
백혈구 - 혈소판 풍부한 섬유소, 소설 생체 재료의 특성

Published: September 29, 2015


Leucocyte-Platelet Rich Fibrin (L-PRF) represents an FDA cleared preparation of autologous platelet concentrates that possesses unique fibrin architecture, enriched platelets and abundant growth factors. Here, we present a protocol for chair-side generation of L-PRF as well as evaluate its mechanical properties including uniaxial testing and suture retention strength testing.


Autologous platelet concentrates represent promising innovative tools in the field of regenerative medicine and have been extensively used in oral surgery. Unlike platelet rich plasma (PRP) that is a gel or a suspension, Leukocyte-Platelet Rich Fibrin (L-PRF) is a solid 3D fibrin membrane generated chair-side from whole blood containing no anti-coagulant. The membrane has a dense three dimensional fibrin matrix with enriched platelets and abundant growth factors. L-PRF is a popular adjunct in surgeries because of its superior handling characteristics as well as its suturability to the wound bed. The goal of the study is to demonstrate generation as well as provide detailed characterization of relevant properties of L-PRF that underlie its clinical success.


The use of blood and blood-derived products to seal wounds and improve healing in different clinical situations started with fibrin glues, which are mainly fibrinogen concentrates. Addition of platelets to fibrin glue not only improved their strength but also promoted neoangiogenesis and regeneration. These benefits are attributed to the release of a variety of peptide growth factors from the alpha-granules of platelets upon activation1. Platelet concentrates (PC) were seen as a practical way to deliver growth factors2 and its use was driven by commercial interests rather than research characterization3. In fact, PCs are difficult to characterize unlike homogenous and defined pharmacological preparations, they are a potpourri of signaling molecules and blood cells (platelet and leukocytes) entrapped within a fibrin matrix. Different commercial and proprietary preparations yield a variety of PC that are different in cellular composition, growth factor recovery and kinetics of release4.

It is important to realize that in most oral surgeries, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) preparations are used as a gel in open surgical wounds and not as platelet suspensions. In these situations, the gelation is induced by the addition of thrombin, calcium chloride, batroxobin or other agents and directly placed in the site of injury5. Due to rapid activation, fibrinogen polymerization is often incomplete and results in friable fibrin gels with very little mechanical strength. In addition, injectable PRP gels undergo rapid fibrinolysis6,7.

In contrast, the processes of blood coagulation (fibrinogen polymerization), platelet enrichment and activation occur simultaneously in the preparation of L-PRF8. The coagulation cascade is triggered when whole blood contacts the walls of a dry glass tube and continues throughout the centrifugation process. This results in the formation of a mechanically-strong blood clot (L-PRF) that can be surgically handled and used.

Even though L-PRF has been investigated in terms of optimal methods of preparation, growth factor release and cell distribution9-11, detailed mechanical characterization of these membranes are lacking. This is significant gap in knowledge, given the popularity of these membranes in clinical practice as well as its potential to be used as a biomaterial. Current study focusses on the protocol for deriving L-PRF as well as methods that can be employed to study its mechanical properties. This data is intended to serve as baseline for ongoing studies investigating the viscoelastic properties of this interesting natural biomaterial.


모든 혈액 그리기 절차는 허가 및 인증 전문가에 의해 수행되어야합니다. 연구를위한 인체의 사용은 임상 시험 심사위원회 또는 기타 적절한 권한 승인을 포함한다. 동의서에 관한 및 참가자 식별을 보호하는 특별주의 사항을 따라야합니다. 이 프로토콜에 나와있는 모든 실험은 인간의 혈액 및 / 또는 혈액 제품과 적절한 개인 보호 장비의 처리는 항상 착용해야합니다 포함한다. 폐기물은 생물로…

Representative Results

(상부, 중간 및 하부) 층이도 2에 도시 된 다른 섹션에서 L-PRF 응고의 주사 전자 현미경 이미지. 알 수있는 바와 같이, 상기 상부는 더 세포 주로 섬유소 네트워크로 구성된다. 중간 층은 자신의 활성화 및 탈과립의 증거와 혈소판 풍부하다. 하층은 백혈구 및 피브린 매트릭스 내에 포획 적혈구의 혼합물을 갖는다. 단축 인장 시험 및 봉합 고정 강도 시험 : 기계적 ?…


자가 혈소판 농축 때문에 성장 인자의 풍부 (18)의 재생 의료 분야에서 유망. 그러나, 이러한 제제는 종종 외과 적 조작이 매우 곤란하게 정의 구조 부족. 여러 번, 현탁액 젤은 예측할 수없는 결과를 초래, 배달의 현장에서 효과적으로 유지되지 않습니다. L-PRF는 혈소판의 발전에 큰 사전이 본질적으로 내포 된 혈소판과 회사 섬유소 막 인 것을 집중 나타냅니다. 이 고체 막은 우수한 핸들링…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The project was supported by CTSA (UL1TR000058) from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences) and the CCTR Endowment Fund of Virginia Commonwealth University. The contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent official views of the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences or the National Institutes of Health.


Needle 19G BD 305186
Needle Disposal Container Fisherbrand 14-827-122
Red-Topped Glass Collection Tube BD 8020129
Gauze Pads Tyco 5750
Bandage Johnson & Johnson 5005989
Surshield Terumo SV*S19BL Safety winged infusion set
Blood Collection Assembly BD 303380
Tourniquets BD 367203
Brand Luer Adapter Vacutainer L42179
Intra-Spin System  Intra-Lock International ISS110 Centrifuge and Xpression L-PRF FabricationKit 
Pipettes (Serological & Micro) Corning
Scalpel Exelint 29552
MTS Bionix 200 MTS Systems Corporation Material testing systems
MTS Test Works 4 MTS Systems Corporation
Whatman Filter Paper Whatman 1004 070
SS Orthodontic ligature wire Patterson Dental 628-4228
200 Proof Ethanol Koptec V1001
Hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) Aldrich 440191
Aluminium Mounting Stubs Ted Pella 16324
Double Sided Carbon Tape PELCO Tabs 16084-1
Scanning Electron Microscope JEOL LV 5610
Trypsin HyClone SH30042.01
Cell Culture Incubator Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc 51026282
Antibiotic-Antimicotic Gibco 15240-062
Genipin Wako 078-03021
Cell Culture Media Gibco 12000-022 Minimum Essential Medium-Alpha
MTS Reagent Promega G1118
PMS Reagent Sigma P9625
Spectrophotometer BioTek Epoch Spectrophotometer
10mm Glass Cloning Rings Corning 3166-10
T-75 Flask Corning 430641
DPBS Corning 55-031-PB
Ninhydrin 98% Aldrich 454044
24 Well Plate Corning 3987
Biopsy Punch Acu Punch P1025
Digital Micrometer Pittsburgh 68305
Glutaraldehyde Sigma G6257
12 Well Plate Corning 3336
96 Well Plate Corning 3596


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Madurantakam, P., Yoganarasimha, S., Hasan, F. K. Characterization of Leukocyte-platelet Rich Fibrin, A Novel Biomaterial. J. Vis. Exp. (103), e53221, doi:10.3791/53221 (2015).

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