Anne Cornelissen

Department of Cardiology

University Hospital RWTH Aachen

Anne Cornelissen


RWTH Aachen Medical School M.D. 10/2003 10/2009 Medicine

Marienhospital Aachen, Germany 06/2010 12/2010 Internal Medicine

Applied Medical Engineering, Helmholtz Institute RWTH Aachen Dr. med. 01/2008 12/2012 Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering

University Hospital RWTH Aachen, Germany Specialist Certification 01/2011 05/2017 Internal Medicine and Cardiology

CVPath Institute, Gaithersburg MD Research fellow 07/2018 Present Cardiovascular Pathology


Имплантация коронарных стентов размером с человека в крысиную брюшную аорту с использованием транс-беморального доступа

1Division of Cardiology, Angiology, and Critical Care, University Hospital RWTH Aachen, 2Department for Operative Intensive Medicine, University Hospital RWTH Aachen, 3Institute for Pathology "Victor Babes"

JoVE 61442
