
Process Evaluation and Kinetics of Recombinant Chitin Deacetylase Expression in E. coli Rosetta pLysS Cells Using a Statistical Technique

Published: March 10, 2023


In the current protocol, a statistical technique, central composite design (CCD), was applied to optimize the process conditions for the expression of recombinant bacterial chitin deacetylase (BaCDA) in E. coli Rosetta pLysS cells. The employment of CCD resulted in a ~2.39-fold increase in the expression and activity of BaCDA.


In recent years, the greener route of the deacetylation of chitin to chitosan using the enzyme chitin deacetylase has gained importance. Enzymatically converted chitosan with emulating characteristics has a broad range of applications, particularly in the biomedical field. Several recombinant chitin deacetylases from various environmental sources have been reported, but there are no studies on process optimization for the production of these recombinant chitin deacetylases. The present study used the central composite design of response surface methodology to maximize the recombinant bacterial chitin deacetylase (BaCDA) production in E. coli Rosetta pLysS. The optimized process conditions were 0.061% glucose concentration, 1% lactose concentration, an incubation temperature of 22 °C, an agitation speed at 128 rpm, and 30 h of fermentation. At optimized conditions, the expression due to lactose induction was initiated after 16 h of fermentation. The maximum expression, biomass, and BaCDA activity were recorded 14 h post-induction. At the optimized condition, the BaCDA activity of expressed BaCDA was increased ~2.39-fold. The process optimization reduced the total fermentation cycle by 22 h and expression time by 10 h post-induction. This is the first study to report the process optimization of recombinant chitin deacetylase expression using a central composite design and its kinetic profiling. Adapting these optimal growth conditions could result in cost-effective, large-scale production of the lesser-explored moneran deacetylase, embarking on a greener route for biomedical-grade chitosan production.


Chitin, a structural β, 1-4 glycosidic linked natural polymer, is the second-most abundant polysaccharide in nature after cellulose. Despite this fact, chitin has limited industrial applications due to its insolubility1. This bottleneck is addressed by subjecting chitin to N-deacetylation, which imparts a positive charge and increases the solubility of the resulting polymer, chitosan1. Chitin can be modified to chitosan through two different routes: chemical and enzymatic. The biomedical application of chitosan requires controlled and defined deacetylation, which is restricted in chemical routes2,3. This limitation can be addressed using chitin deacetylases (CDAs), a green enzymatic approach for the deacetylation process4,5.

Chitin deacetylase belongs to the carbohydrate esterase 4 (CE-4) family, defined in the carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZY) database. The enzymes of the CE-4 family share the NodB homology or polysaccharide deacetylase domain as the conserved region. The central composite design (CCD), a statistical tool, is used for the optimization of several wild-type chitin-modifying enzymes6,7,8,9. However, the downstream steps in the usage of wild-type organisms becomes tedious, hence the shift toward recombinant enzymes10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17. In recent years, halophilic recombinant CDA from marine sources have gained importance due to their ease in the industrial application and production of biomedical-grade chitosan18,19.

Recombinant enzyme production in E. coli has a limitation on the process, and media optimization is needed as its expression in E. coli varies depending on the gene and plasmid used20. Thus, screening of a suitable process and nutrient parameters becomes important. One factor at a time (OFAT), the commonly employed optimization method, requires tremendous resources and time to perform step-by-step experiments. This method suffers from a lack of statistical information regarding the interaction among the parameters20,21,22,23. Therefore, the CCD of response surface methodology (RSM) was adopted to study the halophilic bacterial chitin deacetylase (BaCDA) expression yield and BaCDA activity in E. coli Rosetta pLysS. The parameters considered for expression optimization in the E. coli host were lactose concentration, glucose concentration, incubation temperature, agitation rate, and incubation time. In most E. coli expression studies, Luria Bertani (LB) media with Isopropyl β-d-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) was used as an inducer. This addition of IPTG required regular growth monitoring24. These recurrent mediations during the fermentative process also open avenues for contamination. Hence, research groups have shifted to terrific broth (TB) with lactose as the inducer. The inclusion of lactose in the media instead of IPTG addresses this concern; E. coli consumes this lactose and produces allo-lactose as a by-product, resulting in an auto-induction condition. This auto-inducer media includes glycerol, which has exhibited improved yields of recombinant protein25.  This overexpression of recombinant proteins in TB media was further improved by optimizing the process parameters. In the present study, a central composite design was applied to optimize the heterologous expression of halophilic BaCDA in E. coli Rosetta pLysS cells. The process parameters chosen were incubation temperature, agitation rate, and incubation time, and the nutrient parameters evaluated were glucose and lactose concentration. The halophilic BaCDA expression was evaluated with the predicted optimized condition and cross-validated using SDS-PAGE.


1. Expression media and culture condition Transform the pET-22b vector containing the BaCDA gene into E. coli Rosetta pLysS competent cells using the heat-shock method, as described in15. NOTE: Care has to be taken while working with microorganisms. All microbiological work has to be performed inside a biosafety cabinet hood to avoid contamination. Perform the preliminary expression study in TB media containing 0.05% (w/v) glucose and…

Representative Results

Process optimization of expression of periplasmic recombinant enzyme chitin deacetylase in E. coli using central composite design (CCD) The pET22b-BaCDA construct, when grown in unoptimized conditions, gave a maximum biomass yield and BaCDA activity of 22.26 ± 0.98 g/L and 84.67 ± 0.56 U/L, respectively15. In the current study, a statistical approach CCD was adopted to find the optimal process conditions for expressing periplasmic recombi…


Deacetylated chitin, chitosan, has many applications, especially in the biomedical field30. However, the reproducibility of chitosan concerning its degree of acetylation (DA) and pattern of acetylation (PA) is a major concern in addition to other environmental apprehensions. The greener route, using enzymes, has thus been exploited. The array of CDAs can be employed to create chitosan with a unique pattern of deacetylation, which would increase their biomedical applications4</sup…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The authors would like to thank Manipal Academy for Higher Education (MAHE) for the MAHE UNSW fund, and the authors would like to thank the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research – Human Resource Development Group (CSIR-MHRD), Govt. of India for a senior research fellowship, award letter-number 09/1165(0007)2K19 EMR-I dated 31.3.2019.


Acetate assay kit Megazyme, Ireland K-ACETAK The protocol has been slightly modified and optimized to perform the assay in 96 well plate
Glucose estimation kit Agappe diagnosis Ltd., India 12018013 The protocol has been slightly modified and optimized to perform the assay in 96 well plate
Acetic acid Hi-media, India AS001 Used for preparing SDS-PAGE staining and destaing solution
Acrylamide Hi-media, India MB068 Used for preparing SDS-PAGE gel
Ammonium pursulphate Hi-media, India MB003 Used for preparing SDS-PAGE gel
Bis-acrylamide Hi-media, India MB005 Used for preparing SDS-PAGE gel
Coomassie briliiant blue G-250 Hi-media, India MB092 Used for preparing SDS-PAGE staining and destaing solution
Coomassie briliiant blue R-250 Hi-media, India MB153 Used for preparing Bardford's assay
Ethylene glycol chitosan Sigma-aldrich, USA E1502 Used to prepare Ethylene glycol chitin and Ethylene glycol chitin was used as substrate for enzymatic reaction
D-glucose Hi-media, India MB037 Used as an media component.
Imidazole Hi-media, India GRM1864 Used in lysis buffer
Lactose Hi-media, India GRM017 Used as an media component.
Methanol Finar, India 30930LC250 Used for preparing SDS-PAGE staining and destaing solution
Sodium chloride (NaCl) Hi-media, India MB023 Used in lysis buffer
Phosphoric acid Hi-media, India MB157 Used for preparing Bardford's assay
sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) Hi-media, India GRM6218 Used for preparing SDS-PAGE gel
Sodium phosphate dibasic anhydrous Hi-media, India MB024 Used to prepare TB sald for media and buffer for enzymatic reaction.
Sodium phosphate monobasic anhydrous Hi-media, India GRM3964 Used to prepare TB sald for media and buffer for enzymatic reaction.
Tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED) Hi-media, India MB026 Used for preparing SDS-PAGE gel
Tris base Hi-media, India MB029 Used for preparing SDS-PAGE gel
Tryptone Hi-media, India RM7707 Used as an media component.
Yeast extract Hi-media, India RM027 Used as an media component.
AlphaImager HP gel documentation unit ProteinSimple, USA 92-13823-00 Used to capture SDS-PAGE photographs
Benchtop mixer Eppendorf, Germany  9.776 660 Used to keep for enzymatic reaction with 2 mL adaptor
Bioincubator shaker Trishul instruments, India 13410622 Used to incubate bacterial culture at different temparature and RPM
Biospectrophotometer Eppendorf, Germany  6135000009 Used to take all spectroscopic readings
Cooling centrifuge Eppendorf, Germany  5805000017 Used to centrifuge culture, lysate and all other centrifuging protocols
Dry bath Labnet International, USA S81522039 Used to denature protein sample for SDS-PAGE
Micropipettes Eppendorf, Germany  3123000900 Used throghout the protocol for volume measurements
Rocker shaker Trishul instruments, India 11770719 Used to shake SDS-PAGE gel for staining and destaining
SDS-PAGE unit Bio-Rad, USA 1658001FC Used to cast and run SDS-PAGE gel
Ultra sonicator Sonics & Materials, Inc., USA VCX 130 Used to lyse the bacterial cell by ultra sonication
Weighing balance Sartorius, Germany BSA124 S Used to measure weight throughout the protocol
Nanosep Centrifugal Devices with Omega Membrane (3 kDa) PALL life sciences, USA OD003C33 Used to separate enzyme after substrate treatment
Softwares Version Developed at
MINITAB 17.0  (Trial version)  The Pennsylvania State University Used to design the experimental model and analyse the data
ImageJ 1.53o National Institutes of Health (NIH) Used to analyse the expression level using SDS-PAGE image
pET22b (+) DNA—Novagen Merck- Millipore, USA 69744 Stored at − 20 °C
E. coli Rosetta pLysS—Novagen Merck- Millipore, USA 70956 Maintained in Luria–Bertani (LB) broth containing 25% glycerol at − 80 °C


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Pawaskar, G. M., Raval, R., Selvaraj, S. Process Evaluation and Kinetics of Recombinant Chitin Deacetylase Expression in E. coli Rosetta pLysS Cells Using a Statistical Technique. J. Vis. Exp. (193), e64590, doi:10.3791/64590 (2023).

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