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Coronavirus / COVID-19 Procedures
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JoVE Science Education Coronavirus / COVID-19 Procedures
COVID-19 / Coronavirus Outbreak: Hemodynamic monitoring with PiCCO artery

COVID-19 / 冠状病毒爆发:与皮科动脉进行血流动力学监测




在大流行期间,医务人员成为治疗和管理这些传染病患者的关键资源。为了获得最佳的医疗服务,必须向医务人员传授相关技术和程序,以尽量减少与工作有关的感染传播风险。在心血管不稳定患者中进行血流动力学监测时,可以使用脉冲轮廓心脏输出(PiCCO)导管。该系统利用热化法分析患者的心血管状况。本视频重点介绍了 PiCCO 导管和系统的放置和设置,包括热化方法的实际组件和分析,同时考虑重要的个人保护措施。


注射冷 0.9% 氯化钠时,需要中央静脉导管。 所有所需设备都应在患者室外准备。注:PiCCO 导管尺寸的选择取决于穿刺点。首选的穿刺部位是股动脉。在这种情况下,将使用 5 个法语和 20 厘米长的导管。如果胸动脉被刺穿,将使用4个法国22厘米的导管。 进入患者室时,请始终使用合适的个人防护设备。在这种情况下,FFP2 掩码就足够了。 向患者解释程序,以便尽可能获得口头同意。 覆盖贴心区域,在患者的骨盆下放置一个吸水防水保护板。如果需要,可以剃光和清洁穿刺点,以清除可见的污垢。 使用喷雾消毒剂对该区域进行消毒。 将保护膜牢固地粘在超声波探头上,如有必要,再次对该区域进行消毒。 确定局部解剖和目标区域 son 相)。将探针定位在医疗方向:可识别的是股骨静脉、股动脉和股骨神经。助记性海军可以提供帮助(神经动脉-静脉-Y前部(或中线)。 根据需要考虑对患者的进行对。 在进一步喷洒消毒后,当地可能渗透与梅皮瓦卡因1%。最终的穿刺和缝合点应该渗透。 安排所有进一步的设备,让时间局部麻醉效果。 消毒你的手。在助手的帮助下,应佩戴无菌手套和无菌长袍。 使用彩色消毒剂反复消毒穿刺现场。让消毒剂干燥时间。现已覆盖消毒区域。 将无菌保护膜拉过超声波探头和电缆。让助手握住超声波探针电缆,并协助将保护膜拉过此电缆。保护膜可与提供白色胶带固定在超声波探头上。电缆将固定在病人的床上。 用 0.9% 氯化钠冲洗 PiCCO 导管。检查导线。 现在,刺穿动脉。这应在子学控制和不断的愿望下进行。使用正声分析图像并检查空心针尖的位置。 假设在明亮的红血以脉动的方式从空心针中渗出时,动脉被成功刺穿。 推进导线,无阻力,约20厘米。 以条形控制导丝的位置。 现在,扩张组织。 膨胀后,通过导管通过导丝,并将其插入动脉流明,直到它不能进一步先进。注:指南线必须在任何时候由卫生保健工作者持有。 拆下导丝,吸气并冲洗导管。 三向阀可以连接到流明上。 最后,用缝合线将 PiCCO 导管固定在皮肤上。 如果需要,现在可能采取血液培养。这些应该由助理准备。 用石膏将 PiCCO 导管固定到位,并拆下无菌窗帘。 无菌礼服和手套现在可以脱掉。 心脏输出和其他血动力参数现在可以测量。 首先,将 PiCCO 监视器适配器连接到遥测监视器,然后将 PiCCO 电缆连接到此适配器。PiCCO 电缆将连接到红色连接点。 将动脉血压传感器连接到 PiCCO 动脉线。 将带蓝色连接器的冲洗适配器连接到近端连接站点的中央静脉导管。关闭中央静脉压力阀。注:为了确保各种血流动力学参数的准确计算,将患者的详细信息正确输入生命体征监测器非常重要。特别重要的是病人的大小,体重,生日和病例数。 重要提示:在生命体征监测仪上选择 20 mL 测试体积剂量。注意:为了保存以下任何结果,在计算机程序中添加 PiCCO 类别(如果支持)非常重要。 测量基于热化方法。管理20 mL的0.9%氯化钠,在冰箱里冷却。 通过按蓝色手触发器或按显示器上的”启动”开始测量。 在测量允许时,尽快管理液体博卢斯,该液体将在患者监视器上说明。 至少进行 3 次单独和有效的测量,以获得更可靠的结果。 使用 PiCCO 导管中的温度探头,测量通过中央静脉导管喷射液体玻利瓦尔后一段时间内的温差。 如果结果之间的差异大于 10%,则应重复这些差异,并分别从总体计算中删除这些差异。 完成所有测量后,可以打开中央静脉压力阀。现在,所有测量值都可保存。可以计算患者的血流动力学状态。结果随后将打印出来,并转移到中央计算机网络。 每次工作班次时,应校准一次连续心脏输出功能。


No conflicts of interest declared.


Dearest colleagues, when carrying out hemodynamic monitoring in cardiovascularly unstable patients, it’s possible to utilize a PiCCO or Pulse Contour Cardiac Output catheter. A thermodilution method is used for analysis. A central venous catheter is necessary. All required equipment will be prepared outside of the patient’s room.

The choice of PiCCO catheter is dependent upon the puncture site. The preferred puncture site is the femoral artery. In this instance, a 5 French and 20 centimeter-long catheter will be used. A 4 French 22  would be used if the brachial artery was to be punctured.

When entering the patient’s room, always use suitable personal protective equipment. In this case, an FFP2 mask is sufficient. Explain the procedure to the patient in order to gain verbal consent if at all possible. The intimate areas will be covered,and an absorbent and waterproof protective sheet is placed under the patient’s pelvis. If required, the puncture site can be razored and cleaned to remove visible dirt.

Disinfect the area with a spray disinfectant. Firmly stick the protective film to the ultrasound probe, and if necessary, disinfect the area once more. The local anatomy and target area is now sonographically identified. Position the probe in a mediolateral direction. Identifiable is the femoral vein, femoral artery, and femoral nerve.

The mnemonic ‘NAVY’ can be helpful– nerve, artery, vein, Y fronts or midline. Sedation of the patient may also be considered. Following a further spray disinfection, the local area may be infiltrated with mepivicaine 1%. The eventual puncture and suture sites should be infiltrated. All further equipment can now be arranged allowing time for the effect of the local anesthetic.

Firstly, the hands should be disinfected. Sterile gloves and a sterile gown should be worn with help from an assistant. The puncture site is now repeatedly disinfected with a color-tinted disinfectant.

Allow the disinfectant time to dry. The disinfected area can now be covered as sterile protective film is pulled over the ultrasound probe and cable. The assistant holds the ultrasound probe cable and assists in the pulling over of the protective film over this cable. The protective film may be fixed to the ultrasound probe with the white adhesive tape provided.

The cable is in turn, fixed to the patient’s bed. The PiCCO catheter is flushed with sodium chloride 0.9%. The guidewire is checked. The artery is now punctured. This is carried out under sonographic control and constant aspiration. Visualize and check the position of the hollow needle tip using sonography. If bright red blood is oozing from the hollow needle in a pulsating manner, we can assume successful puncture of the artery. The guidewire should, without resistance, be advanced approximately 20 centimeters. The guidewire’s position is sonographically controlled.

The tissues are now dilated. Following dilation, the catheter is passed over the guidewire and inserted into the artery till it cannot be further advanced. The guidewire is at all times held by the health care worker. Following the removal of the guidewire, the catheter is aspirated and flushed. A three-way valve may be attached to the lumen. Finally, the PiCCO catheter is anchored with sutures to the skin.

If required, blood cultures can now be taken. These are prepared by an assistant. The PiCCO catheter is now fixed into place with a plaster and the sterile drapes removed. The sterile gown and gloves may now be removed. We now measure the cardiac output and other hemodynamic parameters.

First, attach the PiCCO monitor adapter to the telemetry monitor, and then attach the PiCCO cable to this adapter. The PiCCO cable is connected to the red attachment point. The arterial blood pressure transducer is, in turn, connected to the PiCCO arterial line.

The flash adapter with the blue connector is connected to the central venous catheter at proximal to the attachment site. The central venous pressure valve is now closed. To ensure accurate calculation of the various hemodynamic parameters, it’s important to correctly input the patient’s details into the vital signs monitor. Of particular importance are the patient’s size, weight, birthday, and case number.

Important– the 20-milliliter test volume dose should be selected on the vital signs monitor. In order to save any following results, it’s important to add a PiCCO category in your computer program. The measurements are based on a thermal dilution method. A 20-milliliter bolus of sodium chloride 0.9%, which has been cooled in the fridge, is administered.

The measurements can now be started by either pressing the blue hand trigger or by pressing Start on the monitor. The fluid bolus is administered as soon as the measurement allows for, which will be stated on the patient monitor.

At least three separate and valid measurements should be carried out in order to obtain more reliable results. A temperature probe in the PiCCO catheter measures the difference in temperature over a period of time following injection of the fluid bolus through the central venous catheter. In this case, four measurements are carried out.

If there is a greater than 10% variation between the results, these should be repeated and respectively removed from the overall calculation. In this case, the first measurement varies greatly to the others. Once all measurements are complete, the central venous pressure valve can be opened. Now, all the measurements may be saved. Now, the hemodynamic status of the patient is calculated. The results are subsequently printed out and also transferred to the central computer network. The continuous cardiac output functions should be calibrated once during each work shift. Thank you very much.


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JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. COVID-19 / Coronavirus Outbreak: Hemodynamic monitoring with PiCCO artery. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2020).