
Adapting 3' Rapid Amplification of CDNA Ends to Map Transcripts in Cancer

Published: March 28, 2018


The two different 3' rapid amplification of cDNA ends (3' RACE) protocols described here make use of two different DNA polymerases to map sequences that include a segment of the open reading frame (ORF), the stop codon, and the entire 3' UTR of a transcript using RNA obtained from different cancer cell lines.


Maturation of eukaryotic mRNAs involves 3' end formation, which involves the addition of a poly(A) tail. In order to map the 3' end of a gene, the traditional method of choice is 3' rapid amplification of cDNA ends (3' RACE). Protocols for 3' RACE require the careful design and selection of nested primers within the 3' untranslated region (3' UTR) of the target gene of interest. However, with a few modifications the protocol can be used to include the entire 3' UTR and sequences within the open reading frame (ORF), providing a more comprehensive picture of the relationship between the ORF and the 3' UTR. This is in addition to identification of the polyadenylation signal (PAS), as well as the cleavage and polyadenylation site provided by conventional 3' RACE. Expanded 3' RACE can detect unusual 3' UTRs, including gene fusions within the 3' UTR, and the sequence information can be used to predict potential miRNA binding sites as well as AU rich destabilizing elements that may affect the stability of the transcript.


The formation of the 3' end is a critical step in mRNA maturation that comprises the cleavage of the pre-mRNA downstream of a PAS followed by the addition of ~250 untemplated adenines, which make up the poly(A) tail1,2. The poly(A) binding protein (PABP) binds to the poly(A) tail, and this protects the mRNA transcript from degradation, and facilitates translation1.

Current estimates suggest that 70% of human genes have multiple PASs, and thus undergo alternative polyadenylation, resulting in multiple 3' ends3. Thus, it is important to identify where the poly(A) tail attaches to the rest of the 3' UTR, as well as identify the PAS used by any given transcript. The advent of next-generation sequencing has resulted in the simultaneous identification of the 3' UTRs and the PASs of thousands of genes. This increase in sequencing capability has required the development of bioinformatic algorithms to analyze data involving alternative polyadenylation of the 3' end. For the de novo detection or validation of the PAS and hence mapping of the 3' end of individual genes from large scale sequencing data, 3' RACE remains the method of choice4,5. The sequences included in cDNA products of 3' RACE normally include only a portion of the 3' UTR that contains the poly(A) tail, the cleavage site, the PAS, and the sequences upstream of the PAS. Unlike PCR, which requires the design and use of gene specific forward and reverse primers, 3' RACE only requires two gene specific nested forward primers. Hence, PCR requires a more detailed knowledge of the nucleotide sequence of a large region of the gene being amplified4,6. Since 3' RACE uses the same reverse primer that targets the poly(A) tail for all polyadenylated RNA transcripts, only the forward primers need to be gene specific, thus, only requiring knowledge of a significantly smaller region of the mRNA. This enables the amplification of regions whose sequences are not fully characterized4,7. This has allowed 3' RACE to be used not only to determine the 3' end of a gene, but to also determine and characterize large regions upstream of the PAS that form a significant portion of the 3' UTR. By combining 5' RACE with the modified 3' RACE that includes larger portions of the 3' UTR and flanking regions, it is possible to fully sequence or clone an entire mRNA transcript from the 5' end to its 3' end8.

An example of this application of modified 3' RACE is the recent identification of a novel CCND1-MRCK fusion gene transcript from Mantle Cell Lymphoma cell lines and cancer patients. The 3' UTR consisted of sequences from both the CCND1 and MRCK genes and was recalcitrant to miRNA regulation9. The two nested CCND1 specific forward primers were complementary to the region immediately adjacent and downstream of the CCND1 stop codon. Although whole transcriptome sequencing together with specific bioinformatic tools can be used to detect gene fusions within the 3' UTR10, many labs may lack the financial resources or bioinformatic expertise to make use of this technology. Hence, 3' RACE is an alternative for de novo identification and validation of novel fusion genes involving the 3' UTR. Considering the drastic increase in the number of reported fusion genes as well as read through transcripts, 3' RACE has become a powerful tool in characterizing gene sequences11,12. In addition, recent studies have shown that different sequences within the 3' UTR as well as the length of the 3' UTR can affect mRNA transcript stability, localization, translatability, and function13. Due in part to an increased interest in mapping the transcriptome, there has been an increase in the number of different DNA polymerases being developed for use in the lab. It is important to determine what types of modifications can be made to the 3' RACE protocol in order to utilize the available repertoire of DNA polymerases.

This work reports adapting 3' RACE to map the entire 3' UTR, the PAS, and the 3' end cleavage site of the ANKHD1 transcript by using nested primers within the ANKHD1 section of the transcript and two different DNA polymerases.


Wear a lab coat, gloves, and safety glasses at all times while performing all procedures in this protocol. Ensure that containers/tubes containing the phenol and guanidine isothiocyanate reagent are only opened in a certified hood, and dispose of phenol waste in a designated container. Use DNAse/RNAse-free sterile tubes, tips, and reagents. 1. Cell Culture Grow the HeLa cell line and two suspension mantle cell lymphoma cell lines, Granta-519 and Jeko-1, in DMEM containing 10% FBS a…

Representative Results

Nested Forward Primer Search: The agarose gel from Figure 1 shows two distinct PCR gel products (Lanes 1 and 2) which use the same forward primer but different reverse primers. Lane 3 has a distinct PCR product and has a distinct forward and reverse primer. The ideal primers to use for the PCR based reaction are those that give one distinct PCR product (Lane 3). The forward primer used…


Despite the advent of massive parallel sequencing technologies, on a gene-by-gene basis, 3' RACE still remains the easiest and most economical method to identify the PAS and nucleotides adjacent to the poly(A) tail. The adaptation described here expands using 3' RACE to both amplify and map sequences that include a portion of the ORF, the stop codon, and the entire 3' UTR of the ANKHD1 mRNA transcript. A major advantage of 3' RACE is that with a few minor adaptations, products from 3' RACE ca…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


We would like to acknowledge Bettine Gibbs for her technical help.


HeLa cells ATCC CCL-2 Cervical cancer cell line.
Jeko-1 cells ATCC CRL-3006 Mantle cell lymphoma cell line.
Granta-519 cells DSMZ ACC-342 Mantle cell lymphoma cell line.
Fetal Bovine Serum Sigma Aldrich F6178 Fetal bovine serum for cell culture.
Penicillin/Streptomycin ThermoFisherScientific 15140122 Antibiotic and antimycotic.
GlycoBlue Ambion AM9545 Coprecipitant.
DMEM ThermoFisherScientific 10569044 Gibco brand cell culture media with GlutaMAX.
Nuclease Free-Water ThermoFisherScientific AM9938 Ambion DNase and RNAse free water(non DEPC treated).
Dulbecco’s Phosphate-Buffered Solution Corning 21-030 1X PBS.
Chloroform Sigma  Aldrich C7559-5VL
2-propanol Sigma Aldrich I9516
Reagent Alcohol Sigma Aldrich 793175 Ethanol
Ethidium Bromide solution Sigma Aldrich E1510
TRIzol Reagent ThermoFisherScientific 15596026 Monophasic phenol and guanidine isothiocyanate reagent.
2X Extender PCR-to-Gel Master Mix Amresco N867 2X PCR-to-Gel Master Mix  containing loading dye used in routine quick PCR assays and primer search.
10mM dNTP Amresco N557
RQ1 RNase-Free DNase Promega M6101 Dnase treatment kit.
Gel Loading Dye Orange (6X) New England BioLabs B7022S
2X Phusion High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix with HF buffer ThermoFisherScientific F531S 2X PCR MasterMix containing a chimeric DNA polymerase consisting of a DNA binding domain fused to a Pyrococcus-like proofreading polymerase and other reagents.
PfuUltra II Fusion HS DNA polymerase Agilent Technologies 600670 Modified DNA Polymerase from Pyrococcus furiosus (Pfu).
RevertAid RT Reverse Transcription Kit Thermo Fischer K1691 Used for  reverse transcription of mRNA into  cDNA synthesis. Kit includes  Ribolock RNAse inhibitor, RevertAid M-MuLV reverse transcriptase and other reagents listed in manuscript.
Pefect size 1Kb ladder 5 Prime 2500360 Molecular weight DNA ladder.
Alpha Innotech FluorChem Q MultiImage III Alpha Innotech Used to visualise ethidium bromide stained agarose gel.
Low Molecular Weight Ladder New England BioLabs N3233L Molecular weight DNA ladder.
Vortex Mixer MidSci VM-3200
Mini Centrifuge MidSci C1008-R
Dry Bath MidSci DB-D1
NanoDrop 2000C ThermoFisherScientific ND-2000C Spectrophotometer.
Wide Mini-Sub Cell GT Horizontal Electrophoresis System BioRad 1704469 Electrophoresis equipment-apparatus to set up gel
PowerPac Basic Power Supply BioRad 1645050 Power supply for gel electrophoresis.
Agarose Dot Scientific AGLE-500
Mastercycler Gradient Eppendorf 950000015 PCR thermocycler.
Centrifuge Eppendorf 5810 R
Centrifuge Eppendorf 5430R
Wizard SV Gel and PCR Fragment DNA Clean-Up System Promega A9281
Zero Blunt TOPO PCR Cloning Kit, with One Shot  TOP10 Chemically Competent E. coli cells ThermoFisherScientific K280020
MyPCR Preparation Station Mystaire MidSci MY-PCR24 Hood dedicated to PCR work.
Hamilton SafeAire II fume hood ThermoFisherScientific Fume hood.
Beckman Coulter Z1 Particle Counter Beckman Coulter 6605698 Particle counter. For counting cells before plating  for RNA extraction.
Applied Biosystems Sequence Scanner Software v2.0 Applied Biosystems (through ThermoFisherScientific) Software to analyze Sanger sequencing data.


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Masamha, C. P., Todd, Z. Adapting 3′ Rapid Amplification of CDNA Ends to Map Transcripts in Cancer. J. Vis. Exp. (133), e57318, doi:10.3791/57318 (2018).

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