
Preparation of Matcha Fresh Noodles with Stable Color using Embedding Method and Microwave Treatment

Published: July 26, 2024


The protocol describes a method for embedding matcha with whey protein and carboxymethyl chitosan and microwave-treating wheat flour to obtain color-stable matcha fresh noodles.


Matcha, as a healthy food additive, has been widely utilized in traditional foods such as noodles, cookies, and bread. However, there are several challenges that must be addressed in the quality of matcha-incorporated foods, with the most significant being the prevention of matcha discoloration. In this study, we introduce a novel approach involving the incorporation of matcha with whey protein (0.08 g/mL) and carboxymethyl chitosan (0.04 g/mL), accompanied by microwave treatment at 700 W for 60 s of wheat flour to produce color-stable matcha fresh noodles. All steps involved in the production process of matcha fresh noodles are presented in the article, including matcha embedding treatment, microwave treatment of wheat flour, kneading the dough, leaving to prove, dividing the dough, rolling out the dough and slicing the sheets by noodle press. The findings revealed a 72.13% reduction in discoloration of fresh matcha noodles following embedding and microwave treatment, compared to untreated fresh matcha noodles. Moreover, the combined process did not have any detrimental impact on the sensory attributes of matcha noodles, including their aroma and taste. Therefore, the novel method proposed in this study holds significant potential for enhancing the color stability of fresh matcha noodles during preparation.


Noodles are a staple of traditional grain-based cuisine in China, with approximately 40% of the wheat production in Asian countries being utilized for noodle processing1. Nevertheless, the basic nutritional component of wheat flour is insufficient to satisfy the increasing nutritional needs of consumers. Therefore, several investigators have opted to replace a portion of the wheat flour in noodles with alternative natural ingredients, such as oat bran2, milk protein3, sweet potato4, and citrus maxima5, in order to enhance the nutritional and functional qualities of the noodles. Matcha is an abundant bioactive compound possessing antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which have the potential to mitigate the risk of cardiovascular disease and prevent chronic illnesses6. Consequently, there has been a burgeoning interest in investigating the integration of matcha into traditional culinary fare, including Chinese steamed bread, rice cake, and particularly fresh noodles.

However, fresh noodles are prone to time-dependent darkening, leading to unfavorable changes in the visual appearance of the product, which poses a significant challenge to the storage of fresh noodles7. It is widely agreed that the discoloration observed during the storage of fresh noodles is mainly caused by the presence of polyphenol oxidase (PPO)7,8. Additionally, it was indicated that the soluble protein fraction is involved in the process of non-polyphenol oxidase (non-PPO) darkening9. Extensive efforts have been devoted in recent years to mitigate the darkening of PPO during storage. Previous studies have suggested that acid inhibitors and heat treatment applied to raw noodles could effectively achieve this objective by denaturing proteins and consequently inhibiting enzyme activity10,11. Chlorophyll is susceptible to changes in pH, temperature, and heat, and the vibrant green hue of green tea noodles is primarily attributed to chlorophyll10. It is evident that there are limitations in effectively controlling the color of green tea noodles through the direct addition of acid inhibitors and heat treatment.

In addition to the thermal processing of wheat flour, the preservation of chlorophyll in matcha noodles is a critical factor to consider. Several methods have been proposed to prolong the storage time of chlorophyll and preserve its pigment, including the use of alkalinizing agents, copper complexations, and low-temperature storage12. Unfortunately, the majority of processes necessitate a pH level close to nature in order to reduce the occurrence of unfavorable chemical reactions. The stability concern may be potentially mitigated by the copper complex of chlorophyll derivatives, which exhibit a green color reminiscent of natural chlorophyll. However, individuals exhibit a preference for natural chlorophyll over artificial colors. Microencapsulation techniques have emerged as a viable solution to the challenge of improving bioactive compounds' stability by providing barriers against environmental conditions such as oxygen, pH, ionic strength, and temperature13,14,15. Until now, tea extract, catechins, and chlorophyll have been continuously studied for their stability and controlled release properties when embedded in different wall materials14. However, the incorporation of microcapsules into noodles has not yet been proposed15.

In this study, we described a method that embeds matcha with whey protein and carboxymethyl chitosan and microwave-treating wheat flour to obtain color-stable matcha fresh noodles. The addition of microencapsulated bioactive compounds to food facilitates the creation of novel functional food products while preserving the inherent qualitative attributes. We present the results obtained using this processing protocol to investigate alterations in color values of matcha noodles following storage. The specific objective of the study was to determine the optimal approach for preparing matcha noodles that demonstrate both exceptional color and flavor.


1. Production of matcha-embedded suspension Place 4 g of carboxymethyl chitosan (see Table of Materials) in 100 mL of distilled water to prepare a 0.04 g/mL of carboxymethyl chitosan stock solution. To dissolve carboxymethyl chitosan heat to 60 °C on constant temperature heating magnetic stirrer. Dissolve 4 g of whey protein (see Table of Materials) in 50 mL of distilled water to prepare a 0.08 g/mL of whey protein stock solution. Aft…

Representative Results

This protocol allowed for the sensory and physical property analysis of processed matcha-incorporated foods and noodles, beginning with matcha treatment and continuing through the intermediate stages of processing to the final product. This protocol was coupled with embedding and microwave to produce matcha noodles (Figure 3). The fresh noodles with unencapsulated matcha, with embedded matcha and microwave treatment, and without any matcha were marked as M-Noodles, ME-Noodle…


Compared to instant noodles, fine-dried noodles, and other similar products, fresh noodles have a greater capacity to preserve their original taste and flavor, making them highly promising in the market. A previous study has shown that green tea could enhance the overall quality of fresh noodles to a certain degree16. Therefore, incorporating tea into the flour product system of fresh noodles aims to prioritize both high quality and health benefits, in line with the contemporary trend of promoting…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This research was supported by CARS-tea and the Innovation Project for the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS-ASTIP-TRI).


Carboxymethyl chitosan Mackin
Colorimeter 3nh NH-300+
Dough mixer ACA AM-CG108
Freezer Haier BCD-252KS
Heating magnetic stirrer Yuhua DF-101S
Magnetic stirrer Keezo KMS-521D
Matcha Jinhua Feicui
Microwave Panasonic NN-GF351X
NaCl China National Salt Industry Corporation
Noodle maker Tianxi JCD-10
Texture analyzer Lotun Science TA-XT plus
Wheat flour Queen
Whey protein Yuanye


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Wang, Y., Zou, C., Yin, J. Preparation of Matcha Fresh Noodles with Stable Color using Embedding Method and Microwave Treatment. J. Vis. Exp. (209), e67074, doi:10.3791/67074 (2024).

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