Retroviral-Mediated Transduction: A Method to Introduce Target Gene into Cancer Cells

Published: April 30, 2023


Source: Kesarwani, M., et al. Methods for Evaluating the Role of c-Fos and Dusp1 in Oncogene Dependence. J. Vis. Exp. (2019).

This video describes the protocol for genetic validation by transferring target genes using retroviruses in chronic myeloid leukemia cell lines. The retroviruses act as a mediator to transfer genetic material into the leukemia cell through the process called transduction, which enables long term expression of target gene.This method can be applied to any target cells for genetic validation and therapeutic development.


1. Transduction Retroviral plasmid transfection Freshly thaw HEK293 cells the afternoon before in a water bath set to 37 °C. Spin the cryotube containing the HEK cells at 435 x g at room temperature for 3 min. Remove the supernatant via a vacuum and suspend the cell pellet in 1 mL of DMEM supplemented with 10% FBS, penicillin, streptomycin, and glutamine. Count the cells and add the appropriate volume to a 10 cm treated dish (~4 x…

Representative Results

Figure 1: FACS showing the frequency of YFP+ cells from the blood of a transplanted and a WT mouse (negative control). The top panels show a scatter plot of the cells and the gating. The lower panels show histograms of YFP vs. side scatter. Cells with an MFI of >103 were considered YFP+. Similar gating was used for bone marrow cell…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


DMEM Cellgro (corning) 15-013-CV
RetroNectin Recombinant Human Fibronectin Fragment Takara T100B
FBS Atlanta biological S11150
Penn/Strep Cellgro (corning) 30-002-CI
L-Glutamine Cellgro (corning) 25-005-CL 5 mg/mL stock in water
HEPES Sigma H7006
PBS Corning 21040CV
Na2HPO4.7H2O Sigma S9390
Calcium Chloride Invitrogen K278001
2x HBS Invitrogen K278002
EDTA Ambion AM9261
BSA Sigma A7906
Human Long-Term Culture Initiating Cell Assay Stemp Cell Technologies
TC-10 automated cell counter Bio-RAD
ROSACreERT2/c-Fos fl/fl Dusp1-/- Made in house
ROSACreERT2/c-Fosfl/fl Made in house
ROSACreERT2 Jackson Laboratory
C57Bl/6 Jackson Laboratory
CML-CD34+ and Normal CD34+ cells University Hospital, University of Cincinnati
LSR II (FACS analyzer) BD
Fortessa I (FACS analyzer) BD
NAPCO series 8000 WJ CO2 incubator Thermo scientific
Swing bucket rotor cetrifuge 5810R Eppendorf
1/2 cc Lo-Dose u-100 insulin syringe 28 G1/2 Becton Dickinson Becton Dickinson
Hydrocortisone Sodium Hemisuccinate Stem Cell Technologies 7904
GM-CSF Prospec CYT-221
G-SCF Prospec CYT-220
Human IL-3 Prospec CYT-210
human SCF Prospec CYT-255
Erythropoiein Amgen 5513-267-10
BD Perm/Wash (permeabilization and wash solution for phospho flow) BD 554723
BD Cytofix/Cytoperm (Fixing and permeabilization solution) BD 554714
BD Pharm Lyse BD 555899
70 μm nylon cell stariner Becton Dickinson 352350
0.45 μM acro disc filter PALL 2016-10

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Retroviral-Mediated Transduction: A Method to Introduce Target Gene into Cancer Cells. J. Vis. Exp. (Pending Publication), e20276, doi: (2023).

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