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Immunology and Infection

Produção e Purificação de Adenovírus não replicativa Canino Tipo 2 vectores derivados

Published: December 3, 2013 doi: 10.3791/50833


Name Company Catalog Number Comments
Restriction enzymes New England Biolabs Various
Jet Prime transfection kit Polyplus 114-01
DMEM Gibco (Life Technologies) 10567014
E. coli BJ5183 bacteria Agilent 200154
PD-10 desalting column GE Healthcare 17-0851-01
EmeraldAmp polymerase Takara RR320A
Nucleospin plasmid kit Macherey-Nagel 740558.250
NucleoSpin Gel and PCR Clean-up Macherey-Nagel 740609.50
14 ml tubes, Ultra Clear Beckman 344060



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Produção e Purificação de Adenovírus não replicativa Canino Tipo 2 vectores derivados
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Szelechowski, M., Bergeron, C.,More

Szelechowski, M., Bergeron, C., Gonzalez-Dunia, D., Klonjkowski, B. Production and Purification of Non Replicative Canine Adenovirus Type 2 Derived Vectors. J. Vis. Exp. (82), e50833, doi:10.3791/50833 (2013).

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