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Inducing Post-Traumatic Epilepsy in a Mouse Model of Repetitive Diffuse Traumatic Brain Injury

Inducing Post-Traumatic Epilepsy in a Mouse Model of Repetitive Diffuse Traumatic Brain Injury

Article DOI: 10.3791/60360-v 07:07 min February 10th, 2020
February 10th, 2020



This systematic protocol describes a new animal model of post-traumatic epilepsy after repetitive mild traumatic brain injury. The first part details steps for traumatic brain injury induction using a modified weight drop model. The second part provides instructions on the surgical approach for single- and multi-channel electroencephalographic data acquisition systems.


Post-traumatic Epilepsy Mouse Model Repetitive Diffuse Traumatic Brain Injury Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Biomarkers Treatments Brain Function Impairment Concussion Weight Drop Tube Weight Rod Sham Injury Control Mice Heating Pad
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