
Production of Humanized Mouse via Thymic Renal Capsule Grafting, CD34+ Cells Injection, and Cytokine Delivery

Published: September 27, 2021


Humanized mouse models provide a more accurate representation of the human immune microenvironment. This manuscript describes the process in which these models are created through a renal graft of human thymus, injection of human CD34+ cells, and the targeted delivery of human cytokine transgenes to promote CD34+ cell proliferation and differentiation.


Animal models provide a vital translation between in vitro and in vivo biomedical research. Humanized mouse models provide a bridge in the representation of human systems, thereby allowing for a more accurate study of pathogenesis, biomarkers, and many other scientific queries. In this method described, immune-deficient NOD-scid IL2Rγnull (NSG) mice are implanted with autologous thymus, injected with liver-derived CD34+ cells followed by a series of injected cytokine deliveries. In contrast to other models of a similar nature, the model described here promotes an improved reconstitution of immune cells by delivering cytokines and growth factors via transgenes encoded in AAV8 or pMV101 DNA-based vectors. Moreover, it offers long-term stability with reconstituted mice having an average lifespan of 30 weeks after CD34+ injections. Through this model, we hope to provide a stable and impactful method of studying immunotherapy and human disease in a murine model, thus demonstrating the need for predictive preclinical models.


While animal models have created a deeper understanding of cellular and molecular systems, the challenge remains in elucidating the intricacies of species-specific systems, such as immunity, physiology, and other areas of pathology. Non-human primates (NHP), such as chimpanzees, have historically been used to compensate for the wanting gaps in model research; however, the NHP model can be quite costly and inaccessible, particularly as their use has been banned in Europe1.

Following a successful grafting procedure, the murine system replicates the human immune system, as demonstrated through the repopulation of the lymphoid organs. The development of mice with functional human immune systems provides the opportunity to conduct translational research on human immunity in a variety of contexts. Immunodeficient mice engrafted with human cells and tissues that can successfully replicate an operative human immune system facilitate the study of hematopoiesis, immunity, gene therapy2, infectious diseases3, cancer4, and regenerative medicine5. Our group and some of our collaborators have published results using this model that demonstrates preclinical models of cutaneous melanoma6. This model is versatile enough to be applied to innumerable fields beyond the context of melanoma and immunotherapy research.

Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) are commonly used for humanization as they result in robust reconstitution of T cells, which have established roles in immune tolerance; however, because of their low rate of self-renewal and their high rate of mature lineage-committed cells, PBMCs are often replaced with human-stem-cell (HSC)-based products, which can be derived from fetal liver7. In combination with these derived HSC products, the addition of implanting the human thymus under the kidney capsules of NSG mice creates a system capable of supporting human T cell development. This model, known as the bone marrow-liver-thymus (BLT), is highly advantageous because it allows for multilineage hematopoiesis, T-cell education in the autologous thymus, and HLA restriction8.

The model proposed in this manuscript is a modified BLT model with additional cytokine delivery. Proinflammatory cytokines have been shown to bolster the abilities of effector immune cells, specifically through IL-15 based immunotherapies9. CD45+ lymphocytes are observed in the peripheral blood of humanized mice (Hu-mice) approximately 8-12 weeks after human CD34+ cell injection, displaying an evident increase in reconstitution compared to circulating blood of regular NSG mice. Using the Adeno-Associated vector to deliver human IL-3, IL-7, and GM-CSF, the levels of human CD45+ cells increased in circulation compared to those mice that do not receive the cytokines. The addition of the DNA Combo II cytokines (SCF, FLT3, CKIT, and THPO) improves T cells and myeloid cell differentiation10. The addition of cytokine delivery distinguishes this method amongst the other Hu-mice models, as is supported by published data10.

The development of this model with an innate and adaptive human immune response has allowed to publish data regarding therapy resistance and the tumor microenvironment10. Provided laboratories can access tissue samples to utilize this method; this Hu-mice model has great potential for other labs to study similar fields as well as expand into other areas of immunotherapy and preclinical studies.


All protocols involving the use of animals are closely monitored by the Wistar Institute's Institutional Animal Care and User Committee (IACUC). The laboratory adheres to the guidelines set by this committee and the attending veterinarian to ensure the health, safety, and wellbeing of the animals involved. Prior to following this protocol, veterinarian and IACUC approval are required, and individuals may have variations in the specific surgical techniques and animal handling compared to the protocol per the advice of…

Representative Results

Following successful surgery and appropriate postoperative injections, CD34+ differentiation can be confirmed via flow cytometry. Approximately 8 weeks after surgery, mice are bled in preparation for FACS, recurring every 2 weeks until a specific threshold of human immune cells is met as is described previously10. Briefly, 100 mL of blood was collected in blood collection tubes coated with lithium and heparin. After the lysis of red blood cells using ACK lysis buffer, the cells were was…


This manuscript has herein described generating humanized mice via human fetal thymus grafted under the renal capsule and subsequent CD34+ injection to recreate a human immune system.

While the protocol functions to create the best model possible, certain steps are essential to viability. For example, during the CD34+ isolation, it is essential that one looking through the microscope can identify CD34+ cells. Though it may seem redundant, automatic counting mac…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


Thanks to Wistar Flow-Cytometry, Molecular Screening, Vector Core, and Animal Facility for their support. This work was made possible with support from the Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adelson Medical Research Foundation.


ACK lysis buffer Life Technologies Corporation
BD Microcontainer BD blood collection tubes
Busulfan Sigma B2635-25g Irradiating drug; light sensitive
CD34 Microbeads Miltenyi Biotec 130-046-702 antibody beads kit; stored at 4 °C
CKIT Aldevron custom cytokine; stored at -20 °C
Collagenase/Dispase Roche Diagnostics 11097113001 Stored at 4 °C
FcR Blocking reagent Miltenyi Biotec 130-046-702 antibody beads kit; stored at 4 °C
Fetal tissue (liver and thymus) Advanced Bioscience Resources Delivered same day or overnight
Ficoll GE Healthcare 17-1440-03 Stored at room temperature
FLT3 Aldevron 125964 cytokine; stored at -20 °C
Forceps Various Various
Hamilton syringe needle Various Various 22 G; 3 point; 2" length
Hemostats Various Various
MS columns Miltenyi Biotec 130-042-201 magnetic separator
PBS Gibco 14190-136 Stored at room temperature
Primocin Invivogen amt-pm1 antibiotic; stored at 4 °C
RPMI Corning 10-040-CM Stored at 4 °C
SCF Aldevron 125962 cytokine; stored at -20 °C
Surgical scissors Various Various
THPO Aldevron 125963 cytokine; stored at -20 °C
Tissue treated petri dish Corning 430167
VetBond glue 3M 1469SB glue
Visorb suture Stoelting Co 5046 absorbable suture, size 4, 19 mm cutting


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  9. Wege, A. K., et al. IL-15 enhances the anti-tumor activity of trastuzumab against breast cancer cells but causes fatal side effects in humanized tumor mice (HTM). Oncotarget. 8 (2), 2731-2744 (2016).
  10. Somasundaram, R., et al. Tumor-infiltrating mast cells are associated with resistance to anti-PD-1 therapy. Nature Communications. 12 (1), (2021).
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Citar este artigo
Gregorio, E., Ramirez-Salazar, E., DeRosa, K., Choi, R., Li, L., Herlyn, M. Production of Humanized Mouse via Thymic Renal Capsule Grafting, CD34+ Cells Injection, and Cytokine Delivery. J. Vis. Exp. (175), e62906, doi:10.3791/62906 (2021).

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