

Published: May 12, 2023





首先,对TBC切片厚度、Zanba用量、加工温度和时间4个因素进行单因素试验。以赞巴炒TBC中单酯和二酯生物碱含量为指标,采用CRITIC结合Box-Behnken响应面法优化赞巴炒TBC的加工工艺。赞巴炒TBC的优化加工条件为TBC切片厚度为2 cm,赞巴是TBC的3倍,加工温度为125 °C,翻炒60 min。本研究确定了赞巴炒TBC使用的优化和标准加工条件,从而为赞巴炒TBC的安全临床使用和工业化生产提供了实验依据。





采用CRITIC结合Box-Behnken响应面法对赞巴炒TBC加工方法进行了优化和标准化。在此过程中,苯甲酰乌头碱、乌头碱和3-脱氧乌头碱用作评价指标。 1. 样品溶液制备 制备对照品储备溶液。在电子分析天平上精确称取9.94 mg苯甲酰乌头碱、8.49 mg乌头碱和6.25 mg3-脱氧乌头碱(材料表),并将它们放入10 mL容量瓶中。然后,加入0.05%盐酸甲醇溶液溶解固体?…

Representative Results



TBC是一种重要的藏药,具有祛寒止痛的作用。数千年来,它在中国主要用于治疗创伤性损伤和风湿性关节痛242526。二萜类生物碱是TBC 272829的活性和毒性成分。TBC的乌头生物碱的主要毒性作用是神经毒性、心脏毒性和胃肠道毒性30<s…


The authors have nothing to disclose.




3-Deoxyaconitine Chengdu Desite Biotechnology Co., Ltd. DST221109-033
Aconitine Chengdu Desite Biotechnology Co., Ltd. DSTDW000602
Ammonium acetate Tianjin Kermel Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd Chromatographic grade
Benzoylaconitine Chengdu Desite Biotechnology Co., Ltd. DSTDB005502
Design-Expert software Stat-Ease, Inc., Minneapolis, MN, USA version 13.0
Electronic analytical balance Shanghai Liangping Instruments Co., Ltd. FA1004
High performance liquid chromatography SHIMADZU Co., Ltd. LC-20A
High-speed smashing machine Beijing Zhongxing Weiye Instrument Co., Ltd. FW-100
Millipore filter Tianjin Jinteng Experimental Equipment Co., Ltd φ13 0.22 Nylon66
stir-Fry machine Changzhou Maisi Machinery Co., Ltd Type 5
Tiebangchui Gannan Baicao Biotechnology Development Co., Ltd 20211012
Ultra pure water systemic RephiLe Bioscience, Ltd. Genie G
Ultrasonic cleansing machine Ningbo Xinyi Ultrasonic Equipment Co., Ltd SB2200
Zanba 27 Chuanzang Road, Ganzi County


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Li, S., Yu, L., Li, C., Wang, N., Lai, X., Liu, Y., Zhang, Y. Optimization of Processing Technology for Tiebangchui with Zanba Based on CRITIC Combined with Box-Behnken Response Surface Method. J. Vis. Exp. (195), e65139, doi:10.3791/65139 (2023).

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