

Published: January 05, 2022









記載されているすべての手順は、コールドスプリングハーバー研究所外科ガイドラインに従って行われ、コールドスプリングハーバー研究所の施設動物ケアおよび使用委員会によって承認されていました。 1.シリコンウィンドウを鋳造する シリコーンポリマー(PDMS)を調製するには、ベースエラストマーと硬化剤を10:1(v/v)の比率で混合します。 <li…

Representative Results





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レーザーカットされたステンレス鋼グリッドの設計と最適化におけるロブ・アイファートの支援に感謝します。この研究は、CSHLがんセンター(P30-CA045508)および国立衛生研究所(NIH)からのM.E.のための資金(1R01CA2374135および5P01CA013106-49)によって支援された。CSHLとノースウェルヘルス;トンプソン家族財団;アメリカ全土を泳ぐ。サイモンズ財団からCSHLへの助成金。M.S.は、一般医科学研究所医学者養成プログラム研修賞(T32-GM008444)およびNIH国立がん研究所(受賞番号1F30CA253993-01)の支援を受けました。L.M.はジェームズ・S・マクドネル財団のポスドク・フェローシップの支援を受けています。J.M.A.は、がん研究所/アービントン・ポスドク・フェローシップ(CRI賞#3435)の受賞者です。D.A.T.は、Lustgarten Foundation Dedicated Laboratory for Pancreatic Cancer ResearchとThompson Family Foundationの支援を受けています。漫画は で作成されました。


3M Medipore Soft Cloth Surgical Tape 3M 70200770819
Silk suture 4-0 PERMA HAND BLACK 1 x 18" RB-2 Ethicon  N267H
ACTB-ECFP mice Jackson Laboratory 22974
AEC Substrate Kit, Peroxidase (HRP), (3-amino-9-ethylcarbazole) Vector Laboratories  SK-4200
Alcohol swabs BD  326895
Anesthesia system Molecular Imaging Products Co.
Acqknowledge software and sensors  BIOPAC ACK100W, ACK100M, TSD110
Betadine spray  LORIS 109-08
c-fms-EGFP (MacGreen) mice Jackson Laboratory 18549
C57BL/6J mice Jackson Laboratory 664
CD45 Monoclonal Antibody (30-F11) Invitrogen 14-0451-82
CD68 Antibody Abcam ab125212
Curity gauze sponges  Covidien
Donkey Anti-Goat IgG H&L (HRP)  Abcam ab6885
Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG H&L (HRP)  Abcam ab97064
Donkey Anti-Rat IgG H&L (HRP)  Abcam ab102182
Dow SYLGARD 184 Silicone Encapsulant Clear Electron Microscopy Sciences 24236-10 Two-part, 10:1 mixing ratio
Round Cover Glass, 8mm Diameter, #1.5 Thickness  Electron Microscopy Sciences 72296-08
Ender-3 Pro 3D printer Shenzhen Creality 3D Technology Co., LTD
Far Infrared Heated blanket Kent Scientific RT-0520
Fc Receptor Blocker Innovex Biosciences NB309
Fiji imaging processing package
FluoroSpheres carboxylate, 0.04µm, yellow-green (505/515) Invitrogen F8795
Gating system: BIOPAC Systems Inc. The components together allow monitoring mouse vitals during imaging and gating image acquisition on mouse respiration. All were acquired from BIOPAC systems.
Acqknowledge software  ACK100W, ACK100M
Diff. Amp. Module, C Series  DA100C
Dual Gating Sys small animal DTU200 
MP160 for Windows – Analysis system MP160WSW 
MouseOx Plus 120V  MOX-120V;015000 
Pressure Pad  TSD110 
Gelfoam Pfizer 9031508 Absorbable gelatin sponge
Hardened fine scissors Fine Science Tools 14090-11 Two pairs; stainless steel, sharp-sharp
tips, straight tip, 26 mm
cutting edge, 11 cm length
Human/Mouse Myeloperoxidase/MPO Antibody R&D Systems AF3667
Hot bead sterilizer Fine Science Tools 18000-45 Turn on approximately 30 min
before use; sterilize tools at >200
°C for 30 s
Imaris  Bitplane
Immersion medium Immersol W 2010 Zeiss 444969-0000-000 
Insulin Syringes with BD Ultra-Fine needle 6mm x 31G 1 mL/cc BD 324912
Isoflurane (Fluriso) VetOne 502017
Lycopersicon Esculentum (Tomato) Lectin (LEL, TL), DyLight® 594 Vector Laboratories  DL-1177-1
LysM-eGFP mice 012039-MU
Micro dissecting forceps Roboz RS-5135 Serrated, slight curve, 0.8 mm tip width; 4" length
Micro dissecting forceps Roboz RS-5153 1 x 2 teeth, slight curve, 0.8 mm tip
width, 4" length
MTS MiniBionix II 808 MTS Systems Servohydraulic material testing machine
Neutrophil Elastase 680 FAST probe PerkinElmer NEV11169
Nitrogen General Welding Supply Corp.
Oxygen General Welding Supply Corp.
Polylactic acid filament Hatchbox 1.75 mm diameter
ProLong Diamond Antifade Mountant Invitrogen P36970
Puralube ophthalmic ointment Dechra  NDC17033-211-38
Reflex 7 wound clips Roboz Surgical RS-9255
Stainless steel grid Fotofab One grid is 0.200 inches in diameter, with a total of 52 individual grid squares that are 0.016 x 0.016 inches. There is 0.003 inches of space between each square.  
Surface Treated SterileTissue Culture Plates Fisher Scientific FB012929 Lid used as curing surface for imaging windows
TriM Scope Multiphoton Microscope  LaVision BioTec Imaging was done on an upright 2-photon microscope (Trimscope, LaVision BioTec) equipped with two Ti:Sapphire lasers (Mai Tai and InSight, Spectra-Physics) and an optical parametric oscillator. The following Longpass Dichroic Beamsplitters (Chroma) were used to direct the signal towards four photomultipler tubes:
Vetbond 3M 70200742529
VWR micro cover glass VWR 48404-453


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Cite This Article
Maiorino, L., Shevik, M., Adrover, J. M., Han, X., Georgas, E., Wilkinson, J. E., Seidner, H., Foerschner, L., Tuveson, D. A., Qin, Y., Egeblad, M. Longitudinal Intravital Imaging Through Clear Silicone Windows. J. Vis. Exp. (179), e62757, doi:10.3791/62757 (2022).

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