

Published: January 31, 2020







以前已经开发出一种培养肠道墓穴的方法。使用这种技术,分离的小鼠密码生长成肠道器官(肠状体),具有像结构一样的隐液,并包含所有肠道上皮细胞系9,10。5-Ethynyl-2′-脱氧尿碱(EdU)是一种胸腺素模拟物,能够取代在细胞增殖过程中正在复制的DNA中的胸腺素(T)。增殖细胞可以通过EdU染色快速准确地标记。碘化钠(PI)是溴化铀的模拟,在插入双链DNA后释放红色荧光。PI 专门检测死细胞,因为它只通过受损的细胞膜。



该协议得到了苏科大学剑桥-苏达基因组资源中心(CAM-SU)动物护理和使用委员会的批准。 1. 肠道器官分离与培养 肠道墓穴和肠癌培养的分离 用CO2吸入8周大的野生型小鼠安乐死。使用组织钳和细虹膜剪刀解剖出约8厘米的回肠。 使用带有加韦奇喂养针的注射器冲洗出来,用约 40 mL 的冰冷 Dulbecco 的磷酸盐缓冲盐水 (DPBS),然后用剪刀纵向切割并…

Representative Results

小肠墓穴在基底膜基质中分离和培养为肠状物。隔离后2天,肠小病开始形成芽。在第6天,肠子有许多芽,在流明中有很多碎片(死细胞)。在这个阶段,肠子已经准备好通过(图3)。 许多研究表明,炎症细胞因子对于维持肠道上皮平衡至关重要。炎症细胞因子的异常表达与炎症性肠病的发生密切相关11。例如,我们以前的研究表明,…




The authors have nothing to disclose.




15 ml centrifuge tube Corning 430791
22 G gavage needle VWR 20068-608
24-well plate Nunc 142475
40 mm sterile cell strainer BD 352340
50 ml centrifuge tube Corning 430829
70 mm sterile cell strainer BD 352350
Advanced DMEM/F-12 GIBCO 12634010
Attune NxT Acoustic Focusing Cytometer Invitrogen A24863
B-27 Supplement GIBCO 17504044
Buffer 1 2 mM EDTA in DPBS
Buffer 2 54.9 mM D-sorbitol, 43.4 mM sucrose in DPBS
C57/B6 mice Nanjing Biomedical Research Institute of Nanjing University
Cell-dissociation enzymes (TrypLE) Life technologies 12605-010
Centrifuge Eppendorf 5424
Centrifuge Eppendorf 5424R
Centrifuge Eppendorf 5810R
Click-iT Plus EdU Alexa Fluor 594 Imaging Kit Life technologies C10639
CO2 incubator Panasonic MCO-18AC
DPBS GIBCO 14190144
D-sorbitol BBI SB0491
ENR media Minigut media, 50 ng/ml EGF, 100 ng/ml Noggin, 500 ng/ml R-spondin
Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) Gibco 10270-106
Fine Iris Scissors Tansoole 2037454
Fluorescence microscope Olympus FV1000
GlutaMAX Supplement GIBCO 35050-061
Goat Serum Life technologies 16210-064
HDMEM Hyclone SH30243.01B
HEPES Sigma H4034
Matrigel Corning 356231
Minigut media Advanced DMEM/F12, 2 mM Glutamax, Penn/Strep (100 units/ml), 10 mM Hepes, N2 supplement (1:100), B27 supplement (1:50)
N2 supplement R&D AR009
Nonionic surfactant (Triton X) BBI TB0198-500ML
Operating Scissor (12.5 cm) Tansoole 2025785
Paraformaldehyde (PFA) sigma 158127-500g
Penn/Strep Invitrogen 15140-148
Phase contrast microscope Nikon TS1000
Propidium iodide Sigma P4170-25MG
Recombinant EGF PeproTech 315-09
Recombinant Mouse Noggin PeproTech 250-38
Recombinant Mouse R-Spondin 1 R&D 3474-RS-050
Recombinant Murine IL-22 PeproTech 210-22-10
Sucrose BBI SB0498
Tissue Forceps Tansoole 2026704
Y-27632 2HC1 Selleck S1049


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Li, H., Xu, S., Sheng, J., Jiang, Z., Wang, J., Ding, N., Wang, T., Odenwald, M. A., Turner, J. R., He, W., Xu, H., Zha, J. Quantification of Proliferative and Dead Cells in Enteroids. J. Vis. Exp. (155), e60501, doi:10.3791/60501 (2020).

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