

Published: February 09, 2020






寡核苷酸(OLs)是中枢神经系统(CNS)的胶质细胞,产生围绕轴xon的骨髓素。OLs源自寡核苷酸前体细胞(OPCs),在胚胎中枢神经系统的心室区增殖,然后迁移和分化成完全成熟的OLs(即骨髓形成细胞)1。OPCs在早期发育期间是丰富的,但也坚持在成人大脑中,在那里他们代表主要的增殖细胞群2。单个 OL 在非兴奋部分(即节点间)中产生多个阳极,并且每个骨髓环的边缘附着在构成参数域的斧子上,这对骨髓1、3的绝缘特性至关重要。在副节点之间是称为Ranvier节点的未骨髓间隙。这些节点富含电压门控钠通道(Nav),允许通过盐性传导4再生和快速传播作用电位。这种紧密的相互作用也使得斧道能量支持通过神经元从OLs5,6的乳酸盐。


此外,在几个CNS病理条件下,OLs主要受到影响,从而干扰它们与神经元的相互作用。例如,在多发性硬化症 (MS) 中,神经功能障碍是由中枢神经系统中的焦脱髓引起,其次是 OLs 损失,可导致斧道损伤和相关残疾积累。重组可以发生,尽管在大多数情况下还不够过去十年的进展,由于免疫疗法的发展,已经降低了复发率,但促进再骨髓化至今仍是一个未满足的需求。因此,更好地了解OLs的作用、功能和影响对于开发针对各种CNS条件的新疗法特别感兴趣。



本实验中对大鼠的护理和使用符合机构政策和准则(UPMC、INSERM和欧洲共同体理事会指令86/609/EEC)。以下协议是为12只幼崽的标准垃圾建立的。 1. 烧瓶的准备(±5分钟) 注:在无菌条件下在层流罩中进行解剖的前一天执行以下步骤。 使用 5 mL 的聚乙烯胺(PEI,100 mg/L,参见补充文件 1中的协议)涂上 150 厘米2瓶 (T150) 与过滤?…

Representative Results

在此协议中,OL系系细胞通过摆脱星形细胞和微胶质从胶质培养中纯化。对OL培养物的纯度和质型检查可以通过用胶质标记物进行免疫染色来评估。对不同标记物表达的分析表明,OL培养物大多是O4+细胞的90%~4%,85%~7%NG2+细胞,4.7%~2.1%的PLP+细胞,7.2%~2.5%的细胞为GFAP+星细胞(均值=S.D.,n= 3; 图 2.此外,4….




The authors have nothing to disclose.




5-fluorodeoxyuridine Sigma F0503
B27 supplement ThermoFisher 17504044
D-(+)-Glucose solution Sigma G8769
DNase (Deoxyribonuclease I) Worthington LS002139
Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium ThermoFisher 31966021
Ethanol 100% Sigma 32221-M
Ethanol 70% VWR Chemicals 83801.360
Fetal Calf Serum ThermoFisher 10082147
L-cysteine Sigma C7352
Neurobasal ThermoFisher 21103049
Papain Worthington LS003126
Penicillin-Streptomycin ThermoFisher 15140122
Phosphate Buffered Saline without calcium and magnesium ThermoFisher A1285601
Polyethylenimine(PEI) Sigma P3143
Tetraborate decahydrate Sigma B9876
Trypsin Sigma Sigma
Uridine Sigma U3750
Bottenstein-Sato (BS) media
apo-Transferrin human Sigma T1147
BSA (Bovine Serum Albumin) Sigma A4161
Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium ThermoFisher 31966021
Insulin Sigma I5500
PDGF Peprotech AF-100-13A
Penicillin-Streptomycin ThermoFisher 15140122
Progesterone Sigma P8783
Putrescine dihydrochloride Sigma P5780
Sodium selenite Sigma S5261
T3 (3,3',5-Triiodo-L-thyronine sodium salt) Sigma T6397
T4 (L-Thyroxine) Sigma T1775
Co-culture media
apo-Transferrin human Sigma T1147
B27 supplement ThermoFisher 17504044
Biotin Sigma B4639
BSA (Bovine Serum Albumin) Sigma A4161
Ceruloplasmin Sigma 239799
Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium ThermoFisher 31966021
Hydrocortisone Sigma H4001
Insulin Sigma I5500
N-Acetyl-L-cysteine Sigma A8199
Neurobasal ThermoFisher 21103049
Penicillin-Streptomycin ThermoFisher 15140122
Progesterone Sigma P8783
Putrescin Sigma P5780
Recombinant Human CNTF Sigma 450-13
Sodium selenite Sigma S5261
T3 (3,3',5-Triiodo-L-thyronine sodium salt) Sigma T6397
Vitamin B12 Sigma V6629
0.22 µm filter Sartorius 514-7010
1 mL syringe Terumo 1611127
100 mm Petri dish Dutscher 193100
15 mL tube Corning Life Science 734-1867
50 mL tube Corning Life Science 734-1869
60 mm Petri dish Dutscher 067003
70 µm filter Miltenyi Biotec 130-095-823
Binocular microscope Olympus SZX7
Curved forceps Fine Science Tools 11152-10
Fine forceps Fine Science Tools 91150-20
Large surgical scissors Fine Science Tools 14008-14
Scalpel Swann-morton 233-5528
Shaker Infors HT
Small surgical scissors Fine Science Tools 91460-11
Small surgical spoon Bar Naor Ltd BN2706
T150 cm2 flask with filter cap Dutscher 190151
P2 Wistar rat Janvier RjHAn:WI


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Mazuir, E., Dubessy, A., Wallon, L., Aigrot, M., Lubetzki, C., Sol-Foulon, N. Generation of Oligodendrocytes and Oligodendrocyte-Conditioned Medium for Co-Culture Experiments. J. Vis. Exp. (156), e60912, doi:10.3791/60912 (2020).

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