Lucas HV van der Woude, PhD

Center for Human Movement Sciences & Department of Rehabilitation Medicine

University Medical Center, University of Groningen

Lucas HV van der Woude, PhD
Professor 'Human Movement, Rehabilitation & Funcrtional Revcovery'

Professor ‘Human Movement Science, Rehabilitation & Functional Recovery’ of the section ‘Rehabilitation and functional Recovery’, at the Center for Human Movement Sciences (CHMS) at the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG), University of Groningen (UoG), The Netherlands. The CHMS hosts a 5yr bachelor-master program in Human Movement & Sports Sciences with a total of ~550 Ba-Ma students and 45 PhD students. Van der Woude is specialized in human movement, rehabilitation, adapted sports and ergonomics of assistive technology ( with specific interests in wheeled mobility & exercise capacity, cyclic (upper) body exercise and motor skill; sport and handicap; gait. Motor learning is crucial in rehabilitation. Understanding thereof extremely complex; a multidisciplinary approach towards the learning process of cycling exercise (e.g. (impaired) wheeled mobility, gait) is beneficial with different theoretical notions interacting. Upper body work is central in wheeled mobility and ADL. Understanding motor learning in both cyclical and discrete arm motions with and without assistive technology has been central in much of our work over the past 10yrs. He was initiator multiple organizer of the international RehabMove congress cycle: ‘Rehabilitation, Mobility, Exercise & Sports’ since 1990, with the 6th edition of RehabMove held in the UMCG in December 2018 ( under the chairmanship of Dr Riemer Vegter and colleagues. Van der Woude currently has an affiliation with the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine (UMCG), the Human Engineering Laboratories of Prof Cooper at University of Pittsburgh (USA) and at Loughborough University, the Peter Harrison Center for Disability Sports. He currently (co)supervises 13 PhD students.


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1Center for Human Movement Sciences, University Medical Center Groningen, 2Amsterdam Rehabilitation Research Center Reade, Amsterdam, 3Research Institute MOVE, Faculty of Behavioral and Human Movement Sciences, VU University, 43M, Delft University of Technology, Delft, 5Center for Rehabilitation, University Medical Center Groningen

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