
Modified Mouse Model of Repetitive Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Incorporating Thinned-Skull Window and Fluid Percussion

Published: April 19, 2024


This protocol presents a modified mouse model of repetitive mild traumatic brain injury (rmTBI) induced via a closed-head injury (CHI) method. The approach features a thinned-skull window and fluid percussion to reduce the inflammation commonly caused by meninges exposure, along with improved reproducibility and accuracy in modeling rmTBI in rodents.


Mild traumatic brain injury is a clinically highly heterogeneous neurological disorder. Highly reproducible traumatic brain injury (TBI) animal models with well-defined pathologies are urgently needed for studying the mechanisms of neuropathology after mild TBI and testing therapeutics. Replicating the entire sequelae of TBI in animal models has proven to be a challenge. Therefore, the availability of multiple animal models of TBI is necessary to account for the diverse aspects and severities seen in TBI patients. CHI is one of the most common methods for fabricating rodent models of rmTBI. However, this method is susceptible to many factors, including the impact method used, the thickness and shape of the skull bone, animal apnea, and the type of head support and immobilization utilized. The aim of this protocol is to demonstrate a combination of the thinned-skull window and fluid percussion injury (FPI) methods to produce a precise mouse model of CHI-associated rmTBI. The primary objective of this protocol is to minimize factors that could impact the accuracy and consistency of CHI and FPI modeling, including skull bone thickness, shape, and head support. By utilizing a thinned-skull window method, potential inflammation due to craniotomy and FPI is minimized, resulting in an improved mouse model that replicates the clinical features observed in patients with mild TBI. Results from behavior and histological analysis using hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining suggest that rmTBI can lead to a cumulative injury that produces changes in both behavior and gross morphology of the brain. Overall, the modified CHI-associated rmTBI presents a useful tool for researchers to explore the underlying mechanisms that contribute to focal and diffuse pathophysiological changes in rmTBI.


Mild TBI, including concussion and sub-concussion, account for the majority of all TBI cases (>80% of all TBI)1. Mild TBI commonly results from falls, traffic accidents, acts of violence, contact sports (e.g., football, boxing, hockey), and military combat2,3. Mild TBI can lead to neurobiological events that affect neurobehavioral functions throughout the patient's lifetime and increase the risk of neurodegenerative diseases4,5,6. Animal models provide an efficient and controlled means to study mild TBI, with the hope of further enhancing the diagnosis and treatment of mild TBI. Various models for mild TBI have been developed, such as the controlled cortical impact (CCI), weight drop (WD), fluid percussion injury (FPI), and blast-TBI models7,8. No single experimental model can mimic the entire complexity of TBI-induced pathology9,10. The heterogeneity of these models is advantageous for addressing the diverse features associated with mild TBI patients and investigating the corresponding cellular and molecular mechanisms. However, each animal model of TBI has its limitations3, limiting our current knowledge concerning animal mild TBI and their clinical relevance.

The WD and CCI models are utilized to replicate clinical conditions such as cerebral tissue loss, acute subdural hematoma, axonal injury, brain concussion, blood-brain barrier dysfunction, and even coma following TBI3,11,12. The WD model involves inducing brain damage by striking either the dura mater or skull with freely falling weights. The impact of a weighted object upon an intact skull can replicate mixed focal/diffuse injuries; however, this method is associated with poor accuracy and repeatability of the injury site, rebound injury, and a higher mortality rate due to skull fractures3,11,12. The CCI model involves applying air-driven metal to impact the exposed dura mater directly. Compared to the WD model, the CCI model is more accurate and reproducible, but it does not produce diffuse injury due to the small diameter of the impacting tip11. During FPI modelling, the brain tissue is briefly displaced and deformed by percussion. FPI can induce mixed focal/diffuse injury and replicate intracranial hemorrhage, brain swelling and progressive gray matter damage after TBI. However, FPI has a high mortality rate due to brainstem damage and prolonged apnea3,12. The craniotomy involved in conventional WD, CCI, and FPI models can lead to cortical contusion, hemorrhagic lesions, the damage of the blood-brain barrier, immune cell infiltration, glial cell activation, prolonged modeling time, and possible fatal outcomes3,12.

Mild TBI is characterized by a GCS (Glasgow coma scale, GCS) score within the range of 13 to 152. Mild TBI can be either focal or diffuse and is associated with both acute injuries, such as breakdown of cellular homeostasis, excitotoxicity, glucose depletion, mitochondrial dysfunction, blood flow disturbance, and axonal damage, as well as subacute injuries, including axonal damage, neuroinflammation, and gliosis2,3. Despite significant progress in delineating the intricate pathophysiology of TBI, the underlying mechanisms of mild TBI/rmTBI remain elusive and require further investigation9. Given that CHI is the most common type of TBI12, this protocol presents a novel approach to creating a more precisely controlled mouse model of rmTBI using a modified FPI device to perform impact in a thinned-skull window13. By avoiding craniotomy-induced injuries, variable skull thickness and shape-induced inaccuracies, and rebound injury, this approach aims to overcome the main disadvantages associated with the WD, CCI, and FPI models. Applying FPI impact on the thinned-skull window is convenient for evaluating cerebral vessel damage following rmTBI and helps minimize high mortality rates in some models, resulting in a closer resemblance to the clinical features of TBI patients.


All procedures involved in this protocol were performed under the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee approval (Zhejiang Normal University, Permit Number, dw2019005) and in compliance with the ARRIVE and the NIH Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. Technical specifications can be found in the Table of Materials. 1. Animal handling procedure House mice in a controlled environment with a temperature of 22-24 °C, humidity ran…

Representative Results

The protocol described in this study outlines a method for inducing rmTBI through a thinned-skull window, which offers a solution to the brain injury caused by craniotomy preparation during conventional percussion TBI modeling. By utilizing this modified fluid percussion procedure with the modified device, improved precision and reproducibility of FPI impact were achieved13. The modified impactor has the versatility to be used for both CHI and FPI modeling, with or without a skull craniotomy. Furt…


TBI refers to two primary types, closed and penetrating, with the latter characterized by a disruption of the skull and dura mater. Clinical data suggest that CHIs are more prevalent than penetrating injuries1,2. After a single mild TBI, most patients experience PCS symptoms that typically resolve in a short period of time, and there is controversy regarding the proportion of patients whose PCS develop into long-term sequelae23,


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was supported by the Key Social Development Foundation of Jinhua Municipality (No. 2020-3-071), Zhejiang College Student Innovation and  Entrepreneurship Training Program (No: S202310345087, S202310345088) and Zhejiang Provincial College Students' Science and Technology Innovation Activity Plan Project (2023R404044). The authors thank Miss Emma Ouyang (first-year student of Johns Hopkins University, Bachelor of Science, Baltimore, USA) for language editing the article.


75% ethanol  Shandong XieKang Medical Technology Co., Ltd.  220502
Buprenorphine hydrochloride Tianjin Pharmaceutical Research Institute Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd H12020272 Solution, Analgesic
Carprofen Shanghai Guchen Biotechnology Co., Ltd 53716-49-7 Powder, Analgesic
Chlorhexidine digluconate Shanghai Macklin Biochemical Co.,Ltd. 18472-51-0 19%-21% aqueous solution, Antimicrobial
Dental cement and solvent kit Shanghai New Century Dental Materials Co., Ltd. 20220405, 3# Powder reconsituted in matching solvent
Dissecting microscope Shenzhen RWD Life Science Inc. 77019
Erythromycin ointment  Wuhan Mayinglong Pharmaceutical Group Co.,Ltd. 220412 Antibiotic
Fiber Optic Cold Light Source Shenzhen RWD Life Science Inc. F-150C
Flat-tipped micro-drill bit  Shenzhen RWD Life Science Inc. HM31008 2 mm, steel
FPI device software Jiaxing Bocom Biotech Inc. Biocom Animal Brain Impactor V1.0
ICR mice Jinhua Laboratory Animal Center   Stock#2023091 25 Male mice, 25-30g, 8 weeks old
Isoflurane Shandong Ante Animal Husbandry Technology Co., Ltd.  2023090501
Isothermal heating pad  Wenzhou Repshop Pet Products Co., Ltd. 
Luer Loc hup Custom made using a 19G needle hub
Micro hand-held skull drill Shenzhen RWD Life Science Inc. 78001 Max: 38,000rpm
Modified FPI device Jiaxing Bocom Biotech Inc.
Morris water maze Shenzhen RWD Life Science Inc. 63031 Evaluate mouse spatial learning and memory abilities
Open field Shenzhen RWD Life Science Inc. 63008 Evaluate mouse locomoation and anxiety
Ophthalmic lubricant  Suzhou Tianlong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.  SC230724B
Sodium diclofenac ointment  Wuhan Mayinglong Pharmaceutical Group Co.,Ltd. 221207 nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
Small animal anesthesia system-Enhanced  Shenzhen RWD Life Science Inc. R530IP
Smart video-tracking system Panlab Harvard Apparatus Inc., MA, USA V3.0 Animal tracking and analysis
Stereotactic frame  Shenzhen RWD Life Science Inc. 68043
Vetbond Tissue Adhesive 3M, St Paul, MN, USA 202402AX Suture the animal wound
Y maze Shenzhen RWD Life Science Inc. 63005 Evaluate mouse spatial working memory


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Liu, Y., Mao, H., Chen, S., Wang, J., Ouyang, W. Modified Mouse Model of Repetitive Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Incorporating Thinned-Skull Window and Fluid Percussion. J. Vis. Exp. (206), e66440, doi:10.3791/66440 (2024).

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