
Stabilizing a Femur Osteotomy with a Plate Fixation in Ambystoma mexicanum

Published: April 12, 2024


A protocol for femoral osteotomy surgery with the use of internal plate fixation in mature axolotls is presented. The procedure can be used to perform comparative studies on limb regeneration and fracture healing in aquatic amphibians.


The axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) is a promising model organism for regenerative medicine due to its remarkable ability to regenerate lost or damaged organs, including limbs, brain, heart, tail, and others. Studies on axolotl shed light on cellular and molecular pathways ruling progenitor activation and tissue restoration after injury. This knowledge can be applied to facilitate the healing of regeneration-incompetent injuries, such as bone non-union. In the current protocol, the femur osteotomy stabilization using an internal plate fixation system is described. The procedure was adapted for use in aquatic animals (axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum). ≥20 cm snout-to-tail tip axolotls with fully ossified, mouse-size comparable femurs were used, and special attention was paid to the plate positioning and fixation, as well as to the postoperative care. This surgical technique allows for standardized and stabilized bone fixation and could be useful for direct comparison to axolotl limb regeneration and analogous studies of bone healing across amphibians and mammals.


The axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) is an important model for organ regeneration, including the tail, spinal cord, brain, heart, gills, and limbs1,2,3,4,5. Detailed studies of axolotl limb regeneration uncovered mechanisms of cell dedifferentiation and the formation of a stem cell pool, blastema, at the amputation site. Due to the ability of the blastema cells to reconstruct all missing limb parts, including a patterned skeleton6,7, the axolotl appears to be an attractive model organism for bone healing studies. Recently, several studies focused more on bone biology in axolotls, describing skeletal morphology, cellular composition, and ossification dynamics.

It was found in mammals that the bone healing process in long bones occurs via endochondral ossification and consists of several stages: hematoma, granulation tissue, and soft callus formation, callus ossification into hard callus and woven bone, and bone remodeling8. A recent study has shown that similar stages can be observed in axolotl bone healing9.

Until now, axolotl fractures were studied in a non-stabilized system, whereby bone is simply cut with iridectomy scissors. The large fractures were created in the zeugopod, where osteotomy is performed on one of the bones, whereas the other serves as support10,11. In contrast, fractures are routinely studied in mammals, including rats and mice, using reliable fixation systems, such as intramedullary pin and bone-aligning plates, to control fracture size and ensure bone alignment.

Thus, the method aims to ensure stabilized and uniform fixation of the axolotl femur prior to osteotomy. In order to make axolotl studies more comparable to mammals, including mice and humans, intramedullary pin12, external plate fixator13,14, and internal bone aligning plate15,16,17 fixation were considered. The latter was shown to ensure proper bone fixation and allow for creating a gap of a certain size by using one or two cuts with a Gigly saw of a specific diameter. As axolotls represent the aquatic larvae of Ambystoma mexicanum, the external fixator might have caused post-surgical complications due to the open wound and contact with water. As axolotls do not develop secondary ossification centers even until very late in their development (20 years old18), and thus the standard intramedullary nail used in mice might not be prevented from puncturing the epiphyses, a decision was made to apply an internal plate fixation method to large axolotls. In large axolotls, the femur size and degree of ossification resemble that of an adult mouse, thus allowing for mid-diaphyseal osteotomy with titanium plate fixation1.

The fracture gap size largely determines the healing dynamics and outcome. For example, in a mouse, a 0.25 mm stabilized fractures heal mostly through intramembranous ossification due to their small size and rigid stabilization; a 0.7 mm fracture heals by endochondral ossification, with the formation of a cartilaginous callus around the fracture; large defects, such as 3.5 mm critical-sized defects do not heal completely and thus are used to model bone fracture non-union16. In this study, the plate fixation protocol of the axolotl femur prior to the osteotomy using the example of a 0.7 mm fracture gap was established with the ultimate goal of comparing axolotl bone healing to that of the mouse9.

After osteotomy, the fractures underwent the process of endochondral ossification, albeit slower than in mice, possibly due to the aquatic lifestyle of axolotls and slower cell division rates. In the method presented here, the 0.7 mm gap osteotomy with rigid plate fixation is shown; however, other gap sizes and semi-flexible fixators, as well as plates of different materials, are potentially possible. Overall, the method presented here can be used for standardized bone fixation and will be helpful for studies comparing axolotl limb regeneration to bone healing or studying bone healing in axolotls under different conditions to ensure standardized fracture fixation.


The following procedure was performed with approval from the Magistrate of Vienna (GZ: MA 58-65248-2021-26). 5-8 years old, ≥ 20 cm snout-to-tail tip (snout to the tip of the tail) long axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum) were used for fracture surgery and amputations. Both males and females were used for the surgeries. Axolotls were bred in the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology facility. Pain and risk of infections were managed with proper analgesics and antibiotics to ensure a successful outcome. The …

Representative Results

The surgical procedure described here (Figure 1) lasts between 20 min and 30 min and requires a surgeon and an assistant. Optionally, use a binocular dissection microscope or magnifying glass system. Figure 1: Schematics of the surgical procedure and the experimental setup. (A</s…


The currently described method of femur plate fixation and osteotomy allows for its application in aquatic animals, such as Ambystoma mexicanum (axolotl). This surgical method was recently used to compare fracture healing and limb regeneration in axolotls to fracture healing in mice9. As in mice, a 4-hole fixator plate can be attached to the bone with self-breaking screws, and a Gigly saw can be used to create a fracture of uniform size15. Plate fixation facilitate…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The authors would like to thank Sabine Stumpp for excellent technical support and Lidia Grösser for assistance in the surgeries. This research was funded by the Austrian Science Fund [Hertha Firnberg Fellowship number T-1219], ERC [Advanced Grant, 742046 RegGeneMems], DFG [CRC 1444].


0.66 mm Gigly wire saw  RISystem RIS.590.120
7.0 Optilene suture  Braun C3090538
Benzocaine  Sigma-Aldrich E1501 dilute to 0.03%  prior to using
Butorphanol (Butomidor 10 mg/mL) Richter Pharma AG dilute to 0.5 mg/L  prior to using
Drill bit 0.30 mm RISystem RIS.590.200
Dumont #5 Forceps – Standard/Inox Fine Science Tools 11251-20
Hand drill RISystem RIS.390.130 better to have at least 3 pieces
Micro CT data analyzer Bruker, Billerica, MA, USA SkyScan NRecon software
Micro CT specimen scanner Bruker, Billerica, MA, USA SkyScan 1172 
Moria MC31b Iris forceps – smooth, curved, 10 cm Fine Science Tools 11373-12FST 2 pieces
MouseFix Drill-&Saw guide 1.75 mm, rigid RISystem RIS.301.102
MouseFix plate 4 hole, rigid RISystem RIS.401.110
MouseFix screw, L =2.00 mm RISystem RIS.401.100 need 4 per bone
Narrow Pattern Forceps VWR FSCI11002-12
penicillin/streptomycin Gibco 15140-122
Ring forceps Fine Science Tools 11103-09
scalpel #15 B Braun, Thermo Fischer Scientific 5518032
Square box wrench 0.50 mm RISystem RIS.590.111
Sterile bone wax, 2.5 g Ethicon, Johnson & Johnson W810
Student Fine Scissors – Straight/11.5cm Fine Science Tools 91460-11


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Cite This Article
Polikarpova, A., Bucher, C., Ellinghaus, A., Okulski, H., Duda, G., Schmidt-Bleek, K., Tanaka, E. M. Stabilizing a Femur Osteotomy with a Plate Fixation in Ambystoma mexicanum. J. Vis. Exp. (206), e66648, doi:10.3791/66648 (2024).

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