
Ovine Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Degeneration Model Utilizing a Lateral Retroperitoneal Drill Bit Injury

Published: May 25, 2017


Intervertebral disc degeneration is a significant contributor to back pain and a leading cause of disability worldwide. Numerous animal models of intervertebral disc degeneration exist. We demonstrate an ovine model of intervertebral disc degeneration, utilizing a drill bit, which achieves a consistent disc injury and reproducible level of disc degeneration.


Intervertebral disc degeneration is a significant contributor to the development of back pain and the leading cause of disability worldwide. Numerous animal models of intervertebral disc degeneration have been developed. The ideal animal model should closely mimic the human intervertebral disc with regard to morphology, biomechanical properties and the absence of notochordal cells. The sheep lumbar intervertebral disc model fulfils these criteria. We present an ovine model of intervertebral disc degeneration utilizing a drill bit injury through a lateral retroperitoneal approach. The lateral approach significantly reduces the incision and potential morbidity associated with the traditional anterior approach to the ovine spine. Utilization of a drill-bit method of injury affords the ability to produce a consistent and reproducible injury, of precise dimensions, that initiates a consistent degree of intervertebral disc degeneration. The focal nature of the annular and nucleus pulposus defect more closely mimics the clinical condition of focal intervertebral disc herniation. Sheep recover rapidly following this procedure and are typically mobile and eating within the hour. Intervertebral disc degeneration ensues and sheep undergo necropsy and subsequent analysis at periods from eight weeks. We believe that the drill bit injury model of intervertebral disc degeneration offers advantages over more conventional annular injury models.


Lower back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide1. Lumbar intervertebral disc degeneration associated discogenic pain is considered a significant contributor to lower back pain2. There is an increasing demand for reliable animal models of intervertebral disc disease for broadening the understanding of the degenerative process and for the investigation of potential therapies.

Numerous animal models of intervertebral disc degeneration exist3. Animals models used in the investigation of degenerative disc disease range in size from mice4, to larger mammals such as dogs5, sheep6, and non-human primates7. Methods used to induce intervertebral disc degeneration can be broadly classified into the categories of mechanical (e.g. intervertebral disc compression8 or surgical injury6), chemical (e.g. chemical nucleolysis5) or, less commonly, spontaneous degeneration (e.g. the sand rat9).

Given the complexity of human intervertebral disc degeneration, a perfect animal model does not exist. However, important considerations in choosing an appropriate animal model to mimic this condition closely have been identified3. Such considerations include the absence of notochordal cells (primitive cells with possible progenitor cell function10 absent from the adult nucleus pulposus in humans, sheep, goats and chondrodystrophic dogs but present in most mammals), similarities in animal and intervertebral disc size relative to humans, comparable biomechanical forces to the clinical condition, mechanistic and ethical considerations3.

Non-human primates meet many of the above criteria. Baboon and macaque models of spontaneous intervertebral disc degeneration have been described11,12,13. Both species spend large amounts of time in erect or semi-erect postures — a distinct advantage relative to other animal models. However, ethical and practical consideration (e.g. expense, housing, delayed onset of spontaneous degeneration) restrict their use in many institutions.

The ovine spine is an established model of intervertebral disc degeneration, with advantages including cellular, biomechanical and anatomical similarities to the human spine10,14,15. Despite the quadrupedal stature of sheep the ovine lumbar intervertebral disc is exposed to similar stresses to the human disc14. The ovine model is also more widely accepted, from an ethical perspective, than non-human primate models. Varied methods have been described to initiate the degenerative process, many of which require direct access to the intervertebral disc. Due to the termination of the spinal cord in the sacral region and ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament in the ovine lumbar spine, posterior approaches to the intervertebral disc are technically challenging and less commonly used in the sheep16. The traditional access routes to the sheep lumbar spine, i.e. via anterior or anterolateral approaches, require large abdominal incisions, are fraught with risks of hernia, and damage to internal viscera and neurovascular structures16. The use of a relatively small lateral incision away from dependent abdominal areas may decrease such risks17.

We present an ovine model of degenerative lumbar intervertebral disc disease using drill bit injury performed through a minimally invasive lateral approach, and inspired by the work of Zhang et. al18. The goal of this protocol is to enable a reliable lumbar disc injury model that is readily reproducible, produces a consistent injury, and is safe and well tolerated. This approach is well-suited to investigators seeking to induce a milder degree of lumbar intervertebral disc degeneration than that observed with traditional surgical annulotomy (unpublished data) for the investigation of either intervertebral disc degeneration or regenerative therapies. These findings will be described in a forthcoming publication.


The protocol detailed in this manuscript follows the animal care guidelines of Monash University Animal Ethics. Animal ethics approval for this protocol has been granted by Monash University Animal Ethics. Ethics approval number: MMCA/2014/55 1. Sheep Preparation NOTE: Ewes aged two to four years were used. Fast sheep for 18 h prior to anesthesia. Provide animals with access to water until 6-12 h prior to operation19. Se…

Representative Results

Pre-operatively, sheep underwent baseline 3T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for assessment of underlying intervertebral disc morphology and degeneration. Sheep underwent additional intra-operative lateral radiography for confirmation of intervertebral disc level and calculation of disc height index. A pre-operative sagittal plane slice from 3T MRI and an intra-operative radiograph are demonstrated in Figure 1. <p class="jove_content" fo:keep-together.within-page="1"…


This minimally invasive lateral access approach is efficacious and safe with no post-operative herniae, abdominal wound dehiscence or infection observed in this series. Use of the drill bit intervertebral disc injury model with a depth stop provides a reproducible method of inducing a consistent intervertebral disc injury of known dimension (i.e. a 3.5 mm diameter x 12 mm depth injury in this study). In our experience, this method produces a less severe degree of disc degeneration than that observed in conventio…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


Dr. Chris Daly is the recipient of the Foundation for Surgery Richard Jepson Research Scholarship. The authors would like to thank Dr. Anne Gibbon, Dr. Dong Zhang and the staff of Monash Animal Services, Monash University for their assistance with animal surgery and care.


Medetomidine Hydrochloride (10 mL Injection) Therapon/Zoetis PFIDOM10 Multiple suppliers: Zoetis/Ilium
Thiopentone Troy Triothiopentone Multiple suppliers: Neon Laboratories, Jagsonphal Pharmaceuticals
Isoflurane (2-3 % in oxygen) Baxter AHN3636 Multiple suppliers: Baxter/VetOne
Amoxicillin parenteral GlaxoSmithKline JO1CA04 Multiple suppliers: GlaxoSmithKline/Merck
Bupivacaine (0.5% Injection 20 mL) Pfizer 005BUP001 Multiple suppliers: Pfizer/AstraZeneca
PVD Iodine Solution Jurox 61330 Multiple suppliers: Jurox/Orion
Chlorhexidine 5%w/v Jurox Chlorhex C 5L (SCRUB) Multiple suppliers: Jurox/Pfizer
Transdermal Fental Patch (75 μg/h) Janssen-Cilag S8-Dur7.5 Multiple suppliers: Sandoz
Buprenorphine iv Jurox 504410 Multiple suppliers: LGM Pharma
Atipamezole (Antisedan 0.06 mg/kg – 0.08 mg/kg) Zoetis PFIANT10 Multiple suppliers: Ilium
Oster Golden A5 2-Speed Clippers Oster 078005-140-003 Oster
20 ml luer lock syringe Terumo 6SS+20L Multiple suppliers: Medshop Australia/Terumo
21 G IV needle Terumo SG3-1225 Multiple suppliers:Medshop Australia/Terumo
#4 scalpel handle Austvet AD010/04 Multiple suppliers: Austvet/SurgicalInstruments
#22 scalpel baldes Austvet
Gillies tissue forceps Austvet AB430/15 Multiple suppliers: Austvet/SurgicalInstruments
Metzenbaum curved dissecting scissors Austvet AC101/14 Multiple suppliers: Austvet/SurgicalInstruments
Deaver retractor Surgical Instruments 23.75.03 Multiple suppliers: Surgical Instrument/Austvet
Hohmann retractor Austvet KA173/35 Multiple suppliers: Austvet/SurgicalInstruments
Mayo suture scissors Austvet AC911/14 Multiple suppliers: Austvet/SurgicalInstruments
Needleholder 14 cm  EliteMedical 18-1030 Multiple suppliers: EliteMedical/Austvet
CMT 3.5 mm Brad-Point Drill Carbatec 516-035-51 Multiple suppliers: Southeast Tool/Carbatec
Drill Bit Stop 4 mm Drill Warehouse 20121600 Multiple suppliers: Amazon
Bosch 10.8 V Cordless Angle Drill Get Tools Direct GWB10.8V-LIBB Multiple suppliers:Bunnings/Get Tools Direct
Autoclavable veterinary drill bag AustVet DRA043-AV AustVet
2-0 absorbable synthetic braided sutures Ethicon VCP335H Ethicon
3-0 absorbable synthetic braided sutures Ethicon VCP232H Ethicon
Siemens 3 Tesla Skyra Widebore MRI Siemens N/A Siemens
9.4 Tesla Agilent (Varian) MRI Agilent Technologies N/A Agilent Technologies
Atomscope HF 200 A Radiogaph Radlink 330003A Multiple Suppliers: Radlink/DLC Australia
Veterinary Pulse Oximiter DLC  192500A Multiple suppliers: DLC Australi Pty Ltd/AustVet


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Lim, K., Daly, C. D., Ghosh, P., Jenkin, G., Oehme, D., Cooper-White, J., Naidoo, T., Goldschlager, T. Ovine Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Degeneration Model Utilizing a Lateral Retroperitoneal Drill Bit Injury. J. Vis. Exp. (123), e55753, doi:10.3791/55753 (2017).

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