

Published: November 23, 2016


Many predicted (phospho)lipases are poorly characterized with regard to their substrate specificities and physiological functions. Here we provide a protocol to optimize enzyme activities, search for natural substrates, and propose physiological functions for these enzymes.





由于它们的两亲性质及其近圆筒状的形状,(甘油)磷脂展览成膜性,通常构成了双层膜3的主要类脂组分。在简单的微生物,如细菌大肠杆菌中,只有三个主要头组的变体,磷脂酰甘油(PG),心磷脂(CL),和phosphatidylethanolamine(PE)遇到,尽管人们应该知道,他们中的每一个都可以用在sn相当数量的不同脂肪酰基链的-1或SN -2位置引起大量不同分子种类4的被取代。其他细菌可能具有除了或代替其他磷脂。例如, 苜蓿中华根瘤菌 ,土壤细菌,其能够形成与豆科苜蓿( 紫花苜蓿 )一个固氮根瘤共生,包含除了PE的第二两性离子磷脂,磷脂酰胆碱(PC),5。另外,不含有脂质磷或甘油可能是细胞膜的两亲性并形成部分。例如,在磷限制生长条件下,在S根瘤菌 ,(甘油)磷脂主要由膜脂质不包含磷, 即,硫脂,鸟氨酸脂质和diacylglyceryl trimethylho取代moserine(DGTS)6。在细菌中,DGTS从二酰甘油(DAG)在一个两步通路7形成,但是对于DAG生成源不明确。脉冲追踪实验表明个人电脑可能是DGTS 8的前体,并使用在这个手稿,我们可以识别磷脂酶C(PLCP,SMc00171)中描述的方法,该方法是磷限制性的条件下形成并且可PC转换为DAG和磷酸8。

在另一项研究中,我们发现,酰基-CoA合成酶(FADD)S的缺陷型突变体进入生长9的固定相时的根瘤菌大肠杆菌积累游离脂肪酸。尽管这些脂肪酸似乎是从膜脂质衍生自游离脂肪酸或解放出来的酶的确切来源没有已知的。再次,采用的策略在这个手稿概述,二patatin启动类10(磷)的脂肪酶(SMc00930和SMc01003),该对S中形成的游离脂肪酸贡献根瘤菌 11进行了预测。令人惊讶地,SMc01003使用的DAG作为底物将其转换为单酰甘油和最后甘油和游离脂肪酸11。因此,SMc01003是DAG脂肪酶(DGLA)。



1.克隆和过度表达结构基因的脂肪酶预测使用聚合酶链反应(PCR)14和特异性寡核苷酸( 表1)15,扩增感兴趣(smc01003,smc00930或smc00171)的基因,预测为脂肪酶编码或磷脂酶,从宿主生物的基因组DNA( 即, 苜蓿根瘤菌 )。 引入特定的限制性位点(有寡核苷酸的设计的序列)。消化与相应的限制性内切酶的扩增的DNA片段…

Representative Results

PC专用磷脂酶C SMc00171的活性的双- 对 硝基苯磷酸酯 从大肠杆菌获得的无细胞提取物大肠杆菌 BL21(DE3)×pLysS中,其中有smc00171表达,进行了研究它们对水解二- 对硝基苯基磷酸酯的能力,使用分光光度酶促测定法中,测量形成p -NP。没有水解活性是?…




The authors have nothing to disclose.


这项工作是由(在InvestigaciónCientíficaBASICA在Investigación连接国界德拉西恩西亚82614,153998,253549和178359以及118),并从提高妇女地位总署德从理事会全国国立科学城ŸTECNOLOGIA – 墨西哥(国家科学技术委员会和墨西哥)资助项目Asuntos去个人Académico-国立自治大学墨西哥(DGAPA,墨西哥国立自治大学; PAPIIT IN202616,IN203612)。


Chloroform JT Baker 9180-03 TLC analysis & Lipid extraction
Methanol JT Baker 9070-03 TLC analysis & Lipid extraction
Acetic Acid JT Baker 9507-05 TLC analysis & Lipid extraction
Hexanes JT Baker 9309-02 TLC analysis & Lipid extraction
Diethylether Sigma 32203 Enzymatic assays
bidistilled water  ANY  NA Enzymatic assays
Tris Base Sigma T-1503 Enzymatic assays
HCl Baker 9535-02 Enzymatic assays
NaCl Baker 3624-01 Enzymatic assays
Triton X-100 Sigma X-100 Enzymatic assays
LB broth ANY NA Bacterial growth, 10g tryptone + 5g yeast extract + 10g NaCl per liter of bidistilled water
tryptone Becton Dickinson and Company 211705 Bacterial growth
yeast extract Becton Dickinson and Company 212750 Bacterial growth
TY broth ANY NA Bacterial growth, 8g tryptone + 3g yeast extract + 66mg CaCl2 2 H20 per liter of bidistilled water
CaCl2 2 H2O Baker 1332-01 Enzymatic assays
isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactoside (IPTG) Invitrogen 15529-019 Bacterial growth
Diethanolamine Sigma D-8885 Enzymatic assays
MnCl2 Sigma 221279 Enzymatic assays
Phospholipase A2 snake venom Sigma P0790 Enzymatic assays
Phospholipase C Clostridium perfingrens Sigma P7633 Enzymatic assays
Bis-p-nitrophenyl phosphate Sigma 07422AH Enzymatic assays
p-nitrophenyl stearate Sigma N3627 Enzymatic assays
p-nitrophenyl dodecanoate Sigma 61716 Enzymatic assays
p-nitrophenyl decanoate Sigma N0252 Enzymatic assays
p-nitrophenyl palmitate Sigma N2752 Enzymatic assays
p-nitrophenyl butyrate Sigma N9876 Enzymatic assays
p-nitrophenyl octanoate Sigma 21742 Enzymatic assays
Acetic Acid, sodium salt [1-14C] Perkin Elmer NEC084 Bacterial growth
dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) JT Baker 9224-01 Enzymatic assays
Aluminium HPTLC silica gel 60 plates. Silica gel HPTLC plates size 20 x 20 cm, 25 sheets. Merck 105547 TLC analysis & Lipid extraction
Spectrometer UV/VIS Lambda 35 Perkin Elmer NA Enzymatic assays
Storm 820 Phosphorimager Molecular Dynamics NA Photostimulable Luminescence scanner 
Multipurpose Scintillation Counter Beckman Coulter NA Radioactivity Quantification
French Pressure Cell ThermoSpectronic NA  Breakage of cells
chromatography paper 3MM Chr Whatman 3030917 TLC analysis
Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021our reference 34 studied strain
Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) pLysS Competent cells Novagen 69451 protein expression strain
pET9a vector Novagen 69431 protein expression vector
pET17b vector Novagen 69663 protein expression vector
sterile polystyrene round-bottom tube (14 ml) Falcon Becton Dickinson 352057 radiolabeling of bacterial cultures
polypropylene microcentrifuge tubes (1.5 ml) Eppendorf 30125.15 Enzymatic assays
1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycerol Sigma D9135 lipid standard
L-α-phosphatidylcholine, dipalmitoyl Sigma P6267 lipid standard
DL-α-monopalmitin Sigma M1640 lipid standard
palmitic acid Sigma P0500 lipid standard


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Citar este artigo
Sahonero-Canavesi, D. X., Zavaleta-Pastor, M., Martínez-Aguilar, L., López-Lara, I. M., Geiger, O. Defining Substrate Specificities for Lipase and Phospholipase Candidates. J. Vis. Exp. (117), e54613, doi:10.3791/54613 (2016).

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