Lin Li

Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering

Tennessee State University

Lin Li
Professor and Department Chair

Dr. Lin Li is Professor and Departmental Head of the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering at Tennessee State University. He got his PhD from University of Wisconsin-Madison under Prof. Craig Benson in 2004. After 1 year postdoc working experience with Prof. Tuncer Edil in 2005, he started his academic career in Jackson State University. He teaches geotechnical engineering courses, including foundation engineering, unsaturated soil mechanics, geoenvironmental engineering, advanced soil mechanics, and soil dynamics. His expertise is in innovative levee testing and protection, bio-mediated ground improvement, sustainable infrastructure and geo-environmental area. He has been principal investigator or co-principal investigator of more than 22 major research grants from federal and state agencies with total funding amounts of $6.3 Million, including National Science Foundation, Department of Homeland Security, US Army Corps of Engineer, US Department of Transportation, Mississippi Department of Transportation, Tennessee Department of Transportation, Recycled Materials Resource Center under Federal Highway Administration, Institute for Multimodal Transportation under Federal Transit Administration, mostly in the area of geotechnical engineering. Dr. Li is the author or co-author of more than 5 book chapters and 120 peer-reviewed published articles with total citation of 1108 (h-index 15). With funding support from DHS, Dr. Li’s research focuses on levee protection during the Hurricane overtopping. He has published 30 scientific papers about innovative levee strengthening and testing under full scale overtopping conditions. With funding support from NSF, Dr. Li’s research on bio-mediated ground improvement leads to more than 10 SCI-index journal articles. He got HEADWAE Award in 2017, Faculty Excellence Award Richard from JSU in 2014 and 2015, High Grant Award Winner Award in 2017, Richard S. Ladd D18 Standards Development Award from ASTM for his effort in ASTM D7762 development. He is vice chair of TRB AFP40 committee, chair of ASTM D18.14 committee, and member of ASCE geoenvironmental and erosion technical committees. He is editorial board member of Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, and Journal of ASTM International


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1Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Jackson State University, 2School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Chongqing University of Science and Technology, 3Department of Civil & Architectural Engineering, Tennessee State University

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