
Assays for Studying the Role of Vitronectin in Bacterial Adhesion and Serum Resistance

Published: October 16, 2018


This report describes protocols for characterizing interactions between bacterial outer membrane proteins and the human complement regulator vitronectin. The protocols can be used to study the binding reactions and biological function of vitronectin in any bacterial species.


Bacteria utilize complement regulators as a means of evading the host immune response. Here, we describe protocols for evaluating the role vitronectin acquisition at the bacterial cell surface plays in resistance to the host immune system. Flow cytometry experiments identified human plasma vitronectin as a ligand for the bacterial receptor outer membrane protein H of Haemophilus influenzae type f. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was employed to characterize the protein-protein interactions between purified recombinant protein H and vitronectin, and binding affinity was assessed using bio-layer interferometry. The biological importance of the binding of vitronectin to protein H at the bacterial cell surface in evasion of the host immune response was confirmed using a serum resistance assay with normal and vitronectin-depleted human serum. The importance of vitronectin in bacterial adherence was analyzed using glass slides with and without vitronectin coating, followed by Gram staining. Finally, bacterial adhesion to human alveolar epithelial cell monolayers was investigated. The protocols described here can be easily adapted to the study of any bacterial species of interest.


Vitronectin (Vn) is an important human glycoprotein involved in maintaining homeostasis via regulation of the fibrinolytic system. Vn also functions as a complement regulator by inhibiting the terminal complement pathway during C5b6-7 complex formation and C9 polymerization. Several bacterial pathogens have been shown to recruit Vn to the cell surface as a means of resisting complement deposition1,2,3. In addition, Vn functions as a "sandwich" molecule between bacteria and host epithelial cell receptors, thereby promoting adherence and internalization of pathogens2,4,5. Binding of Vn to the bacterial cell surface is mediated by other currently unidentified proteins. Fully elucidating the functional role of Vn-binding in evasion of the hose immune response will therefore require identification of Vn-recruiting proteins.

The initial step in identifying Vn-binding proteins is to test whether a pathogen of interest can bind purified Vn. Flow cytometry is a convenient and straightforward method to determine whether Vn is bound to pathogen cells. In this study, we assessed the binding of Vn to various Haemophilus influenzae type f (Hif) clinical isolates6. The method described herein is quantitative and can be used to distinguish the binding capacity of a wide variety of bacterial strains. In a previous study, we characterized protein H (PH) of Hif as a Vn-binding protein7. Therefore, in the present study, the Vn-binding potential of wild-type (WT) Hif and Hif M10Δlph mutants were compared using the described protocols.

Once it is determined that a pathogen binds Vn, the second step is to characterize the surface proteome in order to identify potential Vn-binding proteins. A variety of approaches can be used for this purpose8,9, but these methodologies are not described in this report. The method most suitable for examining protein-protein interactions is to recombinantly express selected bacterial surface proteins in E. coli and purify by affinity chromatography. Here, we use PH and its molecular interaction with Vn to illustrate the method. Interactions between recombinant PH and Vn were characterized using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)7 and a recently developed label-free technique known as bio-layer interferometry (BLI)10,11. Whereas ELISAs can be used to confirm protein-protein interactions, BLI provides detailed data regarding the kinetic parameters of the interactions.

To study the functional role of Vn in bacterial adherence, two different assays can be utilized. The first assay described here is direct measurement of bacterial adherence to Vn-coated glass surfaces, whereas the second assay examines adherence to the surface of epithelial cells. For the first assay, glass slides were coated with Vn, and the binding of WT or mutant Hif strains was assessed by Gram-stain and microscopy. This technique readily distinguishes bacteria based on the ability to bind Vn12. Bacterial adhesion to mammalian cells was then analyzed by adding cultured bacteria onto a monolayer of type II alveolar epithelial cells; bacterial attachment was assessed by counting the number of colony-forming units (CFUs). Adhered and internalized bacteria can be distinguished in the presence or absence of Vn4,13.

The role of Vn acquisition in bacterial serum resistance was evaluated using a serum killing assay (i.e., serum bactericidal activity). To assess the significance of Vn acquisition in serum resistance, the bactericidal activity of Vn-depleted serum (VDS) was compared with that of normal human serum (NHS). The method used readily distinguishes Vn-binding versus non-binding bacteria based on serum resistance. We used this method to study the role of Vn in the serum resistance of several bacterial pathogens4,12.

Numerous methods have been reported for studying host-pathogen interactions. Here, we describe a set of protocols that can be easily adapted to the study of any pathogen in order to assess the role of Vn in pathogenesis. We tested these protocols using various pathogens, and Hif was chosen as an example for this report.


1. Analysis of Vn as a Bacterial Surface Protein Ligand Detection of Vn-binding at the bacterial surface using flow cytometry NOTE: In flow cytometry, we used side scatter and forward scatter to gate positive events. To examine the interactions with Vn, Hif clinical isolates (n=10)7 were selected together with E. coli BL21 (DE3) as a negative control (Figure 1A). Culture Hif clinical isolates in…

Representative Results

Vn-binding to the surface of bacteria was determined by flow cytometry. All Hif clinical isolates tested in this study recruited Vn to the cell surface. No interaction of Vn with the cell surface was observed for the E. coli negative control strain (Figure 1A). As shown in Figure 1B, PH is a major Vn-binding protein on the surface of Hif cells. Binding of Vn by the WT Hif strain M10 caus…


Bacterial pathogens recruit Vn to the cell surface and utilize this complement regulator to prevent the deposition of complement factors and completion of the membrane attack complex2. Vn also functions as a bridge molecule between bacterial surface proteins and host cell surface receptors, thus enabling pathogens to adhere to the surface of epithelial cells and subsequently mediate internalization. In this study, we describe protocols that can be used to estimate i) binding of Vn to the surface o…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was supported by grants from the Foundation of Anna and Edwin Berger, Lars Hierta, the O.E. and Edla Johansson Foundation, the Swedish Medical Research Council (grant number K2015-57X-03163-43-4,, the Cancer Foundation at the University Hospital in Malmö, the Physiographical Society (Forssman's Foundation), and the Skåne County Council's Research and Development Foundation.


1.5 mL thermomixter Eppendorf 5355 dry block heating and cooling shaker
5 mL polystyrene round-bottom tube  BD Falcon 60819-138 12 × 75 mm style
5% CO2 supplied incubator  Thermo Scientific  BBD6220
6 mL polystyrene round-bottom tube  VWR 89000-478 12 × 75 mm style with cap
24-well plates BD Falcon 08-772-1H Cell culture grade
30% Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) solution Sigma-Aldrich H1009-100ML Laboratory analysis grade
75 cm2 tissue culture flask BD Falcon BD353136 Vented
96 well black flat bottom plate Greiner Bio-One 655090 Tissue culture treated µClear black plates
A549 Cell Line human Sigma-Aldrich 86012804-1VL
Cell detachment enzyme (Accutase)  Sigma-Aldrich A6964-500ML Cell Culture Grade
AR2G sensors Pall Life Science 18-5095 Sensor to immobilized protein by amino coupling 
Acetone VWR 97064-786 Analysis grade
Bovine Serum Albumins (BSA) Sigma-Aldrich A2058 Suitable for cell culture
Bibulous paper  VWR 28511-007
Bio-layer interferometer Pall Life Science FB-50258 Bilayer interferometry measuring equipment
Crystal violet solution Sigma-Aldrich HT90132-1L
C4BP (C4b binding protein) Complement Technology, Inc. A109 Bought as Frozen liquid form
Calcium chloride (CaCl2) Sigma-Aldrich C5670-500G
Carbol-fuchsin solution Sigma-Aldrich HT8018-250ML
Citric acid Sigma-Aldrich 251275-500G American Chemical Society (ACS) grade
Decolorizing solution Sigma-Aldrich 75482-250ML-F
E. coli host (E. Coli BL21) Novagen 69450-3 Protein expression host
F12 medium Sigma-Aldrich D6421 Cell Culture Grade
Flow cytometer  BD Biosciences 651154 Cell analysis grade for research applications 
Fetal Calf Serum (FCS) Sigma-Aldrich 12003C Suitable for cell culture
Normal human serum (NHS) Complement Technology, Inc. NHS Pooled human serum
FITC-conjugated donkey anti-sheep antibodies  AbD Serotec STAR88F Polyclonal
Gentamicin Sigma-Aldrich G1397 Cell culture grade
Glucose Sigma-Aldrich G8270-1KG
Gelatin Sigma-Aldrich G9391 Suitable for cell culture
Hemocytometer Marienfeld 640210
HRP-conjugated anti-His tag antibodies Abcam ab1269 Polyclonal
Human factor H Complement Technology, Inc. A137 Bought as Frozen liquid form
C4BP Complement Technology, Inc. A109 Frozen solution
Human serum albumin Sigma-Aldrich A1653-10G lyophilized powder
Histidine affinity resin column (HisTrap HP) GE Health Care Life Science 17-5247-01 Columns prepacked with Ni Sepharose
His-tagged PH Recombinantly expressed and purified in our lab
Iodine solution Sigma-Aldrich HT902-8FOZ
Methanol VWR BDH1135-1LP Analysis grade
 Microscope Olympus IX73 Inverted microscope
Microscope slides Sigma-Aldrich S8902 plain, size 25 mm × 75 mm 
Magnesium chloride (MgCl2) Sigma-Aldrich M8266-1KG
Plasmid containg C terminal 6x His-tag on the backbone (pET26(b)) Novagen 69862-3 DNA vector
Polysorb microtitre plates  Sigma-Aldrich M9410 For ELISA
Potassium hydroxide (KOH) Sigma-Aldrich 6009 American Chemical Society (ACS) grade
Sheep anti-human Vn antibodies AbD Serotec AHP396 Polyclonal
Shaker  Stuart Scientific STR6 Platform shaker
Tissue culture flask BD Falcon 3175167 75 cm2
 Thermomixer  Sigma-Aldrich T3317 Dry block heating and cooling shaker
Tetramethylbenzidine Sigma-Aldrich 860336-100MG ELISA grade
Vitronectin (Vn) from human plasma Sigma-Aldrich V8379-50UG cell culture grade


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Citar este artigo
Singh, B., Mostajeran, M., Su, Y., Al-Jubair, T., Riesbeck, K. Assays for Studying the Role of Vitronectin in Bacterial Adhesion and Serum Resistance. J. Vis. Exp. (140), e54653, doi:10.3791/54653 (2018).

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