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Immunology and Infection

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Examination of the Telomere G-overhang Structure in Trypanosoma brucei

Examination of the Telomere G-overhang Structure in Trypanosoma brucei

Article DOI: 10.3791/1959-v 15:25 min January 26th, 2011
January 26th, 2011



Telomeres are essential for chromosome stability and the telomere G-overhang structure is essential for telomerase-mediated telomere maintenance. We have recently adopted two methods for detecting the telomere G-overhang structure in Trypanosoma brucei, which are native in-gel hybridization and ligation-mediated primer extension, which will be described.


Telomere G-overhang Structure Trypanosoma Brucei Telomerase Telomere Maintenance Sleeping Sickness Nagana Surface Antigen Gene Expression T. Brucei Pathogenesis Native In-gel Hybridization Ligation-mediated Primer Extension Adaptor Ligation Method Telomere Terminal Nucleotide
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