

Published: August 09, 2015


A method for surface-spreading chromosomes from budding yeast is presented. This method is derived from a method previously described by Loidl and Klein. In addition, we demonstrate a procedure for immunostaining of spread chromosomes.


The small size of nuclei of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae limits the utility of light microscopy for analysis of the subnuclear distribution of chromatin-bound proteins. Surface spreading of yeast nuclei results in expansion of chromatin without loss of bound proteins. A method for surface spreading balances fixation of DNA bound proteins with detergent treatment. The method demonstrated is slightly modified from that described by Josef Loidl and Franz Klein1,2. The method has been used to characterize the localization of many chromatin-bound proteins at various stages of the mitotic cell cycle, but is especially useful for the study of meiotic chromosome structures such as meiotic recombinosomes and the synaptonemal complex. We also describe a modification that does not require use of Lipsol, a proprietary detergent, which was called for in the original procedure, but no longer commercially available. An immunostaining protocol that is compatible with the chromosome spreading method is also described.








注:以下一些步骤的协议要求在清洁通风橱工作。另外,该方法需要一个酵母四分体解剖显微镜配备一个10X长工作距离物镜并监控原生质球。显微镜应设置在提前罩。取出显微手臂和板夹从范围和放置这些物品在安全的地方,远离工作区。 1.准备原生质球生长所需条件下酵母。使用约2×10 8个细胞的每个样品,如4毫升培养的在OD 600 1.4 = 5×10 7个细胞/ ml?…

Representative Results

传播核的外观需要依靠染色体固定和脱压实之间的平衡。即使当试剂被适当平衡,变异在染色体脱压实度可发生在相同的幻灯片之间和/或不同的幻灯片的不同区域。因此,图像被解释之前以幻灯片的给定区域差的质量进行评估。 可使用抗减数分裂重组蛋白来说明的“笼压”和“underspreading”的影响。在图1中 ,减数分裂细胞核双重免疫染色两种真核生物链交换的?…


The appearance of spread nuclei critically depends upon the balance between fixation and lysis/detergent treatment. As discussed above, the preservation of varying cellular structures requires the use of different PFA concentrations. For most proteins, 3% PFA is optimal. However, preservation of spindles requires use of 4% PFA. Even with a single set of reagents, the timing of lysis relative to fixation can also affect the quality of spread nuclei. For the most consistent results, the time of lysis should be normalize…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was supported by NIH grant GM50936 to DKB.


Zymolyase US Biological  Z1004 Prepare 20 mg/mL solution in 50 mM Tris pH 7.5 supplemented with 2% glucose. Prepare fresh each experiment and store at 4°C until ready for use.
Lipsol  L.I.P. Ltd  no longer commercially available Prepare 1% (v/v) solution in water. Store on ice.
NP-40 USB 19628 Prepare 1% (v/v) solution in water. Store on ice.
Tween 20 Sigma P2287
Slides Corning 2948-75×25
Standard coverslip Fisher 12-544-E or 12-540-B
High resolution coverslips Fisher 12-542-B
Photo-Flo 200 solution Kodak P-7417 Prepare 0.2% (v/v) solution in water. 
TBS 137 mM NaCl, 2.7 mM KCl, 24.7 mM Tris, pH 8
BSA Sigma A2153 Prepare a 1% (w/v) solution in TBS. Store at 4°C for up to a month.
Primary antibody
Alexa Fluor 488 Donkey Anti-Rabbit Invitrogen A-21206
IgG (H+L) Antibody
Vectashield mounting media with DAPI Vector
ProLong Gold Invitrogen P36930
Plastic slide box Fisher 03-448-1 Store slides containing dried spreads in slots at -20°C. Also, use as a wet chamber.
Cardboard slide box Fisher 12-587-10 Use to conveniently transport stained/sealed slides or store at 4°C.
Coplin jar Fisher 08-816 Use as a wash basin for slides. 


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Grubb, J., Brown, M. S., Bishop, D. K. Surface Spreading and Immunostaining of Yeast Chromosomes. J. Vis. Exp. (102), e53081, doi:10.3791/53081 (2015).

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