Luca Piccoli

Sapienza University of Rome

Luca Piccoli

Born in Rome on 31/08/1973


1993 High school diploma awarded by the state high school M. Malpighi (Rome)

1997 Graduate Diploma in Biomedical Laboratory technician with honors from the University of Rome "La Sapienza".

2001 Graduated with honors in Dentistry and Prosthodontics at the University of Rome "La. Sapienza ".

2005 PhD in Dentistry XVIII cycle at the University of Rome La Sapienza

2006 In service at the Department of Stomatology Dell 'University of Rome La Sapienza as Researcher. SSD MED/28

2009 Specialization in Orthodontics from the University of Rome La Sapienza


Since 2006-2009 Teaching in Prevention Periodontal Protocols (Dental Hygiene CLID C, ASL LT)

From 2009-2011 Teaching Health management (CLID Dental Hygiene A, UmbertoI Polyclinic of Rome)

From 2012 Teaching Prosthetic Rehabilitation (CLSOPSD DEGREE IN DENTISTRY AND DENTAL PROSTHESIS)

From 2012 Teaching Techniques in Professional and Oral Hygiene III (CLID Dental Hygiene A, UmbertoI Polyclinic of Rome)


• Component Research Projects of National Interest funded by MIUR (PRIN):

• Year 2003-2005, Title "resistance of new dental composites with self-healing properties to mechanical stress. In vitro study "

• Year 2005-2007, Title "Application of nanostructured hybrid materials for the consolidation of the dentin composite."

• Year 2007-2009 Title "In vitro study of the interaction between mesenchymal stem cells, growth factors morphogenetic extracellular matrix and compounds based on calcium phosphate: implications for osteoblast differentiation."

• From 2016 In vitro study for research and differentiation of stem cells extract from human dental pulp.

• Author of numerous national and international scientific publications and speaker at numerous national and international conferences.


Isolation, Propagation, and Prion Protein Expression During Neuronal Differentiation of Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells

1Laboratory of Experimental Medicine and Environmental Pathology, Sabina Universitas - Rieti University Hub, 2Department of Experimental Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome, 3Department of Science Dentistry and Maxillofacial, Sapienza University of Rome

JoVE 59282

 Biologie du développement