

Published: January 21, 2017


The leptomeninges explant culture protocol from human postmortem brain is a technically robust and simple way to derive fibronectin-positive meningeal fibroblasts within 6-8 weeks and cryopreserve approximately 20-30 million cells.



通过收集死后人软脑膜与帕金森氏病的一个证实神经病理学诊断和特征在于黑质纹状体细胞损失和细胞内蛋白质的夹杂物称为路易体,人们可以肯定,临床观察帕金森未被另一个潜在的疾病进程( 例如肿瘤,动脉硬化)引起的。




脑膜由保护大脑三种细胞膜的:硬脑膜,蛛网膜和软脑膜。最近,已经认识到,脑膜也起到大脑发育和脑稳态1中起重要作用。脑膜从间充质和神经嵴源性细胞衍生和有趣的是,它已被证明存在于脑膜该祖细胞可以产生的神经元体外体内 2,3,4移植后。脑膜培养已还成功地用作饲养层,因为它们具有基质细胞衍生诱导活性为胚胎干细胞分化为多巴胺能神经元5。此外,软脑膜必须直接分化成神经元,星形胶质细胞和少突胶质缺血条件6下的可能性。


这个协议描述了用于患者主软脑膜细胞培养的发展解剖和制备的人类脑膜样品。将组织切成25-30片大约3mm×3mm的正方形。三片置于每个6孔明胶包好,并与圆形盖玻片按住。脑膜解剖大约需要25-35分钟。这种文化的主要挑战是,一般不会无菌条件下进行无菌为大脑采购,运输和清扫。 ŧherefore,到培养基用青霉素,链霉素和两性霉素B的鸡尾酒补充并使用多孔培养皿分别培养组织片是很重要的。



The brain donation registration includes documentation by the registrant of their intent to donate. The autopsy permission for tissue retrieval is provided by the next of kin as permitted by law. Research studies using collected autopsy specimens are reviewed by the institutional review board (IRB) to ensure compliance with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations. NOTE: Leptomeninges samples are collected by the brain dissector or neuropathologist during a brain…

Representative Results

When the leptomeninges processing protocol has been successful, outgrowth of meningeal fibroblasts is first observed three to nine days after dissection, although this can depend on the length of post-mortem interval for the brain. Figure 1 demonstrates meningeal fibroblast cultures of four different donors. Figure 1A shows a leptomeninges piece held down by a glass cover slip (dark diagonal line) and fibroblast outgrowth around the tissue four days after…


This protocol describes a simple and robust protocol to derive a meningeal fibroblast culture from human postmortem leptomeninges collected in conjunction with a brain donation. There are very few descriptions of protocols to derive cell cultures from postmortem human material. Two studies describe skin-derived fibroblast cultures7,8,9, one study describes dura samples10, and another describes non-cryopre…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


Development of this protocol was funded by private donations directed to the Parkinson’s Institute Brain Donation Program.


Corning Petri dishes Fisher Scientific 351029
Nunc 6-well plate Fisher Scientific 14-832-11
15-mm cover slips Fisher Scientific 12-545-83 15CIR-1D
Scalpels, sterile blade, No. 15 Miltex 4-415
Curved precision tip forceps Fisher Scientific 16-100-122
Serological pipettes Fisher Scientific 13-678-11E
Pasteur pipettes Fisher Scientific 22-230490
Gelatin Sigma G1890-100G
Phosphate Buffer Solution Fisher Scientific SH30264.02
Corning 500 mL filter unit Fisher Scientific 430770 Combine media components and filter.
Nunc Cell Culture Treated Flasks with Filter Caps, T175 cm2  Thermo Scientific 178883
Name Company Catalog Number Comments
Growth Media
Hyclone DMEM Fisher Scientific SH30081.02
Hyclone FBS Fisher Scientific SH30910.03
MEM Non-Essential Amino Acids Solution (100x) Thermo Fisher 11140-050
GlutaMAX Supplement (100x) Thermo Fisher 35050-061
Sodium Pyruvate (100 mM) Thermo Fisher 11360-070
Penicillin-Streptomycin (10,000 U/mL) Thermo Fisher 15140-122
Amphotericin B (Yellow Solution/250 µg/mL) Fisher Scientific BP264520
Bambanker Freeze 120 mL Fisher Scientific NC9582225
Name Company Catalog Number Comments
Fibronectin Staining
8 well chamber slides  Fisher Scientific 1256518
20% paraformaldehyde  Electron Microscopy Sciences 15713
Triton X-100  Sigma T8787
100% Glycerol  BioRad 9455
100% normal goat serum  Fisher Scientific 101098-382
Anti-Fibronectin antibody [F1] Abcam ab32419 1:300 dilution in blocking solution
Anti-SERPINH1 Sigma S5950-200ul 1:250 dilution in blocking solution
Anti-SOX2 Millipore MAB4343 1:100 dilution in blocking solution
Anti-Nestin Millipore MAB5326 1:200 dilution in blocking solution
Anti-TUJ1 Covance MMS-435P 1:1000 dilution in blocking solution
Alexa Fluor 488 anti-rabbit Thermo Fisher A11029 1:400 dilution in blocking solution; (green channel; Ex/Em2 495/519 nm) 
Alexa Fluor 555 anti-mouse Thermo Fisher A21424 1:400 dilution in blocking solution; (red channel; Ex/Em2 590/617 nm) 
Hoechst 33342 stain Thermo Fisher H3570 dilute to a final concentration of 1.0 μg/ml; (blue channel; Ex/Em2 358/461 nm) 
Suppliers are suggestions, similar products from alternative vendors can be used as well.


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Lee, K., Saetern, O. C., Nguyen, A., Rodriguez, L., Schüle, B. Derivation of Leptomeninges Explant Cultures from Postmortem Human Brain Donors. J. Vis. Exp. (119), e55045, doi:10.3791/55045 (2017).

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