
Postoperative Ileus Murine Model

Published: July 12, 2024


We describe a murine model of postoperative ileus generated via intestinal manipulation. Gastrointestinal transit function, pathologic changes, and immune cell activation were assessed 24 h after surgery.


Most patients experience postoperative ileus (POI) after surgery, which is associated with increased morbidity, mortality, and hospitalization time. POI is a consequence of mechanical damage during surgery, resulting in disruption of motility in the gastrointestinal tract. The mechanisms of POI are related to aberrant neuronal sensitivity, impaired epithelial barrier function, and increased local inflammation. However, the details remain enigmatic. Therefore, experimental murine models are crucial for elucidating the pathophysiology and mechanism of POI injury and for the development of novel therapies.

Here, we introduce a murine model of POI generated via intestinal manipulation (IM) that is similar to clinical surgery; this is achieved by mechanical damage to the small intestine by massaging the abdomen 1-3 times with a cotton swab. IM delayed gastrointestinal transit 24 h after surgery, as assessed by FITC-dextran gavage and fluorescence detection of the segmental digestive tract. Moreover, tissue swelling of the submucosa and immune cell infiltration were investigated by hematoxylin and eosin staining and flow cytometry. Proper pressure of the IM and a hyperemic effect on the intestine are critical for the procedure. This murine model of POI can be utilized to study the mechanisms of intestinal damage and recovery after abdominal surgery.


Postoperative ileus (POI) is a syndrome that poses a significant challenge in the field of human health, particularly in the management of patients undergoing abdominal surgery. Characterized by delayed recovery of gastrointestinal motility, POI contributes to prolonged hospital stays and increased health care costs, yet no established definition, etiology, or treatment exists1. Recent research has shed light on the pivotal role of immune cells in the progression of POI2,3,4, yet further investigation is required to elucidate the underlying mechanisms involved.

In this protocol, we introduce a murine model of POI induced by intra-abdominal surgery, which closely mimics the impact of abdominal surgery on the digestive tract. Our goal was to provide a standardized method for modeling POI in mice, enabling researchers to investigate its pathophysiology and explore novel therapeutic interventions.

The rationale behind the development and utilization of this technique lies in the need for reliable preclinical models to study POI. Traditional approaches to studying POI often lack translational relevance or fail to capture the complex interplay of factors contributing to the condition. By introducing a murine model that closely replicates the clinical scenario, researchers can more accurately investigate the mechanisms underlying POI and test potential therapeutic interventions in a controlled experimental setting.

Compared to alternative techniques, the murine model of POI presented in this protocol offers several advantages. Initially, we integrated our experimental findings with recent advancements to establish a standardized and reproducible protocol for inducing POI in experimental animals. This protocol facilitates consistent assessment of gastrointestinal transit function. Second, employing histological staining and flow cytometry enabled the assessment of tissue swelling, immune cell proliferation, and activation, yielding valuable insights into the inflammatory processes underlying POI5.

In the broader context of the literature, establishing a murine model of POI contributes to the expanding body of research aimed at comprehending the pathophysiology of this condition. By bridging the gap between basic science and clinical practice, preclinical models play a pivotal role in developing novel therapeutic strategies for POI6. Moreover, the availability of standardized animal models enhances the reproducibility and comparability of research findings across different laboratories. However, this POI model relies on mechanical stimulation during the surgical procedure. Other forms of stimulation-induced ileus may not be suitable for this model. Additionally, researchers should consider factors such as animal welfare regulations, ethical considerations, and resource availability when planning experiments using this model.

In summary, the introduction of a murine model of POI signifies a noteworthy advancement in preclinical research on this debilitating condition. Additionally, we employed H&E staining and flow cytometry to assess tissue swelling and immune cell proliferation and activation. The establishment of a murine POI model would facilitate the discovery of POI mechanisms and promote the development of novel therapies for POI.


Animal care and experimental procedures were conducted in accordance with the Guiding Principles in the Care and Use of Animals (China) and were approved by the Ethics Review Committee of Beijing Friendship Hospital (NO. 20-2056). C57BL/6 mice (8-12 weeks old) were used for the study. 1. Preparation for surgery Fast all mice for 12 h prior to the planned modeling to prevent aspiration death caused by reflux of stomach contents after anesthesia (<strong class="xfig"…

Representative Results

In this protocol, POI was surgically induced by intestinal manipulation (IM), which is similar to the effect of clinical surgery. In the sham group, an incision was made without the IM. POI mice were sacrificed 24 h post-POI surgery along with sham control mice. The critical function of the digestive tract, content transit function, was detected by gavage of FITC-dextran. The POI model was considered successful because the FITC intensity increased in the proximal part of the small intestine (Fig…


The success of surgery relies on several critical steps. First, maintaining consistency during intestinal intramural (IM) surgery is imperative to induce extensive injury to the small intestine. Proper pressure applied during the IM procedure and the resulting hyperemic effect on the intestine are crucial for surgical success. The observation of the entire digestive tract turning pink and displaying red hemorrhagic spots after rubbing with a cotton swab served as an indicator of a successful operation. Additionally, ensu…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


We are grateful to the Laboratory Animal Center, Beijing Clinical Research Institute, and Beijing Friendship Hospital for providing animal care. This work was supported by the National Key Technologies R&D Program (No. 2015BAI13B09), Beijing Natural Science Foundation (No. 7232035), National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 82171823, 82374190), and Distinguished Young Scholars from Beijing Friendship Hospital (No. yyqcjh2022-4).


1 M HEPES Thermo 15630080
APC anti-mouse I-A/I-E (MHC-II) Biolegend 107614
APC anti-mouse TCRb Biolegend 109212
APC/Cy7 anti-mouse CD4 Biolegend 100414
APC/Cy7 anti-mouse Ly6G Biolegend 127624
Brilliant Violet 421 anti-mouse CD69 Biolegend 104545
Brilliant Violet 421 anti-mouse F4/80 Biolegend 123132
Brilliant Violet 785 anti-mouse/human CD44 Biolegend 103041
BUV395 anti-mouse CD8a BD 563786
BUV737 anti-mouse CD3e BD 612771
Collagenase IV Sigma-Aldrich C5138
Culture Microscope CKX53 Olympus
Deoxyribonuclease I from bovine pancreas (DNase I) Sigma-Aldrich DN25-5G
DL-Dithiothreitol solution Sigma-Aldrich 43816-10ML
EDTA Sigma-Aldrich EDS-100G
FITC anti-mouse CD45 Biolegend 147709
FITC-dextran (70 kWM) Sigma-Aldrich FD70-100MG Gastrointestinal Transit Assay
HE staining kit solarbio G1120
PE anti-mouse CD11b Biolegend 101208
PE anti-mouse PD-1 Biolegend 114118
PE/Cy7 anti-mouse CD11c Biolegend 117318
Percoll GE (Pharmacia) 17-0891-01
Symphony A5 Flow cytometer BD Immune cell detection and sorting
Tribromoethanol Sigma-Aldrich T48402 Anesthesia
Varioskan LUX Thermo N16699 Multimode microplate reader
Zombie Aqua Fixable Viability kit Biolegend 423102 Fluorescent viability dye 


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Tian, D., Liu, B., Huang, S., Shi, W., Tian, Y., Yang, Y., Zhang, D., Zhang, Z., Bu, F. Postoperative Ileus Murine Model. J. Vis. Exp. (209), e66465, doi:10.3791/66465 (2024).

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