Agnes Sturma

Clinical Laboratory for Bionic Extremity Reconstruction

Medical University of Vienna

Agnes Sturma

Physiotherapist, Researcher, Head of Bachelor's Degree Program Physiotherapie at FH Campus Wien, Vienna


Selektif Sinir Transferleri Geçiren Üst Ekstremite Amputelerine Yönelik Tedavi Müdahaleleri

1Clinical Laboratory for Bionic Extremity Reconstruction, Medical University of Vienna, 2Bioengineering Department, Imperial College London, 3Department of Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery, Medical University of Vienna, 4Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Medical University of Vienna

JoVE 62896


Küresel Brakiyal Pleksus Yaralanması Biyonik Rekonstrüksiyon Alan Hastalar için Bir Rehabilitasyon Aracı Olarak Yüzey Elektromiyografik Biofeedback

1Clinical Laboratory for Bionic Extremity Reconstruction, Medical University of Vienna, 2Department of Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery, Medical University of Vienna, 3Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College London, 4Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Surgery, Medical University of Vienna

JoVE 59839


Selektif Sinir Transferleri Sonrası Yapılandırılmış Motor Rehabilitasyon

1Clinical Laboratory for Bionic Extremity Reconstruction, Medical University of Vienna, 2Bioengineering Department, Imperial College London, 3Master's Degree Program Health Assisting Engineering, University of Applied Sciences FH Campus Wien, 4Department of Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery, Medical University of Vienna, 5Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Surgery, Medical University of Vienna

JoVE 59840


Geliştirilmiş Çok Fonksiyonlu Protez Kontrolü için Yapılandırılmış Rehabilitasyon Protokolü: Bir Olgu Sunumu

1Christian Doppler Laboratory for Restoration of Extremity Function, 2Department of Surgery, Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Medical University of Vienna, 3Department of Neurorehabilitation Engineering, Bernstein Focus Neurotechnology Göttingen, 4University Medical Center Göttingen, Georg-August University, 5University of Applied Sciences FH Campus Wien, 6Research & Development, Otto Bock Healthcare Products GmbH
