
Solid Tumors Program

CIMA-University of Navarra


I started my scientific career at the University of Navarra which is one of the top universities in Spain. My PhD project was focused on mechanisms involved in lung cancer bone metastasis, studying the role of the tyrosine kinase DDR1 in the lung cancer metastatic process. I reported my work, as a first author, in three papers, all in Q1. During this time I received one of the most prestigious grants in Spain for PhD students “ FPU” and 3 more competitive fellowships that covered my studies: ADA, FIMA and Government of Navarra grants. During this period, I enjoyed a stage in the laboratory of Dr. Struman, Univeristy of Liege, Begium which allowed me to deepen my knowledge in molecular biology techniques and reflect it in a book chapter on techniques and procedures. I obtained the Extraordinary Award for my International PhD and two “ Young Investigator” awards funded by the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) and the European Calcified Tissue Society (ECTS).

After my PhD, I started my postdoctorate in ETH Zürich for two years, dissecting the role of Xist long-non coding RNA in cancer. In this period, I was also able to secure my own funding (Fundación Alfonso Martín Escudero) and a first author publication. To continue my career, I joined again the Solid Tumors program at CIMA to work exploring the role of miRNAs in KRAS-driven tumors as potential targeted therapies. This research resulted in a first- author scientific article accepted in The Journal of Clinical Investigation, also in Q1. This work was awarded with a “ Young Investigator” award on the annual Congress organized by CIBERONC, the Spanish network of cancer research groups of excellence funded by the Spanish Ministry of Health. I have 10 works presented in national and international conferences, 5 of which were awarded.

In 2018, I obtained a public position as researcher in CIBERONC funded by the Spanish Ministry of Health to join Dr. Montuenga’s laboratory. I am part of the Liquid Biopsy working module of CIBERONC and I have recently been granted by the International Association for the study of lung cancer (IASLC) with a Young Investigator Award and fellowship 2020/2021 and by Fundación la Caixa with a “CIMA Transfiere 2020 and "CIMA Prueba de Concepto 2021”, supporting my project. Apart from this project as PI, I have had the opportunity of participating in 15 R&D projects financed in competitive calls from national and international entities. Furthermore, I have been reviewer of 4 scientific journals. Since 2016 I am assistant professor in Genetic and Biochemistry department (Contracted Doctor ANECA accredited since 2018) in the school of Science. I am coordinator assistant professor of the subject “Molecular and cellular techniques in cancer research” in Biomedical Research master at the University of Navarra and have more than 300 hours of teaching. Currently I am responsible of two innovative teaching projects at the University of Navarra. To date, I have supervised two master's thesis and two final degree projects . Currently I am supervising a master thesis and three PhD thesis. I have participated in several divulgative proposals as a jury in the scientific film festival "LabMeCrazy", as participant in #QueSigaLaCiencia from CIBER www.youtube.com/watch? v=7GOox400gmg and as speaker in several high schools talks. Furthermore, I am part of “Woman for Science” (https://www.unav.edu/en/web/women- for-science-and-technology) where I do student mentoring and participate in different activitie that aim to foster women students in science.I have first authorship or co- authorship of 24

publications in the field of cancer, 20 of which are indexed in Web of Science. 18 out of these 20 scientific publications are included in Q1 of its category. Finally, it is worth mentioning that during my postdoc training I had my three maternity leaving between 2014 and 2018.


Ett standardiserat preanalytiskt protokoll för flytande biopsi för nedströms cirkulationsfria DNA-applikationer

1The Liquid Biopsy and Biomarker Working Module, the Biomedical Research Network in Cancer (CIBERONC)

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 Pesquisa do câncer