
Isolation of Whole Cell Protein Lysates from Mouse Facial Processes and Cultured Palatal Mesenchyme Cells for Phosphoprotein Analysis

Published: April 01, 2022


The protocol presents a method for isolating whole cell protein lysates from dissected mouse embryo facial processes or cultured mouse embryonic palatal mesenchyme cells and performing subsequent western blotting to assess phosphorylated protein levels.


Mammalian craniofacial development is a complex morphological process during which multiple cell populations coordinate to generate the frontonasal skeleton. These morphological changes are initiated and sustained through diverse signaling interactions, which often include protein phosphorylation by kinases. Here, two examples of physiologically-relevant contexts in which to study phosphorylation of proteins during mammalian craniofacial development are provided: mouse facial processes, in particular E11.5 maxillary processes, and cultured mouse embryonic palatal mesenchyme cells derived from E13.5 secondary palatal shelves. To overcome the common barrier of dephosphorylation during protein isolation, adaptations and modifications to standard laboratory methods that allow for isolation of phosphoproteins are discussed. Additionally, best practices are provided for proper analysis and quantification of phosphoproteins following western blotting of whole cell protein lysates. These techniques, particularly in combination with pharmacological inhibitors and/or murine genetic models, can be used to gain greater insight into the dynamics and roles of various phosphoproteins active during craniofacial development.


Mammalian craniofacial development is a complex morphological process during which multiple cell populations coordinate to generate the frontonasal skeleton. In the mouse, this process begins at embryonic day (E) 9.5 with the formation of the frontonasal prominence and pairs of maxillary and mandibular processes, each of which contains post-migratory cranial neural crest cells. The lateral and medial nasal processes arise from the frontonasal prominence with the appearance of the nasal pits and eventually fuse to form the nostrils. Further, the medial nasal processes and maxillary processes fuse to generate the upper lip. Concurrently, palatogenesis is initiated with the formation of distinct outgrowths – the secondary palatal shelves – from the oral side of the maxillary processes at E11.5. Over time, the palatal shelves grow downward on either side of the tongue, elevate to an opposing position above the tongue, and eventually fuse at the midline to form a continuous palate that separates the nasal and oral cavities by E16.51.

These morphological changes throughout craniofacial development are initiated and sustained through diverse signaling interactions, which often include protein phosphorylation by kinases. For example, cell membrane receptors, such as subfamilies of transforming growth factor (TGF)-β receptors, including bone morphogenetic protein receptors (BMPRs), and various receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) families, are autophosphorylated upon ligand binding and activation in cranial neural crest cells2,3,4. Additionally, the G protein-coupled transmembrane receptor Smoothened becomes phosphorylated in cranial neural crest cells and craniofacial ectoderm downstream of Sonic hedgehog (SHH) ligand binding to the Patched1 receptor, resulting in Smoothened accumulation at the ciliary membrane and SHH pathway activation5. Such ligand-receptor interactions can occur through autocrine, paracrine, and/or juxtacrine signaling in craniofacial contexts. For example, BMP6 is known to signal in an autocrine manner during chondrocyte differentiation6, whereas fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 8 is expressed in the pharyngeal arch ectoderm and binds to members of the FGF family of RTKs expressed in the pharyngeal arch mesenchyme in a paracrine fashion to initiate patterning and outgrowth of the pharyngeal arches7,8,9,10. Furthermore, Notch signaling is activated in both chondrocytes and osteoblasts during craniofacial skeletal development through juxtacrine signaling when transmembrane Delta and/or Jagged ligands bind to transmembrane Notch receptors on neighboring cells, which are subsequently cleaved and phosphorylated11. However, there are other ligand and receptor pairs important for craniofacial development that have the flexibility to function in both autocrine and paracrine signaling. As an example, during murine tooth morphogenesis, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-AA ligand has been demonstrated to signal in an autocrine manner to activate the RTK PDGFRα in the enamel organ epithelium12. In contrast, in murine facial processes during mid-gestation, transcripts encoding the ligands PDGF-AA and PDGF-CC are expressed in the craniofacial ectoderm, while the PDGFRα receptor is expressed in the underlying cranial neural crest-derived mesenchyme, resulting in paracrine signaling13,14,15,16,17. Regardless of the signaling mechanism, these receptor phosphorylation events often result in the recruitment of adaptor proteins and/or signaling molecules, which frequently become phosphorylated themselves to initiate intracellular kinase cascades such as the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway18,19.

The terminal intracellular effectors of these cascades can then phosphorylate an array of substrates, such as transcription factors, RNA-binding, cytoskeletal and extracellular matrix proteins. Runx220, Hand121, Dlx3/522,23,24, Gli1-325, and Sox926 are among the transcription factors phosphorylated in the context of craniofacial development. This post-translational modification (PTM) can directly affect susceptibility to alternative PTMs, dimerization, stability, cleavage, and/or DNA-binding affinity, among other activities20,21,25,26. Additionally, the RNA-binding protein Srsf3 is phosphorylated in the context of craniofacial development, leading to its nuclear translocation27. In general, phosphorylation of RNA-binding proteins has been shown to affect their subcellular localization, protein-protein interactions, RNA binding, and/or sequence specificity28. Furthermore, phosphorylation of actomyosin can lead to cytoskeletal rearrangements throughout craniofacial development29,30, and phosphorylation of extracellular matrix proteins, such as small integrin-binding ligand N-linked glycoproteins, contributes to biomineralization during skeletal development31. Through the above and numerous other examples, it is evident that there are wide implications for protein phosphorylation during craniofacial development. Adding an additional level of regulation, protein phosphorylation is further modulated by phosphatases, which counteract kinases by removing phosphate groups.

These phosphorylation events at both the receptor and effector molecule levels are critical for the propagation of signaling pathways and ultimately result in changes in gene expression in the nucleus, driving specific cell activities, such as migration, proliferation, survival, and differentiation, which result in proper formation of the mammalian face. Given the context specificity of protein interactions with kinases and phosphatases, the resulting changes in PTMs, and their effects on cell activity, it is critical that these parameters be studied in a physiologically-relevant setting to gain complete understanding of the contribution of phosphorylation events to craniofacial development. Here, examples of two contexts in which to study phosphorylation of proteins and, thus, activation of signaling pathways during mammalian craniofacial development are provided: mouse facial processes, in particular E11.5 maxillary processes, and cultured mouse embryonic palatal mesenchyme cells derived from E13.5 secondary palatal shelves – both primary32 and immortalized33. At E11.5, the maxillary processes are in the process of fusing with the lateral and medial nasal processes1, thereby representing a critical timepoint during mouse craniofacial development. Further, maxillary processes and cells derived from the palatal shelves were chosen here because the latter structures are derivatives of the former, thereby providing researchers the opportunity to interrogate protein phosphorylation in vivo and in vitro in related contexts. However, this protocol is also applicable to alternative facial processes and developmental timepoints.

A critical problem in studying phosphorylated proteins is that they are easily dephosphorylated during protein isolation by abundant environmental phosphatases. To overcome this barrier, adaptations and modifications to standard laboratory methods that allow for isolation of phosphorylated proteins are discussed. Additionally, best practices are provided for proper analysis and quantification of phosphorylated proteins. These techniques, particularly in combination with pharmacological inhibitors and/or murine genetic models, can be used to gain greater insight into the dynamics and roles of various signaling pathways active during craniofacial development.


All the procedures involving animals were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus and performed in compliance with institutional guidelines and regulations. Female 129S4 mice at 1.5-6 months of age and housed at a sub-thermoneutral temperature of 21-23 °C were used for embryo harvests. A schematic workflow of the protocol is represented in Figure 1. See the Table of Materials for details r…

Representative Results

When attempting to characterize the phosphorylation of proteins isolated from mouse facial processes and/or cultured palatal mesenchyme cells, the representative results will ideally reveal a distinct, reproducible band following western blotting with an anti-phosphoprotein antibody that runs at or near the height of the corresponding total protein band (Figure 3). However, if extensive phosphorylation of the protein occurs, there may be a slight upward shift of the phosphoprotein band compa…


The protocol described here allows researchers to probe critical phosphorylation-dependent signaling events during craniofacial development in a robust and reproducible manner. There are several critical steps in this protocol that ensure proper collection of data and analysis of results. Whether isolating phosphoproteins from mouse facial processes and/or cultured palatal mesenchyme cells, it is imperative to move quickly and efficiently while keeping all reagents and materials on ice when indicated. The low temperature…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


129S4 mice were a gift from Dr. Philippe Soriano, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. This work was supported with funds from the National Institutes of Health (NIH)/National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) R01 DE027689 and K02 DE028572 to K.A.F., F31 DE029976 to M.A.R. and F31 DE029364 to B.J.C.D.


Block for mini dry bath Research Products International Corp 400783
ChemiDoc XRS+ imaging system with Image Lab software Bio-Rad 1708265 chemiluminescence imager
CO2 incubator, air jacket VWR 10810-902
Dissecting board, 11 x 13 in Fisher Scientific 09 002 12
Electrophoresis cell, 4-gel, for mini precast gels with mini trans-blot module Bio-Rad 1658030
Hybridization oven Fisher Scientific UVP95003001
Microcentrifuge 5415 D with F45-24-11 rotor (Eppendorf) Sigma Aldrich Z604062
Mini dry bath Research Products International Corp 400780
Orbital shaker VWR 89032-092
pH meter VWR 89231-662
Power supply for SDS-PAGE Bio-Rad 1645050
Rectangular ice pan, maxi 9 L Fisher Scientific 07-210-093
Stemi 508 stereo microscope with stand K LAB, LED ring light Zeiss 4350649020000000 dissecting microscope
Timer VWR 62344-641
Tube revolver Fisher Scientific 11 676 341
Vortex mixer Fisher Scientific 02 215 414
Water bath VWR 89501-472
Western blot box Fisher Scientific NC9358182
Cell culture dishes, 6 cm Fisher Scientific 12-565-95
Cell culture plates, 12 well Fisher Scientific 07-200-82
Cell lifters Fisher Scientific 08-100-240
CO2 Airgas CD USP50
Conical tubes, polypropylene, 50 mL Fisher Scientific 05-539-13
Dumont #5 fine forceps Fine Science Tools 11254-20
Embryo spoon Fine Science Tools 10370-17
Microcentrifuge tubes, 0.5 mL VWR 89000-010
Microcentrifuge tubes, 1.5 mL VWR 20170-038
Pasteur pipet, 5.75" Fisher Scientific 13-678-6A
Pasteur pipet, 9" VWR 14672-380
Petri dishes, 10 cm Fisher Scientific 08-757-100D
Petri dishes, 35 mm Fisher Scientific FB0875711YZ
Pouches, transparent, polyethylene lining Fisher Scientific 01-812-25B
PVDF membrane Fisher Scientific IPVH00010
Semken forceps Fine Science Tools 11008-13
Small latex bulb, 2 mL VWR 82024-554
Surgical scissors Fine Science Tools 14002-12
Syringe filter, 25 mm, 0.2 μm pore size Fisher Scientific 09-740-108
Syringe with luer tip, 10 mL VWR BD309604
Transfer pipet Fisher Scientific 13-711-22
Western blot cassette opening lever Bio-Rad 4560000
Whatmann 3MM chr chromatography paper Fisher Scientific 05-714-5
4-15% Precast protein gels, 10-well, 30 µL Bio-Rad 4561083
β-glycerophosphate disodium salt hydrate Sigma Aldrich G5422-25G stock concentration 1 M
β-mercaptoethanol Sigma Aldrich M3148-100ML
Bovine serum albumin, fraction V, heat shock tested Fisher Scientific BP1600-100
Bromophenol blue Fisher Scientific AC403140050
Complete mini protease inhibitor cocktail Sigma Aldrich 11836153001 stock concentration 25x
DC protein assay kit II Bio-Rad 500-0112
DMEM, high glucose Gibco 11965092
E7, mouse monoclonal beta tubulin primary antibody, concentrate 0.1 mL Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank E7 1:1,000
ECL western blotting substrate Fisher Scientific PI32106 low picogram range
ECL western blotting substrate Genesee Scientific 20-302B low femtogram range
Electrophoresis buffer, 5 L Bio-Rad 1610772 stock concentration 10x
Ethanol, 200 proof, 1 gallon Decon Laboratories, Inc. 2705HC EtOH
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, Di Na salt dihydr. (crystalline powd./electrophor.) Fisher Scientific BP120-500 EDTA
Fetal bovine serum, characterized, US origin, 500 mL HyClone SH30071.03
Glycerol (certified ACS) Fisher Scientific G33-4
HRP-conjugated secondary antibody, goat anti-mouse IgG Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories 115-035-146 1:20,000
HRP-conjugated secondary antibody, goat anti-rabbit IgG Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories 111-035-003 1:20,000
Hydrochloric acid solution, 6N (certified) Fisher Scientific SA56-500 HCl
Igepal Ca – 630 non-ionic detergent Fisher Scientific ICN19859650 Nonidet P-40
Isopropanol (HPLC) Fisher Scientific A451-1
L-glutamine Gibco 25030081 stock concentration 200 mM
Methanol Fisher Scientific A454-4
p44/42 MAPK (Erk1/2) primary antibody Cell Signaling Technology 9102S 1:1,000; anti-Erk1/2
PDGF-BB recombinant ligand, rat Fisher Scientific 520BB050
PDGF Receptor β primary antibody Cell Signaling Technology 3169S 1:1,000
Penicillin-Streptomycin Gibco 15140122 stock concentration 100 U/mL, 100 µg/mL
Phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride, 99% Fisher Scientific AC215740100 PMSF; stock concentration 100 mM
Phospho-p44/42 MAPK (Erk1/2) primary antibody Cell Signaling Technology 9101S 1:1,000, anti-phospho-Erk1/2
Phospho-PDGF Receptor α /PDGF Receptor β primary antibody Cell Signaling Technology 3170S 1:1,000
Potassium chloride (white crystals) Fisher Scientific BP366-500 KCl
Potassium phosphate monobasic (white crystals) Fisher Scientific BP362-500 KH2PO4
SDS solution, 10% Bio-Rad 161-0416
Sodium chloride (crystalline/biological,certified) Fisher Scientific S671-3 NaCl
Sodium fluoride (powder/certified ACS) Fisher Scientific S299-100 NaF; aliquot for one time use; stock concentration 1 M
Sodium orthovanadate, 99% Fisher Scientific AC205330500 Na3VO4; stock concentration 100 mM
Sodium phosphate dibasic anhydrous (granular or powder/certified ACS) Fisher Scientific S374-500 Na2HPO4
Tissue culture PBS Fisher Scientific 21-031-CV
Transfer buffer, 5 L Bio-Rad 1610771 stock concentration 10x
Tris base (white crystals or crystalline powder/molecular biology) Fisher Scientific BP152-1
Trypsin BioWorld 21560033
Tween 20 Fisher Scientific BP337-500
Western blot molecular weight marker Bio-Rad 1610374
ImageJ software National Institutes of Health
Female 129S4 mice gift of Dr. Philippe Soriano, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai


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Citazione di questo articolo
Rogers, M. A., Dennison, B. J. C., Fantauzzo, K. A. Isolation of Whole Cell Protein Lysates from Mouse Facial Processes and Cultured Palatal Mesenchyme Cells for Phosphoprotein Analysis. J. Vis. Exp. (182), e63834, doi:10.3791/63834 (2022).

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