

Published: February 03, 2023










本研究は、動物愛護法および動物愛護規則施行規則に準拠して、実験動物の飼養及び利用に関する手引きの原則に従って実施された。すべての動物の手順は、テキサス大学サンアントニオ校の施設動物管理および使用委員会によって承認されました。 注:以下に説明する手順では、オスのルイスラットが使用されます。雌およびマウス微小血管断片(MVF)コレクションにつ?…

Representative Results

ベージュ/褐色脂肪組織のいくつかの重要な表現型の形態学的特徴があります:それは多房性であり、小さな脂肪滴を含み、多数のミトコンドリアを所有し(生体内でその特徴的に「茶色がかった」外観の理由)、それに応じて高い酸素消費率/ミトコンドリア生体エネルギーを有し、高度に血管新生され、脂肪分解/インスリン刺激グルコース取り込みを増加させ、そして最も悪名高い、 熱…


ブラウン/ベージュの脂肪組織工学の分野は、ほとんど未成熟であり22,23,24,25,26,27,28であり、脂肪モデルの大部分は白色脂肪組織用に開発されています8,22,31<sup class="xr…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


アコスタ博士は、国立衛生研究所の助成金CA148724およびTL1TR002647によってサポートされています。ゴンザレス・ポラス博士は、国立衛生研究所の国立糖尿病・消化器・腎臓病研究所の支援を受けており、賞番号F32-0DK122754で報告されています。この研究は、国立衛生研究所(5SC1DK122578)とテキサス大学サンアントニオ校の生物医学工学科によって部分的にサポートされました。内容は著者の責任であり、必ずしも国立衛生研究所の公式見解を表すものではありません。図は部分的に で作成されました。


Aminocaproic Acid Sigma Aldrich A2504-100G Added in DMEM at the concentration of 1 mg/mL
Blunt-Tipped Scissors Fisher scientific 12-000-172 Sterilize in autoclave
Bovin Serum Albumin (BSA) Millipore 126575-10GM Diluted in PBS to 4 mg/mL and 1 mg/mL
Collagenase Type 1 Fisher scientific NC9633623 Diluted to 6 mg/mL in BSA 4 mg/mL, Digestion of minced fat
Dexamethasone Thermo Scientific AC230302500 Diluted in ethanol at a 2 mg/ml stock concentration
Disposable underpads Fisher scientific 23-666-062 For fluid absorption during surgery
Dissecting Scissors Fisher scientific 08-951-5 Sterilize in autoclave
Dulbecco′s Modified Eagle′s Medium (DMEM) Fisher scientific 11885092
Dulbecco′s Modified Eagle′s Medium/Nutrient Mixture F-12 Ham (DMEM/F12) Sigma Aldrich D8062
Fetal Bovine Serum  Fisher scientific 16140089 Added in DMEM to 20% v/v.
Fibrinogen  Sigma Aldrich F8630-25G Solubilized in DMEM at the concentration of 20 mg/mL, Protein found in blood plasma and main component of hydrogel
Flask, 250 mL Fisher scientific FB500250 Allows for digestion of fat using a large surface area
Forceps Fisher scientific 50-264-21 Sterilize in autoclave, For handling of tissue and filters
Forskolin Sigma Aldrich F6886 Diluted in ethanol at a 10 mM stock concentration
Human MVF Advanced Solutions Life Scienes, LLC Human MVFs (hMVFs) isolated from three different patients (52-, 54-, and 56-year old females) were used in the current study. 
Indomethacine  Sigma Aldrich I7378 Diluted in ethanol at a 12.5 mM stock concentration
Insulin from porcine pancreas Sigma Aldrich I5523 Diluted in 0.01 N HCl at a 5 mg/ml stock concentration
MycoZap Fisher scientific NC9023832 Added in DMEM to 0.2% w/v, Mycoplasma Prophylactic 
Pennycilin/Streptomycin (10,000 U/mL) Fisher scientific 15140122 Added in DMEM to 1% v/v.
Petri dishes, polystyrene (100 mm x 15 mm). Fisher scientific 351029 3 for removal of blood vessels and mincing, 8 (lid) for presoaking of screens & 8 (dish) for use when filtering with 500 or 37 µM screens
Petri dishes, polystyrene (35 mm x 10 mm). Fisher scientific 50-202-036 For counting fragments
Phosphate Buffer Saline (PBS) Fisher scientific 14-190-250 Diluted to 1x with sterile deionized water.
Rat Clippers (Andwin Mini Arco Pet Trimmer) Fisher scientific NC0854141
Rosiglitazone Fisher scientific R0106200MG Diluted in DMSO at a 10 mM stock concentration
Scissors Fine Science Tools 14059-11 1 for initial incision, 1 for epididymal incision, 1 for tip clipping
Screen  37 µM  Carolina Biological Supply Company 652222R Cut into 3" rounded squares and sterilized in ethylene oxide, Fragment entrapment and removal of very small fragments/single cells and debris
Screen 500 µM  Carolina Biological Supply Company 652222F Cut into 3" rounded squares and sterilized in ethylene oxide, Removes larger fragments/debris
Serrated Hemostat Fisher scientific 12-000-171 Sterilize in autoclave, For clamping of skin before incision
Steriflip Filter 0.22 μm  Millipore SE1M179M6
Thrombin Fisher scientific 6051601KU Diluted in deionzed water to 10 U/mL, Used as a clotting agent turning fibrinogen to fibrin
Thyroid hormone (T3) Sigma Aldrich T2877 Diluted in 1N NaOH at a 0.02 mM stock concentration
Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rats – obese (FA/FA) or lean (FA/+) male  Charles River
Obtained from Charles River (Wilmington, MA). Rats were acquired at 4 weeks of age and fed Purina 5008 until euthanasia (15-19 weeks of age). Glucose levels (blood from the lateral saphenous vein) were greater than 300 mg/dL in all FA/FA rats used in the study. All animals were housed in a temperature-controlled environment with a 12-h light-dark cycle and fed ad libitum.


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Citar este artigo
Acosta, F. M., Gonzalez Porras, M. A., Stojkova, K., Pacelli, S., Rathbone, C. R., Brey, E. M. Three-Dimensional Culture of Vascularized Thermogenic Adipose Tissue from Microvascular Fragments. J. Vis. Exp. (192), e64650, doi:10.3791/64650 (2023).

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