

Published: July 12, 2022








最近开发的翻译分析方法,包括核糖体分析910和多核糖体测序11,已经提供了证据,表明数百个非规范翻译事件映射到整个基因组中当前未注释的SORFs,有可能产生称为微蛋白或微肽的小蛋白质121314151617. 微蛋白已成为一类新颖的多功能蛋白质,由于其体积小(<100个氨基酸)和缺乏经典的蛋白质编码基因特征而被标准基因注释方法所忽视812181920。微蛋白已经在几乎所有生物体中都有描述,包括酵母2122,苍蝇172324和哺乳动物25262728,并且已被证明在各种过程中起关键作用,包括发育,代谢和应激信号传导1920293031323334.因此,必须继续为这一类长期被忽视的功能小蛋白质的其他成员挖掘基因组。





下面概述的协议详细介绍了在UCSC基因组浏览器(由Mudge等人生成)上加载和导航PhyloCSF浏览器轨道的步骤。有关UCSC基因组浏览器的一般问题,可以在此处找到广泛的基因组浏览器用户指南:。 1. 将系统级社群跟踪中心加载到 UCSC 基因组浏览器 <l…

Representative Results

在这里,我们将使用经过验证的微蛋白米托雷古林(Mtln)作为示例,以演示保守的sORF将如何产生阳性的PhyloCSF评分,该评分可以在UCSC基因组浏览器上轻松可视化和分析。米托瑞古林以前被注释为非编码RNA(以前是人类基因ID LINC00116和小鼠基因ID 1500011K16Rik)。比较基因组学和序列保存分析方法在其初步发现40、57、58、…


这里介绍的协议提供了有关如何在用户友好的UCSC基因组浏览器48495051上使用PhyloCSF询问感兴趣的基因组区域以识别微蛋白编码潜力的详细说明。如上所述,PhyloCSF是一种强大的比较基因组学算法,它集成了系统发育模型和密码子替换频率,以识别蛋白质编码基因48<sup …


The authors have nothing to disclose.




Website Website Address Requirements
Clustal Omega Multiple Sequence Alignment Tool Web browser Multiple sequence alignment program for the efficient alignment of FASTA sequences (i.e. for cross-species comparison of identified microproteins)
COXPRESSdb Web browser Provides co-regulated gene relationships to estimate gene functions
EMBL-EBI Bioinformatics Tools FAQs Web browser Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for EMBL-EBI tools. Includes the color coding key for protein sequence alignments
European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI),
Tools and Data Resources Web browser Comprehensive list of freely available websites, tools and data resources
Expasy – Swiss Bioinformatics Resource Portal Web browser Suite of bioinformatic tools and resources for protein sequence analysis that is maintained by the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB)
National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
Conserved Domain Search Web browser Search tool to identify conserved domains within protein or coding nucleotide sequences
Pfam 35 Web browser Protein family (Pfam) database, provides alignments and classification of protein families and domains
PhyloCSF Track Hub Description
Web browser Detailed description of the Smoothed PhyloCSF tracks and PhyloCSF Track Hub
SignalP 6.0 Web browser Predicts the presence of signal peptides and the location of their cleavage sites
TMHMM – 2.0 Web browser Prediction of transmembrane helices in proteins
UCSC Genome Browser BLAT Search Web browser Tool used to find genomic regions using DNA or protein sequence information
UCSC Genome Browser Gateway Web browser Direct link to the UCSC Genome Browser Gateway
UCSC Genome Browser Home Web browser Home website for the UCSC Genome Browser
UCSC Genome Browser Track Data Hubs Web browser Direct link to Track Data Hubs/Public Hubs database to search for and load the PhyloCSF Tracks
UCSC Genome Browser User Guide Web browser Comprehensive user guide detailing how to navigate the UCSC Genome Browser
WoLF PSORT Web browser Protein subcellular localization prediction tool


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Brito-Estrada, O., Hassel, K. R., Makarewich, C. A. An Integrated Approach for Microprotein Identification and Sequence Analysis. J. Vis. Exp. (185), e63841, doi:10.3791/63841 (2022).

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