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Chapter 3
Consumer Behaviour

Needs, Wants, Desires
Needs are the basic, often essential, requirements for survival and well-being. These are fundamental necessities an individual must have to live a…
Consumer Decision Process
The Consumer Decision Process represents the steps individuals undergo when purchasing or choosing a consumption. It encompasses several stages, each…
Factors Affecting Consumer Decision Process - Overview
Consumer decision-making is a complex process shaped by a myriad of influences. These influences can be broadly categorized into cultural, social,…
Factors Affecting Consumer Decision Process - Cultural
The impact of culture on consumer behavior and decision-making processes is a critical aspect of marketing and business strategies. Culture,…
Examples of cultural factors influencing consumer behavior
Culture molds consumer behavior by shaping perceptions, influencing preferences, guiding interpretations of marketing messages, and impacting the…
Factors Affecting Consumer Decision Process - Social
Individuals are inherently social beings influenced by their interactions with others and the broader societal context. Several social factors…
Factors Affecting Consumer Decision Process - Personal
Personal factors are individual characteristics and traits that influence consumer behavior. These factors are unique to each person and can…
Factors Affecting Consumer Decision Process - Psychological
Psychological factors delve into individuals' mental and emotional processes when making purchasing decisions. Understanding these psychological…
Buying Behavior
Assael's Consumer Buying Behavior model, by Henry Assael, categorizes consumer buying behavior into four types based on involvement and…
Buying Behavior for a new product
The buying behavior of a new product differs from that of an existing one primarily due to novelty, risk, and familiarity factors. They may rely more…
Learning Model
The Learning Model of Consumer Behavior suggests that consumer choices and preferences evolve through experience and learning. Individuals acquire…
Psychoanalytic Model
The Psychoanalytic Model of Consumer Behavior, rooted in Sigmund Freud's theories, delves into the subconscious motivations driving consumer…
Sociological Model
The Sociological Model of Consumer Behavior emphasizes the impact of social influences on individuals' purchasing decisions. It posits that…
Economic Model
The Economic Model of Consumer Behavior centers on rational decision-making driven by utility maximization within budget constraints. It assumes that…
Engel-Kollat-Blackwell (EKB) Model
The Engel-Kollat-Blackwell (EKB) Model of Consumer Behavior, developed in the 1960s, offers a comprehensive framework to understand the complex…
Black Box Model
The Black Box Model of Consumer Behavior conceptualizes the decision-making process as a "black box" where inputs (stimuli) lead to outputs…
Hawkins Stern Impulse Buying Model
The Hawkins Stern Impulse Buying Model focuses on unplanned or impulse purchases, outlining the process through four key stages. First, there is an…
Howard Sheth Model
The Howard Sheth Model of Consumer Behavior is grounded in several fundamental principles and assumptions. It recognizes that consumer…
Howard Sheth Model - Variables
The Howard Sheth Model of Consumer Behavior, developed by John Howard and Jagdish Sheth, presents a comprehensive framework that explores the…
Customer Loyalty
Customer loyalty refers to the consistent and sustained preference, trust, and repeat business that a customer demonstrates towards a particular…
Customer Lifetime Value
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is a metric that quantifies the total revenue a business expects to earn from a customer throughout their entire…
Gathering Customer Insights
Gathering customer insights is a multifaceted process aimed at comprehending the intricacies of customer behavior and preferences. It employs various…
Types of Customers
Customers exhibit diverse behaviors and characteristics, allowing businesses to classify them into distinct types. One crucial categorization is…
Types of Customer Relationships
The customer relationship pyramid outlines various levels of engagement and connection between a business and its customers, ranging from basic…

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