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Published: August 25, 2022 doi: 10.3791/63955





气管插管通常是猪模型中需要安全气道或高通气压的各种干预措施的转化研究的基本要求。气管插管是一项具有挑战性的技能,需要最少次数的成功气管插管才能在最佳条件下达到高成功率,这对于非麻醉学研究人员来说通常是无法实现的。由于猪气道解剖结构的特殊,通常可以假设气道困难。无法建立安全的气道可能导致实验动物受伤、不良事件或死亡。使用前瞻性、随机、对照评估方法,已经表明,光纤辅助气管插管需要更长的时间,但比传统插管具有更高的首过成功率,而不会引起临床相关的血氧饱和度下降。该模型为内镜引导的气管插管提供了一种标准化方案,提供了安全的气道,特别是对于在通过直接喉镜 进行 气管插管技术方面缺乏经验的研究人员。预计该程序将最大限度地减少动物痛苦和不必要的动物损失。






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该协议中的实验得到了国家和机构动物护理委员会(Landesuntersuchungsamt Rheinland-Pfalz,科布伦茨,德国;批准号G20-1-135)的批准。实验是按照ARRIVE指南进行的。总体而言,本研究使用了10头平均体重为30公斤±2公斤,日龄为12-16周的麻醉公猪(Sus scrofa homea)。

1. 动物制备

  1. 为动物保持正常的环境,以尽量减少压力。在预定的实验前6小时停止进食以降低误吸风险,但允许获得水。
  2. 用针头(20 G)在臀肌或颈部联合注射咪达唑仑(0.5mg / kg)和氮哌隆(2-3mg / kg)(见 材料表)使猪镇静。让动物不受干扰,直到镇静开始(15-20分钟)。
  3. 将镇静动物从马厩运送到实验室。运输时间不得超过足够的镇静时间(此处为30-60分钟)。确保足够的保温性,使动物不会体温过低(即低于38°C),例如根据外部温度用毯子覆盖身体。
  4. 使用夹在耳朵或尾巴上的传感器(见 材料表),监测外周血氧饱和度(SpO2)。
  5. 在将外周静脉套管(22 G)插入耳静脉之前,用消毒剂(酒精)消毒皮肤。喷洒该区域,擦拭一次,然后再次喷洒,让消毒剂干燥。用创可贴固定耳套管(见材料表)。


  1. 通过静脉注射 4 μg/kg 芬太尼给予镇痛。通过静脉注射3mg / kg丙泊酚诱导麻醉(见 材料表)。
  2. 将猪仰卧放在担架上,并用绷带固定。通过静脉注射0.5mg / kg阿曲库铵施用肌肉松弛剂(见 材料表)。
  3. 通过狗通气面罩(见材料表)或类似型号立即启动无创通气。为确保面罩紧密贴合,请将鱼际隆起和双手拇指放在面罩顶部,同时用其余手指进行下颌推力。
    注意:通气参数:FiO 2(吸气氧分数)= 100%,吸气峰值压力= <20 cmH 2 0,呼吸频率=18-20次呼吸/分钟,PEEP(呼气末正压)= 5 cmH2 0。
  4. 通过连续输注0.1-0.2mg / kg / h芬太尼和8-12mg / kg / h丙泊酚来维持麻醉。开始连续注入 5 mL/kg/h 的平衡电解质溶液(参见 材料表)。不断保持足够的麻醉深度。


  1. 让助手站在头部的左侧。让助手的左手张开嘴,向外捏住舌头,然后用压缩来留下。让助手用右手食指向下按压右上唇,以提供更好的张嘴效果。
  2. 进行直接喉镜检查。为此,将喉镜(见 材料表)插入口腔右侧,并在将舌头向左推的同时向前推动。推进喉镜的尖端,直到它停留在声门瓣中。
  3. 用管导丝(见 材料表)小心地将会厌推到一边,沿着软腭从右侧梨状凹槽向左侧轻轻舀取。
  4. 将喉镜的手柄传递给助手,将其固定在当前位置。
  5. 现在,使用柔性插管内窥镜,气管插管已经安装在上面,并连接到视频监视器。将内窥镜口服并推进到舌根,直到声门可见。
    注意:为避免相机起雾,建议事先使用防雾剂(参见 材料表)。
  6. 将声带之间的内窥镜推进到气管中。通过目视识别软骨环和膜部来确认气管的解剖结构。推进内窥镜,直到它位于隆突上方。尽量不要用内窥镜的尖端触摸敏感的粘膜,以免肿胀和出血。
  7. 在保持内窥镜位置的同时,推进气管插管,直到它在相机图像中可见。
    注意:如果气管插管无法通过声门平面推进,则有可能它已被卡在枸杞软骨上。在这种情况下,气管插管必须抽出 1 厘米并旋转 90°,然后再次轻轻推进。如有必要,可以重复此操作。类似口径的柔性插管内窥镜和气管插管可以将此问题发生的风险降至最低。如果尽管有这种操作仍无法推进气管插管,则声门下狭窄(猪喉最窄的部分)可能无法通过。在这种情况下,需要选择较小的气管插管尺寸。只要不存在解剖异常,内径为 6.5 cm 或 7.0 cm 的常规市售气管插管应该能够通过声门。气管插管尺寸要求因仔猪大小和品种而异。
  8. 取出柔性插管内窥镜,同时保持气管插管的位置。
  9. 使用 10 mL 注射器,用 10 mL 空气给袖带充气。使用气囊管理器控制气囊压力(目标值:30 cmH2O,参见 材料表)。
  10. 通过二氧化碳监测仪24定期和定期呼出二氧化碳和通过听诊15进行双面通气,确认气管插管的正确放置和充分通气。
  11. 将管子与呼吸机连接后开始机械通气(PEEP = 5 cmH 2 O,呼吸频率 = 可变以达到 <6 kPa 的潮气末 CO 2,通常为 30-50 min−1,FiO 2 = 0.4,I:E(吸气呼气比)= 1:2,潮气量 = 6-8 mL/kg)。
  12. 扩大监测(例如,建立动脉内血压测量,安装中心静脉或肺动脉导管27)或继续干预。

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Representative Results

在前瞻性、随机、对照研究环境中对10头公猪(12-16周龄,体重30公斤±3公斤)进行了气管插管。将猪随机分为两组:一组常规喉镜插管(CI组),另一组通过方案中描述的柔性插管内窥镜 辅助 插管(FIE组)。小组作业是通过拉密封的信封来完成的。研究者每天随机分配。

该研究由麻醉实习生进行,他们具有3年以上的麻醉经验,对人类气道管理有深刻的了解,并且在猪气管插管方面的经验少于7个月,麻醉护士协助插管并评估数据(n = 2,年龄:33岁±1年,人类气管插管经验: >1,000,人类清醒光纤插管:>100)。


如果饱和度降至SpO2 93%以下或发生食管错位,则停止插管尝试,并进行面罩通气3分钟。在三次尝试失败后,从业者不得不改变程序。从喉镜检查开始计算每次试验的时间。

主要终点是第一次尝试插管的成功。次要终点是插管时间,测量为喉镜检查开始和呼吸机中检测到CO2 之间的时间,改变程序的需要以及使用声门开放百分比(POGO)量表评估气道。

使用市售软件进行统计分析(见 材料表)。使用柯尔莫哥罗夫-斯米尔诺夫检验28检查正态分布。如果确定正态分布,则使用独立样本29 的 t 检验或非参数版本的曼-惠特尼 U 检验30 分析组差异。数据以平均值(±标准差)表示。使用斯皮尔曼相关系数31 检查序数尺度数据的相关性。假设显著性水平为 p < 0.05。所有测试都是出于探索性意图进行的;因此,p 值是描述性的。尽管如此,p < 0.05被接受为统计显著性的指标。

FIE组在第一次尝试时表现出比CI组更高的成功率趋势(100%对60%);总体而言,FIE组需要的插管尝试较少(1.0 ± 0 vs 1.4 ± 0.548, p = 0.310)(图1)。在任何情况下,饱和度都不会降至93%以下,因此无需更改程序。需要第二次尝试插管,因为声门下狭窄的通过不可能顺利(n = 1)和食管错位(n = 1)。

总体而言,FIE组成功的插管尝试时间明显长于CI组(71.2 s ± 18.336 s vs. 36.8 s ± 18.472 s,p = 0.018)。一般来说,声门很容易可视化,具有良好的可见性(POGO:77%±27.1%),没有组别差异(FIE 86% ± 26.077% vs. CI 68% ± 27.749%,p = 0.513)。在常规插管组(CI)中,需要更多的气管插管尝试,但这无统计学意义(1.0 ± 0 vs. 1.4 ± 0.548,p = 0.310)。在内窥镜引导的插管组(FIE)中,呼吸机中检测到CO 2需要更长的时间(71.2 s ± 18.336 s vs. 36.8 s ± 18.472 s,p = 0.018)(图2)。

Figure 1
图 1:组比较中的插管尝试次数。 对于使用柔性插管内窥镜插管的组,每次插管尝试都成功;在常规插管组中,平均需要1.4次尝试才能正确放置气管插管。误差线显示标准偏差。n = 5(每组)。请点击此处查看此图的大图。

Figure 2
2:组比较中检测到 CO2 的时间。 对于使用柔性插管内窥镜插管的组,在检测到潮气末CO2之前需要更长的时间,描述为平均值和标准偏差。n = 5(每组)。请点击此处查看此图的大图。

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尽管需要避免多次插管尝试,但在插管尝试失败的情况下恢复面罩通气至关重要。当血氧饱和度降至 93% 以下时,建议停止插管尝试。必须如上所述通过面罩通气 进行 预氧合,以提供足够的氧气储备。


增加的持续时间在该队列中没有临床意义。在任何时候都没有达到终止标准 - 饱和度低于93%。这显示在结果中,因为任何时候都不需要更改过程。事先进行充分的面罩通气是留出足够时间放置光纤气管插管以避免快速去饱和的关键步骤34。这些结果与先前比较传统插管和内镜辅助插管与缺乏经验的提供者的研究一致35。我们将光纤插管持续时间延长归因于这样一个事实,即插入后必须首先重新定向,而对于常规插管,人们保留了声门的视野。在推进过程中,避免使用柔性插管内窥镜与粘膜接触也很重要。这需要偶尔的纠正操作。最后但并非最不重要的一点是,成功放置后,需要缩回相对较长的内窥镜,这略微增加了CO2 检测的时间。



根据作者的经验,猪的面罩通风很容易实现。然而,在多次尝试失败后,不良事件的发生率显着增加16,并且在多次尝试后气管插管本身也变得越来越困难40。与人类不同,根据研究设计,使用声门外气道装置或恢复自主呼吸15 的替代气道管理是不合理的。因此,应始终以气管插管尝试次数最少为目标,以确保气道安全。

与考虑传统气管插管相当困难的学习性相反,使用柔性插管内窥镜的气管插管被错误地认为难以学习41。据作者所知,在喉镜的帮助下使用柔性插管内窥镜在麻醉患者中进行气管插管的学习曲线从未得到系统研究。Johnson等人42 在系统研究中表明,10次清醒内镜引导的气管插管足以对人体进行安全,令人满意的插管内窥镜检查。然而,这适用于自主呼吸的清醒患者,他们带来了自己的困难程度(足够的镇静,明显的咳嗽冲动,上呼吸道的肿瘤变化等)。库克等人36 也得出了类似的结论。在没有这些加重情况的情况下,预计没有其他相关气道病变的麻醉猪的学习曲线会更陡峭。人类的学习曲线从第五次插管开始明显变平(Cook et al.36, Johnson et al.42)。与传统插管相比,这是一个更陡峭的学习曲线。

Ruemmler等人35 能够证明,内窥镜辅助气管插管是一种在简短介绍后相对容易为有指导的初学者执行的程序。新手在内窥镜引导的气管插管方面甚至比这里介绍的研究中的麻醉师更快。新手在所有病例中都设法独立保护气道,而在传统气管插管的病例中,他们有13%需要帮助。因此,柔性内窥镜辅助气管插管是传统气管插管的安全替代方案,其侵入性明显小于例如经皮气管切开术和自主呼吸,后者在以前的研究中提出43。由于猪的依从性有限,自主呼吸下充分吸氧的可能性很低,本报告的作者认为,如果需要气管插管,内镜辅助气管插管是猪替代气道管理最安全的变体。虽然并非每个研究小组都可以使用柔性插管内窥镜或使用它们,但那些这样做的研究小组可以提供更多的动物安全性。例如,在正在进行的试验中防止动物损失以及在多次试验中重复使用它们的潜力,通常比购买一次性柔性插管内窥镜的经济挑战所抵消。


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Name Company Catalog Number Comments
Ambu aScope Regular Ambu GmbH, Medizinprodukte, Bad Nauheim, Germany Disposable fiber optic outer diameter 5 mm
Ambu aView Monitor Ambu GmbH, Medizinprodukte, Bad Nauheim, Germany monitor
Atracurium Hikma 50 mg/5mL Hikma Pharma GmbH, Martinsried atracurium
Azaperone (Stresnil) 40mg/mL Lilly Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg, Germany azaperone
BD Discardit II Spritze 2, 5, 10, 20 mL Becton Dickinson S.A. Carretera, Mequinenza Fraga, Spain syringe
BD Luer Connecta Becton Dickinson Infusion Therapy, AB Helsingborg, Schweden 3-way-stopcock
BD Microlance 3 20 G Becton Dickinson S.A. Carretera, Mequinenza Fraga, Spain cannula
Curafix i.v. classics Lohmann & Rauscher International GmbH & Co. KG, Rengsdorf, Germany Cannula retention dressing
Engström Carestation GE Heathcare, Madison USA ventilator
Fentanyl-Janssen 0.05 mg/mL Janssen-Cilag GmbH, Neuss fentanyl
Führungsstab, Durchmesser 4.3 Rüsch endotracheal tube introducer
IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 20 IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 20.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.) Statistical software
Incetomat-line 150 cm Fresenius, Kabi Deutschland, GmbH perfusor line
Intrafix Primeline B. Braun Melsungen AG, Melsungen, Germany Infusion line
JOZA Einmal Nitril Untersuchungshandschuhe JOZA, München, Germany disposable gloves
Laryngoscope, 45.48.50, KL 2000 Medicon Laryngoscope handle
Littmann Classic III Stethoscope 3M Deutschland GmbH, Neuss, Germany stethoscope
Luer Lock B.Braun Melsungen AG, Germany
Maimed Vlieskompresse Maimed GmbH, Neuenkirchen, Germany Fleece compress to fix the tongue
Masimo LNCS Adtx SpO2 sensor Masimo Corporation Irvine, Ca 92618 USA saturation clip for the tail
Masimo LNCS TC-I SpO2 ear clip sensor Masimo Corporation Irvine, Ca 92618 USA Saturation clip for the ear
Masimo Radical 7 Masimo Corporation Irvine, Ca 92618 USA periphereal oxygen saturation
Midazolam 15 mg/3 mL Hameln Pharma GmbH, Hameln, Germany midazolam
Midmark Canine Mask Small Plastic with Diaphragm FRSCM-0005 Midmark Corp., Dayton, Ohio, USA dog ventilation mask
Octeniderm farblos Schülke & Mayr GmbH, Nordenstedt, Germany Alcoholic disinfectant
Original Perfusor syringe 50 mL B.Braun Melsungen AG, Germany perfusor syringe
Perfusor FM Braun B.Braun Melsungen AG, Germany syringe pump
Propofol 2% 20 mg/mL (50 mL flasks) Fresenius, Kabi Deutschland, GmbH propofol
RÜSCH Führungsstab für Endotrachealtubus (ID 5.6 mm) Teleflex Medical Sdn. Bhd, Malaysia PVC coated tube guiding wire
Rüschelit Super Safety Clear >ID 6/6.5 /7.0 mm Teleflex Medical Sdn. Bhd, Malaysia endotracheal tube
Stainless Macintosh Größe 4 Welch Allyn69604 blade for laryngoscope
Sterofundin B.Braun Melsungen AG, Melsungen, Germany Balanced electrolyte solution
Ultrastop Antibeschlagmittel bottle with dropper 25 mL Sigmapharm Arzneimittel GmbH, Wien, Austria Antifog agent
Vasofix Safety 22 G-16 G B.Braun Melsungen AG, Germany venous catheter
VBM Cuff Manometer VBM Medizintechnik GmbH, Sulz a.N., Germany cuff pressure gauge
Zelette Lohmann & Rauscher International GmbH & Co. KG, Rengsdorf, Germany Tissue swab



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医学,第 186 期,气道管理,猪,动物模型,气管插管,光纤


Formal Correction: Erratum: Endotracheal Intubation Using a Flexible Intubation Endoscope As a Standardized Model for Safe Airway Management in Swine
Posted by JoVE Editors on 04/03/2023. Citeable Link.

An erratum was issued for: Endotracheal Intubation Using a Flexible Intubation Endoscope As a Standardized Model for Safe Airway Management in Swine. The Protocol, Representative Results, and Discussion sections were updated.

In the Protocol, step 1.5 was updated from:

Disinfect the skin with a disinfectant (alcoholic) before inserting a peripheral vein cannula (22 G) into an ear vein. Spray the area, wipe once, then spray again, and allow the disinfectant to dry.


Disinfect the skin with a disinfectant (alcoholic) before inserting a peripheral vein cannula (22 G) into an ear vein. Spray the area, wipe once, then spray again, and allow the disinfectant to dry. Secure the ear cannula with a band-aid (See Table of Materials).

In the Protocol, step 3.7 was updated from:

While maintaining the position of the endoscope, advance the endotracheal tube until it becomes visible in the camera image.
NOTE: If the endotracheal tube cannot be advanced through the glottic plane, there is a possibility that it has become caught on the arytenoid cartilage. In this case, the endotracheal tube must be withdrawn 1 cm and rotated by 90° before gently advancing again. If necessary, this maneuver can be repeated. Similar calibers of flexible intubation endoscope and endotracheal tube can minimize the risk of this issue occurring. If the endotracheal tube cannot be advanced despite this maneuver, it is likely that the subglottic narrowness-the narrowest part of the porcine larynx-cannot be passed. In this case, a smaller endotracheal tube size needs to be selected. Regular commercially available endotracheal tubes in sizes 6.5 cm or 7.0 cm ID should be able to pass the glottis as long as no anatomic abnormalities are present.


While maintaining the position of the endoscope, advance the endotracheal tube until it becomes visible in the camera image.
NOTE: If the endotracheal tube cannot be advanced through the glottic plane, there is a possibility that it has become caught on the arytenoid cartilage. In this case, the endotracheal tube must be withdrawn 1 cm and rotated by 90° before gently advancing again. If necessary, this maneuver can be repeated. Similar calibers of flexible intubation endoscope and endotracheal tube can minimize the risk of this issue occurring. If the endotracheal tube cannot be advanced despite this maneuver, it is likely that the subglottic narrowness-the narrowest part of the porcine larynx-cannot be passed. In this case, a smaller endotracheal tube size needs to be selected. Regular commercially available endotracheal tubes in sizes 6.5 cm or 7.0 cm ID should be able to pass the glottis as long as no anatomic abnormalities are present. Endotracheal tube size requirements vary depending on the piglet size and breed.

In the Representative Results, the sixth paragraph was updated from:

Statistical analyses were performed using commercially available software (see Table of Materials). Normal distribution was examined using the Kolmogorov-Smirnoff test28. If a normal distribution was determined, group differences were analyzed using t-tests of independent samples29 or the Mann-Whitney U test30 for the non-parametric version. Data are presented as mean (± standard deviation). Correlations of ordinal-scale data were examined using Spearman's correlation coefficient31. A significance level of p < 0.05 was assumed.


Statistical analyses were performed using commercially available software (see Table of Materials). Normal distribution was examined using the Kolmogorov-Smirnoff test28. If a normal distribution was determined, group differences were analyzed using t-tests of independent samples29 or the Mann-Whitney U test30 for the non-parametric version. Data are presented as mean (± standard deviation). Correlations of ordinal-scale data were examined using Spearman's correlation coefficient31. A significance level of p < 0.05 was assumed. All tests were performed with exploratory intention; therefore p-values are descriptive. Nevertheless, p < 0.05 was accepted as indicative of statistical significance.

In the Representative Results, the legend for figure 1 was updated from:

Figure 1: Number of intubation attempts in group comparison. For the group that was intubated using a flexible intubation endoscope, every intubation attempt was successful; in the group that was conventionally intubated, it took an average of 1.4 attempts before the endotracheal tube could be placed correctly. Error bars show the standard deviation. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.


Figure 1: Number of intubation attempts in group comparison. For the group that was intubated using a flexible intubation endoscope, every intubation attempt was successful; in the group that was conventionally intubated, it took an average of 1.4 attempts before the endotracheal tube could be placed correctly. Error bars show the standard deviation. n = 5 (for each group). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.

In the Representative Results, figure 2 was updated from:

Figure 2
Figure 2: Time until CO2 detection in group comparison. For the group that was intubated using a flexible intubation endoscope, it took significantly longer until end-tidal CO2 could be detected, depicted as mean and standard deviation. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.


Figure 2
Figure 2: Time until CO2 detection in group comparison. For the group that was intubated using a flexible intubation endoscope, it took significantly longer until end-tidal CO2 could be detected, depicted as mean and standard deviation. n = 5 (for each group). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.

In the Discussion, the fifth paragraph was updated from:

The increased duration had no clinical significance in this cohort. At no time was the termination criterion-a saturation of less than 93%-reached. This is shown in the results because a procedure change was unnecessary at any time. Prior adequate mask ventilation is a critical step to allow sufficient time for fiberoptic endotracheal tube placement to avoid rapid desaturation34. These results are consistent with previous studies comparing conventional intubation and endoscopically assisted intubations with inexperienced providers35.


The increased duration had no clinical significance in this cohort. At no time was the termination criterion-a saturation of less than 93%-reached. This is shown in the results because a procedure change was unnecessary at any time. Prior adequate mask ventilation is a critical step to allow sufficient time for fiberoptic endotracheal tube placement to avoid rapid desaturation34. These results are consistent with previous studies comparing conventional intubation and endoscopically assisted intubations with inexperienced providers35. We attribute the prolonged duration of fiberoptic intubation to the fact that one must first reorient again after insertion, whereas with conventional intubation, one retains a view of the glottis. It is also important to avoid contact with the mucosa with the flexible intubation endoscope during advancement. This requires occasional corrective maneuvers. Last but not least, after successful placement, retraction of the relatively long endoscope is required, which increases the time to CO2 detection slightly.

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Mohnke, K., Riedel, J., Renz, M.,More

Mohnke, K., Riedel, J., Renz, M., Rissel, R., Ziebart, A., Kamuf, J., Hartmann, E. K., Ruemmler, R. Endotracheal Intubation Using a Flexible Intubation Endoscope as a Standardized Model for Safe Airway Management in Swine. J. Vis. Exp. (186), e63955, doi:10.3791/63955 (2022).

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