
在Vitro重建空间细胞接触模式与孤立的Caenorhabditis elegans胚胎冲击器和粘性聚苯乙烯珠

Published: November 26, 2019




在多细胞系统中,单个细胞被来自邻近细胞和环境的各种物理和化学线索所包围。这种组织的复杂性混淆了外在线索和细胞动力学之间的因果关系的识别。合成重组的多细胞系统克服了这个问题,使研究人员能够测试特定的线索,同时消除其他线索。在这里,我们提出了一种方法,以重组细胞接触模式与孤立的Caenorhabditis elegans爆炸和粘胶聚苯乙烯珠。这些程序包括蛋壳去除、通过破坏细胞粘附性进行胚分裂、制备粘胶聚苯乙烯珠子以及重组细胞-细胞或细胞珠接触。最后,本文介绍了该方法在胚胎发育中研究细胞分裂轴的定位,有助于调节发育胚胎中的空间细胞模式和细胞命运规范。这种健壮、可重复和多功能的体外方法有助于研究空间细胞接触模式与细胞反应之间的直接关系。






1. 胶粘剂聚苯乙烯珠子的制备 注:此协议不需要无菌技术。 在1.5 mL微离心管中称量10mg的Carboxylate改性聚苯乙烯珠子。 要清洗珠子,在管中加入1 mL的2-(N-变形)甲酸(MES)缓冲液。由于MES缓冲液不含磷酸盐和醋酸盐,可降低卡博迪米德的活性,适合用于蛋白质耦合反应。涡旋管混合珠子。 通过台式离心机在 2,000 x g下旋转管子 60 s。 通?…

Representative Results

对于珠子制备,我们确定了表达GFP-肌苷II和mCherry-组蛋白的转基因菌株的红-X琥珀酯的最佳量(图1A-D)。我们使用 mCherry 标记组蛋白作为细胞周期进展的标记。由于罗达明红X-X和mCherry将由561nm激光照明,因此罗达明红X-X信号的最佳强度与组蛋白相当,可以同时成像细胞和珠子。例如,使用 0.005 μg/mL Rhodamine 红-X 琥珀酯处理的珠子的荧光信号太弱,无法可视化珠(…




The authors have nothing to disclose.




1-(3-Dimethylaminopropyl)-3-ethylcarbodiimide hydrochloride Alfa Aesar AAA1080703 For the bead preparation
Aspirator Tube Assembly Drummond 21-180-13 For the blastomere isolation.
Caenorhabditis elegans strain: N2, wild-type Caenorhabditis Genetics Center N2 Strain used in this study
Caenorhabditis elegans strain: KSG5, genotype: zuIs45; itIs37 in house KSG5 Strain used in this study
Calibrated Mircopipets, 10 µL Drummond 21-180-13 For the blastomere isolation
Carboxylate-modified polystyrene beads (30 µm diameter) KISKER Biotech PPS-30.0COOHP For the bead preparation
CD Lipid Concentrate Life Technologies 11905031 For the blastomere isolation. Work in the tissue culture hood.
Clorox Clorox N. A. For the blastomere isolation. Open a new bottle when the hypochlorite treatment does not work well.
Coverslip holder In house N.A. For the blastomere isolation.
Dissecting microscope: Zeiss Stemi 508 with M stand. Source of light is built-in LED. Magnification of eye piece is 10X. Carl Zeiss Stemi 508 For the blastomere isolation.
Fetal Bovine Serum, Qualified One Shot, Canada origin Gibco A3160701 For the blastomere isolation. Work in the tissue culture hood.
General Use and Precision Glide Hypodermic Needles, 25 gauge BD 14-826AA For the blastomere isolation
Inulin Alfa Aesar AAA1842509 For the blastomere isolation
MEM Vitamin Solution (100x) Gibco 11120052 For the blastomere isolation.
MES (Fine White Crystals) Fisher BioReagents BP300-100 For the bead preparation
Multitest Slide 10 Well MP Biomedicals ICN6041805 For the blastomere isolation
PBS, Phosphate Buffered Saline, 10 x Powder Fisher BioReagents BP665-1 For the bead preparation
Penicillin-Streptomycin (10,000 U/mL) Gibco 15140148 For the blastomere isolation.
Polyvinylpyrrolidone Fisher BioReagents BP431-100 For the blastomere isolation
Potassium Chloride Bioshop POC888 For the blastomere isolation
Rhodamine Red-X, Succinimidyl Ester, 5-isomer Molecular Probes R6160 For the bead preparation
Schneider’s Drosophila Sterile Medium Gibco 21720024 For the blastomere isolation. Work in the tissue culture hood.
Sodium Chloride Bioshop SOD001 For the blastomere isolation
Sodium Hydroxide Solution, 10 N Fisher Chemical SS255-1 For the blastomere isolation
Spinning disk confocal microscope: Yokogawa CSU-X1, Zeiss Axiovert inverted scope, Quant EM 512 camera, 63X NA 1.4 Plan apochromat objective lens. System was controlled by Slidebook 6.0. Intelligent Imaging Innovation N.A. For live-imaging
Syringe Filters, PTFE, Non-Sterile Basix 13100115 For the blastomere isolation.
Tygon S3 Laboratory Tubing,, Formulation E-3603, Inner diameter 3.175 mm Saint Gobain Performance Plastics 89403-862 For the blastomere isolation.
Tygon S3 Laboratory Tubing,, Formulation E-3603, Inner diameter 6.35 mm Saint Gobain Performance Plastics 89403-854 For the blastomere isolation.


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Citazione di questo articolo
Hsu, C. R., Xiong, R., Sugioka, K. In Vitro Reconstitution of Spatial Cell Contact Patterns with Isolated Caenorhabditis elegans Embryo Blastomeres and Adhesive Polystyrene Beads. J. Vis. Exp. (153), e60422, doi:10.3791/60422 (2019).

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