Charlotte Martial

Coma Science Group (GIGA-Consciousness)

University of Liège

Charlotte Martial

Charlotte Martial is a post-doctoral researcher at the Coma Science Group (GIGA-Consciousness; University of Liège; Belgium). She heads the projects on the phenomenon of near-death experiences (NDEs). More generally, her work aims to investigate various states of disconnected consciousness (being conscious without experiencing the external world). She studies conditions in which people are outwardly unresponsive such as during general anesthesia or cardiac arrest, but ‘disconnected’ and/or ‘connected’ to the world, as testified by the detailed subjective reports upon awakening.

She also explores the neural correlates of other altered or modified states of consciousness, such as disorders of consciousness (mainly using behavioral assessments, MRI and EEG techniques). Next to her neuroscientific interest, she is also involved in the clinical management of patients suffering from disorders of consciousness (e.g., vegetative/unresponsive state, minimally conscious state).


Рекомендации по администрированию SECONDs: быстрый инструмент для оценки сознания у пациентов с травмами головного мозга

1Coma Science Group, GIGA-Consciousness, GIGA research center, University of Liège, 2Centre du Cerveau, University Hospital of Liège, 3CHN William Lennox, Groupe Hospitalier Saint-Luc, 4Institute of NeuroScience, UCLouvain, 5Department of Intensive Care, University Hospital of Liège, 6Anesthesia & Intensive Care Laboratory, GIGA-Consciousness, GIGA research center, University of Liège

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