
Complementary Approaches to Interrogate Mitophagy Flux in Pancreatic β-Cells

Published: September 15, 2023


This protocol outlines two methods for the quantitative analysis of mitophagy in pancreatic β-cells: first, a combination of cell-permeable mitochondria-specific dyes, and second, a genetically encoded mitophagy reporter. These two techniques are complementary and can be deployed based on specific needs, allowing for flexibility and precision in quantitatively addressing mitochondrial quality control.


Mitophagy is a quality control mechanism necessary to maintain optimal mitochondrial function. Dysfunctional β-cell mitophagy results in insufficient insulin release. Advanced quantitative assessments of mitophagy often require the use of genetic reporters. The mt-Keima mouse model, which expresses a mitochondria-targeted pH-sensitive dual-excitation ratiometric probe for quantifying mitophagy via flow cytometry, has been optimized in β-cells. The ratio of acidic-to-neutral mt-Keima wavelength emissions can be used to robustly quantify mitophagy. However, using genetic mitophagy reporters can be challenging when working with complex genetic mouse models or difficult-to-transfect cells, such as primary human islets. This protocol describes a novel complementary dye-based method to quantify β-cell mitophagy in primary islets using MtPhagy. MtPhagy is a pH-sensitive, cell-permeable dye that accumulates in the mitochondria and increases its fluorescence intensity when mitochondria are in low pH environments, such as lysosomes during mitophagy. By combining the MtPhagy dye with Fluozin-3-AM, a Zn2+ indicator that selects for β-cells, and Tetramethylrhodamine, ethyl ester (TMRE) to assess mitochondrial membrane potential, mitophagy flux can be quantified specifically in β-cells via flow cytometry. These two approaches are highly complementary, allowing for flexibility and precision in assessing mitochondrial quality control in numerous β-cell models.


Pancreatic β-cells produce and secrete insulin to meet metabolic demands, and β-cell dysfunction is responsible for hyperglycemia and diabetes onset in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. β-Cells couple glucose metabolism with insulin secretion via mitochondrial energetics and metabolic output, which depend on a reserve of functional mitochondrial mass1,2,3. To maintain optimal β-cell function, β-cells rely on mitochondrial quality control mechanisms to remove aged or damaged mitochondria and preserve functional mitochondrial mass4. Selective mitochondrial autophagy, also known as mitophagy, is a key component of the mitochondrial quality control pathway.

Assessments of mitophagy in live cells often rely on changes in mitochondrial pH that occur during mitophagy. Mitochondria have a slightly alkaline pH, and healthy mitochondria normally reside in the pH-neutral cytosol. During mitophagy, damaged or dysfunctional mitochondria are selectively incorporated into autophagosomes and eventually cleared within acidic lysosomes5. Several in vivo transgenic mitophagy reporter mouse models, such as mt-Keima6, mitoQC7, and CMMR8, as well as transfectable mitophagy probes, such as the Cox8-EGFP-mCherry plasmid9, utilize this pH change to provide quantitative assessments of mitophagy. Use of transgenic mice expressing the mt-Keima pH-sensitive dual-excitation ratiometric probe has been optimized for mitophagy assessments in islets and β-cells via flow cytometry10,11. The ratio of acidic-to-neutral mt-Keima wavelength emissions (the ratio of acidic 561 nm to neutral 480 nm excitation) can be used to robustly quantify mitophagy6,12.

This protocol describes an optimized approach to assess mitophagy flux in primary islets and β-cells isolated from mt-Keima transgenic mice10,11. While mt-Keima is a highly sensitive probe, it requires either complicated animal breeding schemes or the transfection of cells, which can often be challenging when working in combination with other genetic models or with primary human islets. Additionally, the use of multiple fluorescence lasers and detectors to identify neutral and acidic cell populations can limit the combinatorial use of other fluorescent reporters.

To overcome these challenges, this protocol also describes a complementary, single fluorescent channel, dye-based method for robust detection of mitophagy in β-cells from isolated mouse islets. This approach, referred to as the MtPhagy method, utilizes a combination of three cell-permeable dyes to select for β-cells, quantify the cell populations actively undergoing mitophagy, and assess mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP or Δψm) simultaneously.

The first of these dyes is Fluozin-3-AM, a cell-permeable Zn2+ indicator with an Ex/Em 494/516 nm13. Mouse islets comprise a heterogeneous population of functionally distinct cells, including α-, β-, δ-, and PP cells. β-Cells comprise approximately 80% of cells within the mouse islet and can be distinguished from other islet cell types due to their high Zn2+ concentration within insulin granules14,15, allowing for identification of β-cells as the Fluozin-3-AMhigh population. The MtPhagy dye, a pH-sensitive dye that is immobilized on mitochondria via a chemical bond and emits weak fluorescence, is also utilized in this protocol16. Upon mitophagy induction, damaged mitochondria are incorporated into the acidic lysosome, and the MtPhagy dye increases its fluorescence intensity within the low pH environment (Ex/Em 561/570-700 nm).

Additionally, Tetramethylrhodamine, ethyl ester (TMRE), is used to assess MMP. TMRE is a cell-permeable positively charged dye (Ex/Em 552/575 nm) that is sequestered by healthy mitochondria due to the relative negative charge upheld by their membrane potential17. Damaged or unhealthy mitochondria dissipate their membrane potential, resulting in decreased ability to sequester TMRE. Utilizing these dyes together, β-cells undergoing mitophagy can be identified as the FluozinhighMtPhagyhighTMRElow population via flow cytometry. Since mitophagy is a dynamic rather than static process, this protocol was optimized to assess mitophagy flux using valinomycin, a K+-ionophore that induces mitophagy following dissipation of MMP18. Comparison of mitophagy in the presence and absence of valinomycin allows for assessment of mitophagy flux in different sample groups.

The dye-based nature of the current approach allows it to be extrapolated to human islets and other difficult-to-transfect cell types and circumvents the need for complicated animal breeding schemes, unlike the mt-Keima protocol. The overarching goal of this protocol is to quantify mitophagy in β-cells at the single-cell level via two independent flow cytometry-based methods. Taken together, this protocol describes two powerful and complementary methods that allow for both precision and flexibility in the quantitative study of mitochondrial quality control.


The animal studies presented in this protocol were reviewed and approved by the University of Michigan Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. Twenty-week-old male C57BL/6J mice, on either a 15-week regular fat diet (RFD) or high-fat diet (HFD), were used for this study. 1. Assessing mitophagy via the dye-based MtPhagy approach (Method 1) Mouse islet preparation and treatment Perform islet culture and valinomycin exposure following the steps b…

Representative Results

Assessing mitophagy via the dye-based MtPhagy approach This dye-based approach was optimized to analyze mitophagy flux within primary mouse β-cells without the need for a genetic reporter, using Fluozin-3-AM, TMRE, and MtPhagy as well as DAPI to exclude dead cells. By pairing these dyes with valinomycin to induce mitophagy, this protocol outlines a dye-based method to selectively measure mitophagy flux in primary mouse β-cells18. For the data shown using this MtPha…


This protocol described two complementary methods to quantify mitophagy flux in dissociated primary mouse islets. Using the mt-Keima method, an increase in mitophagy was quantified as an increased ratio of acidic (561 nm)/neutral (405 nm) cells, whereas in the MtPhagy method, increased mitophagy flux was quantified as an increase in the FluozinhighMtPhagyhighTMRElow cell population. These methods allow for rapid, quantitative, and β-cell-specific assessments of mitophagy flux.



The authors have nothing to disclose.


E.L-D. acknowledges support from the NIH (T32-AI007413 and T32-AG000114). SAS acknowledges support from the JDRF (COE-2019-861), the NIH (R01 DK135268, R01 DK108921, R01 DK135032, R01 DK136547, U01 DK127747), the Department of Veterans Affairs (I01 BX004444), the Brehm family, and the Anthony family.


Antibiotic-Antimycotic Life Technologies 15240-062
Attune NxT Flow Cytometer Thermofisher Scientific A24858
DAPI (4',6-Diamidino-2-Phenylindole, Dihydrochloride) Thermofisher Scientific D1306 DAPI reconstituted in ddH2O to reach 0.2 µg/mL stock
Dimethyl Sulfoxide Sigma-Aldrich 317275
Fatty Acid Free heat shock BSA powder Equitech BAH66
Fetal bovine serum Gemini Bio 900-108
Fluozin-3AM  Thermofisher Scientific  F24195 100 μg Fluozin-3AM powder reconstituted in 51 μL DMSO and 51 μL Pluronic F-127 to reach 1 mM stock. 
Gibco RPMI 1640 Medium Fisher Scientific 11-875-093
HEPES (1M) Life Technologies 15630-080
MtPhagy dye Dojindo MT02-10 5 μg MtPhagy powder reconstituted with 50 μL DMSO to reach 100 μM stock. 
MtPhagy dye Dojindo MT02-10
Penicillin-Streptomycin (100x) Life Technologies 15140-122 1x Solution used in procotol by diluting 1:10 in ddH2O
Phosphate buffered saline, 10x Fisher Scientific BP399-20 1x Solution used in procotol by diluting 1:10 in ddH2O
Sodium Pyruvate (100x) Life Technologies 11360-070 5 μg MtPhagy powder reconstituted with 50 μL DMSO to reach 100 μM stock. 
TMRE [Tetramethylrhodamine, ethyl ester, perchlorate] Anaspec AS-88061 TMRE powder reconstituted in DMSO to reach 100 μM stock.
Trypsin-EDTA (0.05%), phenol red Thermofisher Scientific 25300054
Valinomycin Sigma V0627 Valinomycin powder reconsituted in DMSO to reach 250 nM stock.


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Levi-D’Ancona, E., Sidarala, V., Soleimanpour, S. A. Complementary Approaches to Interrogate Mitophagy Flux in Pancreatic β-Cells. J. Vis. Exp. (199), e65789, doi:10.3791/65789 (2023).

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