

Published: October 27, 2008


本视频演示了原位杂交的方法,其中2个不同的基因的时空表达模式可以在年轻的鸡胚显示2色整装。这种方法最初是由大卫威尔金森,多明戈斯恩里克,菲尔英厄姆和大卫ISH – Horowicz。




第1部分:固定的胚胎填充与冰冷的DEPC – PBS清扫菜。置于冰上。打开用镊子轻敲壳蛋和删除壳件。 用镊子取出厚厚的白蛋白。卵黄囊倾斜粗钳,使胚胎朝上。 用剪刀,切割围绕胚胎的卵黄囊平方米。 使用勺子,取出胚胎从卵黄和冰冷的DEPC – PBS。 在显微镜下,删除膜和蛋黄,并转移到固定菜。 牵制,除去DEPC – PBS。 DEPC – PBS在4%煤灰更换和修复…


2色整装原位杂交方法是用来确定空间和时间的基因表达模式,使用一个或两个基因的兴趣。应用领域包括新基因的基因表达模式的评估 (如1,2,以及以下侮辱基因表达的变化(3 胚胎操作 ,珠4,RNA 或DNA电构造5)。


The authors have nothing to disclose.


这项工作是支持的玛格丽特M. Alkek基金会RHF。


Material Name Tipo Company Catalogue Number Comment
Eggs Animal Charles River Premium Fertile  
Stereomicroscope Microscope Leica Microsystems MZ9.5  
Marsh Automatic Incubator Tool Lyon RX  
Hybridization Incubator Tool Hybaid Micro-4  
Adams Nutator orbital mixer Tool Fisher 14-062  
Curved Forceps (1) Tool Electron Microscopy Sciences 72991-4C  
Fine scissors Tool Fine Science Tools 14161-10  
Spoon Tool Fine Science Tools 10370-18  
Pasteur Capillary Pipette   Electron Microscopy Sciences 70950-12  
Microcapillary tube   Sigma P1049-1PAK Pull using vertical micropipette puller; blunt end with fine forceps
Microdissecting knife   Fine Science Tools 10056-12 Use to puncture cavities prior to in situ hybridization
Minuten pins 0.2mm diam   Fine Science Tools 26002-20 Keep pins together using a magnetic stirrer;
Sylgard 184 Silicon Elastomer Curing Agent and Base Reagent Dow Corning 0001986475 Mix 1 part Curing Agent, 9 parts Base; set O/N at 37C
Diethylpyrocarbonate (depc) Reagent Acros Organics 10025025 Add 1ml depc to 1l PBS; shake; autoclave
16% PFA Reagent Electron Microscopy Sciences 15710  
Tween-20 Reagent Sigma P1379-100ML  
Proteinase K   Sigma P2308-5MG Stock at 10 mg/ml in depc-H2O in 10ul aliquots. Store at -20C.
Formamide, deionized Reagent Ambion 9342  
Yeast tRNA-25 mg Reagent Invitrogen 15401-011 Stock at 20 mg/ml in depc-H2O in 125ul aliquots. Store at -20C
Heparin Sodium salt Reagent Sigma H4784-250MG Stock at 50 mg/ml in depc-H2O in 100ul aliquots. Store at -20C.
SSC x20 pH5.5 Reagent Fisher PR-V4261  
EDTA (0.5M) PR-V4231 Fisher    
SDS Reagent Fisher BP166-100  
Maleic acid Reagent Fluka 63189  
Boehringer Blocking Reagent Reagent Roche Applied Sciences 11096176001 Use at 2% in MABT. To make, heat with MABT for 20 mn at 60C. Can make a stock and store in 1-5 ml aliquots at 20C.
Heat inactivated sheep serum Reagent Jackson Immuno 013-000-121 Dissolve in 10 ml H2O; heat 550C, 30 mn. Aliquot at 1ml, -20C.
Anti-Digoxigenin-AP, Fab fragments Reagent Roche Applied Sciences 11093274910  
NBT/BCIP stock solution Reagent Roche Applied Sciences 11681451001  
Anti-Fluorescein-AP, Fab fragments Reagent Roche Applied Sciences 11426338910  
2M Tris BP1759-500 Fisher    
Vector Red Alkaline Phosphatase Substrate Kit Reagent Vector Laboratories SK-5100  
1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene Reagent Sigma 429325-100ML Under hood


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  2. Rodríguez Esteban, C., Capdevila, J., Economides, A. N., Pascual, J., Ortiz, A., Izpisúa Belmonte, J. C. The novel Cer-like protein Caronte mediates the establishment of embryonic left-right asymmetry. Nature. 401, 243-251 (1999).
  3. Psychoyos, D., Stern, C. D. Restoration of the organizer after radical ablation of Hensen’s node and the anterior primitive streak in the chick embryo. Development. 122, 3263-3273 (1996).
  4. Kawakami, M., Nakanishi, N. The role of an endogenous PKA inhibitor, PKIalpha, in organizing left-right axis formation. Development. 128, 2509-2515 (2001).
  5. Basch, M. L., Bronner-Fraser, M., Garcia-Castro, M. I. Specification of the neural crest occurs during gastrulation and requires Pax7. Nature. 441, 218-222 (2006).

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Citar este artigo
Psychoyos, D., Finnell, R. Double Whole Mount in situ Hybridization of Early Chick Embryos. J. Vis. Exp. (20), e904, doi:10.3791/904 (2008).

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