Hedwig Braakhuis

Centre for Health Protection


Hedwig Braakhuis

Hedwig Braakhuis is a European Registered Toxicologist with a PhD in Toxicology (2016, Maastricht University). In her PhD, she focused on the risk assessment of nanomaterials after inhalation by developing lung co-culture models that can be exposed via the air.

Currently, she is involved in policy-underpinning research and (inter)national policy advice in the area of risk assessment of complex materials. Her main area of expertise is the development of innovative - animal-free - testing strategies to assess human safety of complex materials such as biomaterials and nanomaterials.

She is participating in several international research projects on nanomaterial and biomaterial risk assessment.


विषाक्तता परीक्षण के लिए हवाई कणों के लिए यथार्थवादी, दोहराया साँस लेना एक्सपोजर के लिए एक एयर-लिक्विड इंटरफेस ब्रोंकियल एपिथेलियल मॉडल

1National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), 2Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS)

JoVE 61210
