

Published: November 27, 2015


Ionic liquids (ILs) mediate fast, simple and cheap access to 1,6-ketoesters in high diastereoselectivities and good yields. The reaction protocol is robust and the 1,6-ketoesters can be obtained in gram scale after a simple filtration protocol. Moreover, the 1,6-ketoesters are potent gelators in hydrocarbon solvents.


In organic chemistry ionic liquids (ILs) have emerged as safe and recyclable reaction solvents. In the presence of a base ILs can be deprotonated to form catalytically active N-Heterocyclic Carbenes (NHCs). Here we have used ILs as precatalysts in the addition of α,β-unsaturated aldehydes to chalcones to form 1,6-ketoesters, incorporating an anti-diphenyl moiety in a highly stereoselective fashion. The reaction has a broad substrate scope and several functional groups and heteroaromatics can be integrated into the ketoester backbone in generally good yields with maintained stereoselectivity. The reaction protocol is robust and scalable. The starting materials are inexpensive and the products can be obtained after simple filtration, avoiding solvent-demanding chromatography. Furthermore, the IL can be recycled up to 5 times without any loss of reactivity. Moreover, the 1,6-ketoester end product is a potent gelator in several hydrocarbon based solvents. The method enables rapid access to and evaluation of a new class of low molecular weight gelators (LMWGs) from recyclable and inexpensive starting materials.






最近,Chen和同事扩展使用基于IL咪唑这个概念,1-乙基-3-甲基咪唑鎓乙酸盐(EMIMAc),对5-羟甲基糠醛(HMF)执行安息香缩合以生成5,5' -二(羟甲基)furoin(DHMF)。23由于离子液体可以买到,报价产生NHC的的一种廉价的方式,我们有兴趣在研究什么其他类型的反应,离子液体可以执行。为此,我们发现,二烷基咪唑鎓可有效用作在正规共轭additi预催化剂上的不饱和醛以查耳酮图1),得到1,6-酮酯。最有效的IL,EMIMAc,促进肉桂醛和查尔之间的高立体选择性反应。发生反应以高偏爱 -非对映和1,6-酮酯可以分离在产率高达92%。24,25,26



甲基-6-氧代-3,4,6- triphenylhexanoate 1.革兰氏规模合成干1-乙基-3-甲基咪唑鎓乙酸盐(EMIMAc)在10毫巴,40℃下1小时,在旋转蒸发器的圆底烧瓶中。 添加2.1克干燥EMIMAc和1.0克1,3-二苯基-2-丙烯-1-酮向100毫升圆底烧瓶配备有磁力搅拌器。 添加2.019毫升甲醇和2.3克肉桂烧瓶中。 在室温(22℃)搅拌1分钟溶解在60毫升二氯甲烷的混合物中。 接着添加0.37 ml的1.8二氮杂二环[5.4.0]?…

Representative Results

如上述例举EMIMAc充当在正规共轭加成α,β不饱和醛与查耳酮一个前段催化剂。其它市售咪唑鎓基的离子液体,例如1-乙基-3-甲基咪唑氯化物(EMIMCl)和1-丁基-3-甲基咪唑氯化物(BMIMCl)也进行了研究,然而,这些反应进行较低的产率,表明乙酸根阴离子可以是为反应性( 表1,进入1-3)很重要。27,28 * *阴离子该反应中的作用是在目前还不清楚?…


基于由酮酯3的X射线分析和对所提出的Bode和同事30的机械调查确定 -构型的下述反应路径建议图5)。白细胞介素脱质子产生NHC种;所述NHC反应与不饱和醛形成布瑞斯罗夫中间体I中布瑞斯罗夫中间和在跨安息香反应的查耳酮反应形成二烯二。中级II经过转乘船过渡态(TS)的氧Cope重排,设置取向的手性中心III。互变异构之后,酰基氮鎓IV与甲醇反应来交付产品?…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


We gratefully acknowledge the Swedish Research Council Formas for generous financial support.


1-ethyl-3-methyl imidazolium acetate Aldrich 51053-100G-F Produced by BASF ≥90%, dried on a rotary evaporated before use (10 mBar, 40 °C, 1h)
CAS NUMBER: 143314-17-4
1,3-diphenyl-2-propen-1-one Aldrich 11970-100G 98.0%
CAS NUMBER: 94-41-7
trans-cinnamaldehyde  Aldrich C80687-25G 99%, stored under nitrogen prior to use
CAS NUMBER: 14371-10-9
1,8-Diazobicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene Aldrich 139009-25G 98%
CAS NUMBER: 6674-22-2
Methanol Sigma-Aldrich 32213N-2.5L puriss. P.a., ACS reagent, reag. ISO, reag. Ph. Eur. ≥99.8% (GC)
CAS NUMBER: 67-56-1
Dichloromethane Fischer Chemical D/1852/17X Analytic reagent grade, stabilized with amylene
CAS NUMBER:9/2/1975
n-Heptane Fischer Chemical H/0160/17X Analytic reagent grade
CAS NUMBER: 142-82-5


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Sundén, H., Ta, L., Axelsson, A. Highly Stereoselective Synthesis of 1,6-Ketoesters Mediated by Ionic Liquids: A Three-component Reaction Enabling Rapid Access to a New Class of Low Molecular Weight Gelators. J. Vis. Exp. (105), e53213, doi:10.3791/53213 (2015).

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