

Published: June 26, 2016


A sensitive and accurate method for cell-free microRNAs quantification using a dye-based chemistry and droplet digital PCR technology is described.




MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are released into blood circulation by potentially all the cells of the organism, as a consequence of active release or necrotic and apoptotic processes. Cell-free miRNAs have been detected in the bloodstream either as free stable molecules or linked to lipoproteins or enveloped inside exosomes and microvesicles 1-3. They are believed to function as cell-to-cell communicators 4, and their amount changes in the presence of cancer, cardiac disorders or autoimmune diseases 5-7. Their accurate and reproducible quantification is the basis for their evaluation as disease biomarkers. However, for several reasons already described elsewhere 8,9, miRNA quantification in serum or plasma, as well as other body fluids, could be very challenging 10,11. We recently developed a method for the absolute quantification of circulating miRNAs, based on miRNA-specific LNA primers and DNA-binding dye droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) technology 12. This methodology has been applied to the validation of miRNA breast cancer biomarkers 13,14.

After the partitioning of each reverse-transcribed miRNA molecule inside a nanoliter-sized droplet, it is possible to count the copy number of each miRNA in each sample, basically counting the number of green, and therefore positive, fluorescent droplets. As soon as a PCR reaction occurs, a positive count is achieved, without the need to establish a standard curve or taking PCR efficiency into account in target amount calculation, as it happens with quantitative RT-PCR (RT-qPCR). In addition, ddPCR proved to be more sensitive and accurate than RT-qPCR in circulating miRNA quantification 15. In this article we present the detailed protocol of this methodology, discussing the most relevant steps andspecifically considering serum and plasma clinical samples.


从血浆或血清中分离的microRNA 注意:血浆和血清制剂是循环的miRNA定量的相关步骤。存在用于血浆和血清制备没有优选的程序。唯一要考虑的重要的事情是,所有来自同一实验的样品必须使用完全相同的工作流程进行处理。从200μl的血清或血浆开始。总RNA可以从血清或血浆用市售试剂盒进行分离。 1,协议总RNA(miRNA的包括)隔离在冰上解冻血清/血浆样本。 …

Representative Results

可使用绿色荧光DNA结合染料和液滴数字PCR技术来确定每毫升的血浆或血清的特定miRNA的绝对量。 图1表示正极的液滴选择的过程中,它决定了最终的miRNA浓度(拷贝/微升)在由分析软件计算的扩增反应。血液中的每个miRNA的量是非常不同的,是一些miRNA族比其他人更丰富。使用在ddPCR反应1:50稀释的cDNA,可以得到正和负的液滴的足够数量。在正液滴饱和( 例如…




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从意大利癌症研究协会(AIRC)为MF(MFAG 11676)和MN资金支持(特别节目分子临床肿瘤学 – 5千分数ñ9980,2010/15)和指令意大利教育部,大学和研究FIRB 2011年明尼苏达州(项目RBAPIIBYNP)。


miRNeasy Mini Kit Qiagen 217004 Columns for total RNA, including miRNA, extraction from serum/plasma
100 nmole RNA oligo Cel-miR-39-3p Integrated DNA Technologies Custom Sequence: UCACCGGGUGUAAAUCAGCUUG
Universal cDNA synthesis kit II, 8-64 rxns Exiqon 203301 Kit for microRNA reverse transcription
MicroRNA LNA PCR primer set  Exiqon 204000-206xxx and 2100000-21xxxxx Primers for miRNA amplification inside droplets
QX200 droplet generator BioRad 186-4002 Instrument used for droplet reading
QX200 droplet reader BioRad 186-4003 Instrument used for droplet generation
QuantaSoft software BioRad 186-3007 Software for data collection and analysis
PX1 PCR plate sealer BioRad 181-4000 Plate sealer
DG8 droplet generator cartridges and gaskets BioRad 186-4008 Cartridges used to mix sample and oil to generate droplets
QX200 ddPCR EvaGreen supermix BioRad 186-4033/36 PCR supermix
QX200 droplet generator oil for EvaGreen dye BioRad 186-4005 Oil for droplet generation


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Cite This Article
Ferracin, M., Salamon, I., Lupini, L., Miotto, E., Sabbioni, S., Negrini, M. Circulating MicroRNA Quantification Using DNA-binding Dye Chemistry and Droplet Digital PCR. J. Vis. Exp. (112), e54102, doi:10.3791/54102 (2016).

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