
Probing Metabolism and Viscosity of Cancer Cells using Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy

Published: July 31, 2021


Here, we demonstrate the use of fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) to sequentially image cellular metabolism and plasma membrane viscosity in live cancer cell culture. Metabolic assessments are performed by detecting endogenous fluorescence. Viscosity is measured using a fluorescent molecular rotor.


Viscosity is an important physical property of a biological membrane, as it is one of the key parameters for the regulation of morphological and physiological state of living cells. Plasma membranes of tumor cells are known to have significant alterations in their composition, structure, and functional characteristics. Along with dysregulated metabolism of glucose and lipids, these specific membrane properties help tumor cells to adapt to the hostile microenvironment and develop resistance to drug therapies. Here, we demonstrate the use of fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) to sequentially image cellular metabolism and plasma membrane viscosity in live cancer cell culture. Metabolic assessments are performed by detecting fluorescence of endogenous metabolic cofactors, such as reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide NAD(P)H and oxidized flavins. Viscosity is measured using a fluorescent molecular rotor, a synthetic viscosity-sensitive dye, with a strong fluorescence lifetime dependence on the viscosity of the immediate environment. In combination, these techniques enable us to better understand the links between membrane state and metabolic profile of cancer cells and to visualize the changes induced by chemotherapy.


Malignant transformation of cells is accompanied by multiple alterations in their morphological and physiological state. Rapid and uncontrolled growth of cancer cells requires fundamental re-organization of biochemical pathways responsible for energy production and biosynthesis. The characteristic hallmarks of cancer metabolism are enhanced rate of glycolysis, even under the normal oxygen concentrations (the Warburg effect), the use of amino acids, fatty acids, and lactate as alternative fuels, high ROS production in the presence of high antioxidant levels, and increased biosynthesis of fatty acids1,2. It is now appreciated that cancer cell metabolism is highly flexible, which allows them to adapt to the unfavorable and heterogeneous environment and provides an additional survival advantage3.

Altered metabolism supports the specific organization and composition of membranes of tumor cells. The lipid profile of the plasma membrane in cancer cells quantitatively differs from the non-cancerous cells. The main changes in the lipidome are the increased level of phospholipids including phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine, the decreased level of sphingomyelin, increased amount of cholesterol, and a lower degree of unsaturation of fatty acids, to name a few4,5,6. Therefore, physical properties of the membrane, such as membrane viscosity, the inverse of fluidity, inevitably change. Since viscosity determines the permeability of biological membranes and controls the activity of membrane-associated proteins (enzymes, transporters, receptors), its homeostatic regulation is vital for cell functioning. At the same time, the modification of viscosity through the adjustment of membrane lipid profile is important for cell migration/invasion and survival upon conditional changes.

Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) has emerged as a powerful approach for the non-invasive assessment of multiple parameters in living cells, using endogenous fluorescence or exogenous probes7. FLIM is commonly realized on a multiphoton laser scanning microscope, which provides (sub)cellular resolution. Being equipped with the time-correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC) module, it enables time-resolved measurements of fluorescence with high accuracy8.

Probing of cellular metabolism by FLIM is based on the fluorescence measurement of endogenous cofactors of dehydrogenases, the reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (phosphate) NAD(P)H and oxidized flavins – flavin adenine dinucleotide FAD and flavin mononucleotide FMN, that act as electron carriers in a number of biochemical reactions7,9,10. The detected fluorescence of NAD(P)H is from NADH and its phosphorylated form, NADPH, as they are spectrally almost identical. Typically, fluorescence decays of NAD(P)H and flavins fit to a bi-exponential function. In the case of NAD(P)H, the first component (~0.3-0.5 ns, ~70%-80%) is attributed to its free state, associated with glycolysis, and the second component (~1.2-2.5 ns, ~20%-30%) to its protein-bound state, associated with mitochondrial respiration. In the case of flavins, the short component (~0.3-0.4 ns, ~75%-85%) can be assigned to the quenched state of FAD and the long component (~2.5-2.8 ns, ~15%-25%) to unquenched FAD, FMN, and riboflavin. Alterations in the relative levels of glycolysis, glutaminolysis, oxidative phosphorylation, and fatty acid synthesis result in the changes in the short- and long lifetime fractions of the cofactors. Additionally, the fluorescence intensity ratio of these fluorophores (the redox ratio) reflects the cellular redox status and is also used as a metabolic indicator. Although the redox ratio presents a simpler metric, compared with fluorescence lifetime, in terms of data acquisition, FLIM is advantageous to estimate NAD(P)H and FAD, because fluorescence lifetime is an intrinsic characteristic of the fluorophore and almost not influenced by such factors as excitation power, photobleaching, focusing, light scattering and absorption, especially in tissues, unlike the emission intensity.

One of the convenient ways to map viscosity in living cells and tissues at the microscopic level is based on the use of fluorescent molecular rotors, small synthetic viscosity-sensitive dyes, in which fluorescence parameters strongly depend on the local viscosity11,12. In a viscous medium, the fluorescence lifetime of the rotor increases due to the slowing down of the intramolecular twisting or rotation. Among molecular rotors, the derivatives of boron dipyrromethene (BODIPY) are well suited for sensing viscosity in biological systems as they have a good dynamic range of fluorescence lifetimes in physiological range of viscosities, temperature independence, monoexponential fluorescence decays that allow straightforward data interpretation, sufficient water-solubility and low cytotoxicity13,14. Quantitative assessments of microviscosity using BODIPY-based rotors and FLIM has been previously demonstrated on cancer cell in vitro, multicellular tumor spheroids and mouse tumor in vivo15,16.

Here, we present a detailed description of sequential probing methodologies for studying cellular metabolism and plasma membrane viscosity in cancer cells in vitro by FLIM. To avoid contamination of the relatively weak endogenous fluorescence with the fluorescence of the BODIPY-based rotor, imaging of the same layer of cells is performed sequentially with the fluorescence of NAD(P)H and FAD imaged first. Fluorescence lifetimes of the cofactors are measured in the cytoplasm, and the fluorescence lifetime of the rotor is measured in the plasma membranes of cells by the manual selection of corresponding zones as regions of interest. The protocol was applied to correlate metabolic state and viscosity for different cancer cell lines and to assess the changes after chemotherapy.

The protocol for FLIM sample preparation does not differ from that for confocal fluorescence microscopy. Once data has been acquired, the main task is to extract the fluorescence lifetime from the raw data. The performance of the protocol is demonstrated using HCT116 (human colorectal carcinoma), CT26 (murine colon carcinoma), HeLa (human cervical carcinoma), and huFB (human skin fibroblasts) cells.


1. Description of the minimal setup to perform FLIM To perform this experiment, ensure the required setup is available: an inverted confocal microscope, a pulsed laser, typically a ps or fs, with the synchronization signal, a fast photon counting detector (time response 150 ps) and photon counting electronics, available output and input ports for the detector and the laser, respectively, on the microscope, the scan clock pulses from the microscope scan controller, the scan head of the microscope with the lase…

Representative Results

Using the protocol described here, we have visualized the metabolic cofactors and microscopic membrane viscosity in live cultured cells using FLIM. The measurements have been done in different cancer cell lines – human colorectal carcinoma HCT116, murine colon carcinoma CT26, human cervical cancer HeLa Kyoto, and human skin fibroblasts huFB. Fluorescence intensity-based redox ratio FAD/NAD(P)H and fluorescence lifetimes of NAD(P…


This protocol illustrates the possibilities of FLIM for multiparametric, functional, and biophysical analysis of cancer cells. The combination of the optical metabolic imaging based on endogenous fluorescence and the measurements of plasma membrane viscosity using exogenous labeling with fluorescent molecular rotor enables us to characterize the interconnections between these two parameters in live cancer cells in a cell culture and follow the changes in response to chemotherapy.

Two-photon ex…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The development of protocol of metabolic imaging was supported by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Government Assignment, registration No. АААА-А20-120022590098-0). The study of viscosity was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Project No. 20-14-00111). The authors are thankful to Anton Plekhanov (PRMU) for his help with video production.


Cell culture incubator Sanyo 37°C, 5% CO2, humidified atmosphere
Centrifuge 5702 R Eppendorf 5703000010
imageJ 1.53c Wayne Rasband (NIH)
FLIM module Simple Tau 152 TCSPC (in LSM 880) Becker & Hickl GmbH
Laminar flow hood ThermoFisher Scientific
Leica microscope DFC290 Leica Microsystems
LSM 880 confocal microscope Carl Zeiss
Ti:Sapphire femtosecond laser Mai Tai Spectra Physics
Microscope incubator XLmulti S DARK LS PeCon GmbH 273-800 050
Mechanical pipettor Sartorius mLINE volume 0.5-10 μL; 20-200 μL; 100-1000 μL
Oil-immersion objective C-Apochromat 40×/1.2 NA W Korr  (in LSM 880) Carl Zeiss 421767-9971-790
Power-Tau 152 module with the detector HPM-100-40 Becker&Hickl GmbH
SPCImage software Becker & Hickl GmbH SPC 9.8; SPCImage 8.3
ZEN software Carl Zeiss ZEN 2.1 SP3 (black), Version
5-fluorouracil Medac GmbH 3728044
DMEM Gibco, Life Technologies 31885023
DMSO PanEco F135
FBS Hyclone A3160801
FluoroBright DMEM Gibco, Life Technologies A1896701
Hank’s solution without Ca2+/Mg2+ Gibco, Life Technologies 14175
l-Glutamine PanEco F032
Mammalian cells HCT116, CT26, HeLa Kyoto, huFB
Molecular rotor BODIPY 2 Synthesized and Supplied by Marina Kuimova Group, Imperial College London
Penicillin/streptomycin PanEco A065
Tissue culture dish with cover glass-bottom FluoroDishes World Precision Instruments, Inc
Trypsin- EDTA 0.25% PanEco P034
Versen buffer PanEco R080p


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Shimolina, L., Lukina, M., Shcheslavskiy, V., Elagin, V., Dudenkova, V., Ignatova, N., Kuimova, M. K., Shirmanova, M. Probing Metabolism and Viscosity of Cancer Cells using Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy. J. Vis. Exp. (173), e62708, doi:10.3791/62708 (2021).

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