as cell-cell interactions or the effect of molecules on cells of the vascular system are usually investigated by in vitro 2D or 3D experiments. Traditional 2D models are easy to perform, are well established and have contributed greatly to a better understanding of these processes. For the first time in 1980, Folkman et al. reported in vitro angiogenesis seeding of capillary endothelial cells on gelatin coated plates1. This immediately gave way to publication of a multitude of further 2D angiogenesis experiments on endothelial cell tube formation assay2, migration assay3 and the co-culturing of different cell types4, as well as others. These assays are still used today and accepted as standard in vitro methods.

However, this experimental setup is not always appropriate for the study of in vivo cell behavior since most cell types require a 3D environment to form relevant physiological tissue structures5. It could be shown that the architecture of the 3D matrix is decisive for capillary morphogenesis6 and that cell-extra cellular matrix (ECM) interactions and 3D culture conditions regulate important factors involved in tumor angiogenesis7. The 3D matrix provides complex mechanical inputs, can bind effector proteins and establish tissue-scale solute concentration gradients. Moreover, it is considered necessary in order to imitate in vivo morphogenetic and remodeling steps in complex tissues5. In these systems, both angiogenesis and vasculogenesis can be studied. While angiogenesis describes the sprouting of capillaries from preexisting blood vessels8, vasculogenesis refers to the de novo formation of blood vessels through endothelial cells or their progenitors9,10. Maturation of vessels is described in a process called 'arteriogenesis' via recruitment of smooth muscle cells11. A typical angiogenic in vitro model is the sprouting of endothelial cells from existing monolayers seeded as a monolayer on gel surfaces, on surface of microspheres embedded within a gel or by building endothelial cell spheroids12. In vasculogenic models single endothelial cells are entrapped in a 3D gel. They interact with adjacent endothelial cells to form vascular structures and networks de novo, typically in combination with supportive cells12.

However, even complex 3D in vitro models cannot mimic in vivo settings completely given the multitude of cell-cell and cell-ECM interactions13. Substances with high in vitro activity do not automatically show the same effects in vivo and vice versa14. For a comprehensive analysis of vascularization processes there is an urgent need to develop in vivo models that better simulate the situation in the body. A large range of in vivo angiogenesis assays are described in the literature, including the chick chorioallantoic membrane assay (CAM), the zebrafish model, the corneal angiogenesis assay, the dorsal air sac model, the dorsal skinfold chamber, the subcutaneous tumor models14. However, these assays are often associated with limitations, such as rapid morphological changes, problems in distinguishing new capillaries from already existing ones in the CAM assay, or the limited space in the corneal angiogenesis assay15. Furthermore, non-mammalian systems are used (e.g., the zebrafish model16), which leads to problems in xenotransplantation17. In the subcutaneous tumor model, angiogenesis originating only from the tumor itself cannot be analyzed since the adjacent tissue greatly contributes to the vascularization process. Moreover, the surrounding tissue can have a decisive role in shaping the tumor microenvironment18.

Not only for studying angiogenesis or vasculogenesis is there a strong need for a standardized and well-characterized in vivo model but also for studying different vascularization strategies in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Today, the generation of complex artificial organs or tissues is possible both in vitro and in vivo. 3D bioprinting provides an on-demand fabrication technique for generating complex 3D functional living tissues19. Furthermore, bioreactors can be used for generating tissues20 or even the own body can be used as bioreactor21. However, the main barrier to successful application of artificially generated tissues is the lack of vascularization within the engineered constructs. Immediate connection to the host's vasculature after transplantation is a major prerequisite for survival, especially in the case of large-scale artificial tissues or organs.

Different in vitro or in vivo prevascularization strategies were developed to establish a functional microvasculature in constructs prior to implantation22. The implantation of a scaffold with in vitro preformed engineered capillaries onto the dorsal skin of mice led to rapid anastomosis of the mice vasculature within a day23. In contrast, a spheroid co-culture consisting of human mesenchymal stem cells and human umbilical vein endothelial cells assembled into a three-dimensional prevascular network developed further after in vivo implantation. However, anastomosis with the host vasculature was limited24. Above all, in poorly vascularized defects, such as necrotic or irradiated areas, this so-called extrinsic vascularization — the ingrowth of vessels from the surrounding area into the scaffold — often fails. Intrinsic vascularization, on the other hand, is based on a vascular axis as a source of new capillaries sprouting into the scaffold25. Using the axial vascularization approach, the engineered tissue can be transplanted with its vascular axis and connected to local vessels at the recipient site. Immediately after transplantation, the tissue is adequately supported by oxygen and nutrients, which creates the right conditions for optimal integration.

Due to the limited availability of models for investigating in vivo angiogenesis and in recognition of the growing importance of generating axially vascularized tissue, we developed the microsurgical approach of Erol and Spira further to generate an arteriovenous (AV) loop in the animal model26. The use of a completely closed implantation chamber makes this method very well suited to study blood vessel formation under "controlled", well characterized in vivo conditions (Figure 1). This model is not only useful for the investigation of angiogenesis but is also optimally suited for the axial vascularization of scaffolds for tissue engineering purposes.


The Animal Care Committee of the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) and the Government of Middle Franconia, Germany, approved all the experiments. For the experiments, male Lewis rats with a body weight of 300 – 350 g were used. 1. The Arteriovenous Loop Model in the Rat Implantation Procedure (Figure 2) For anesthesia use a special plastic box that is connected via tube to the isoflurane vaporizer and closed by a lid. Turn on supply gas…

Representative Results

Tissue Engineering For bone tissue engineering purposes, a number of different bone substitutes were implanted in the small animal rat AV loop model27,28,33,34. Vascularization could perfectly be demonstrated by 3D micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) (Figure 3A). Vascularization of a processed bovine cancellous bone (PBCB) matrix was significantly higher in the loop group compared to the group without vascularization. A constantly growi…


For over a decade, we have successfully used the arteriovenous (AV) loop for tissue engineering purposes and studying angiogenesis in vivo in the small animal model. We could demonstrate that this microsurgical model is very well suited for engineering different tissues and that it can also be used for angiogenesis or antiangiogenesis studies.

Significance of the Technique with Respect to Existing/Alternative Methods
Engineered tissues or organs require a functi…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


We would like to thank the following institutions for supporting our AV loop research: Staedtler Stiftung, Dr. Fritz Erler Fonds, Else Kröner Fesenius Stiftung, Baxter Healthcare GmbH, DFG, IZKF/ELAN/EFI/Office for Gender and Diversity, the Forschungsstiftung Medizin, Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), AO Foundation, Manfred Roth Stiftung, Xue Hong, Hans Georg Geis Foundation, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), Germany, and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Iraq. We would like to thank Stefan Fleischer, Marina Milde, Katrin Köhn and Ilse Arnold-Herberth for their excellent technical support.


0.9% sodium chloride Berlin-Chemie AG 34592508
11-0 Ethilon / polyamide 6/6 Ethicon EH7438G
4-0 Vicryl / polygalactin 910 Ethicon V392H
6-0 Prolene / polypropylene Ethicon 8695H
aluminium spray Pharma Partner Vertriebs-GmbH 1020
antiseptics  BODE Chemie GmbH 
Catheter  B Braun Meslungen AG 4251612-02
contrast agent Flowtech  MV-122
embutramide, mebezonium iodide, tetracaine hydrochloride injectable solution  Intervet International GmbH
encre de chine intense indian ink Lefranc & Bourgeois 
Enrofloxacin  Bayer AG
eye ointment  Bayer AG
Formalin 4 %  Carl Roth GmbH & Co. KG P087.4
Heparin Ratiopharm GmbH
isoflurane  Abbott Laboratories 6055482
Lewis rat, male Charles River Laboratories
Metamizol-Natrium  Ratiopharm GmbH
papaverine / Paveron N Linden Arzneimittel-Vertrieb-GmbH
tramadol / Tramal Grünenthal GmbH


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Cite This Article
Weigand, A., Beier, J. P., Arkudas, A., Al-Abboodi, M., Polykandriotis, E., Horch, R. E., Boos, A. M. The Arteriovenous (AV) Loop in a Small Animal Model to Study Angiogenesis and Vascularized Tissue Engineering. J. Vis. Exp. (117), e54676, doi:10.3791/54676 (2016).

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