

Published: January 19, 2020




诱导多能干细胞(iPSCs)可被视为迄今为止一个有前途的多能细胞来源,用于管理目前无法治疗的疾病、重建和再生受伤组织以及开发新药。尽管与使用 iPSC 相关的所有优势,例如拒绝风险低、道德问题减少,以及有可能从年轻和老年患者那里获得这些差异,而他们的重新编程潜力没有任何差异,但需要克服的问题仍然很多。事实上,使用病毒和整合病毒进行的细胞重新编程会导致感染,而引入所需基因会导致受体细胞的基因组不稳定,从而损害其在临床上的使用。特别是,有许多关于使用c-Myc基因的关注,从几项研究中,它因其突变诱导活性而广为人知。纤维细胞已成为细胞重新编程的合适细胞群,因为它们易于分离和培养,并且通过微创性皮肤冲活检进行收获。此处描述的协议提供了整个过程的详细分步描述,从样品加工到获取细胞培养、试剂和用品的选择、清洁和制备,以及通过商业方式对细胞重新编程基于非改性RNA(NM-RNA)的重新编程套件。所选择的重新编程试剂盒允许对iPSC进行有效的人体皮成纤维细胞重新编程,并且在第一次转染后24小时就可以看到小菌落,即使对标准数据表进行修改也是如此。该协议中使用的重新编程过程具有安全重新编程的优点,无需病毒载体方法引起的感染风险,减少了细胞防御机制,并允许生成无异种的 iPSC,所有为进一步临床应用而必须提供的关键功能。







实际上,该方法的优点在于性能的简便性和获得 iPSC 所需的时间短。此外,该方法避免了细胞防御机制和病毒载体的使用,负责相关问题。

关于标准协议,进行了以下修改:(1) 在通道4处同步,在胰蛋白酶化前将0.1%的血清放入48小时;(2) 对培养细胞密度和试剂体积进行调整,以利用24孔多孔板代替6孔板;(3) 重新编程实验使用5%CO2培养箱,而不是具有大气(21%O2)或低氧(5%O2)条件的培养箱。


人体组织标本是根据《赫尔辛基宣言》采集的,同时遵守费德里科二世大学医院的指导方针。参与这项研究的所有患者均提供书面同意。 1. 用品和文化媒体的准备 清洁和高压灭菌一把大手术剪刀,两套细钳子,两对微解剖剪刀,1 L无菌瓶,500 mL无菌瓶和250 mL无菌瓶。 准备 100 mm 板、60 mm 板、35 mm 板、一次性手术刀、50 mL 无菌管、15 mL 无菌管和 100 mm 玻璃板。在…

Representative Results

该协议的目的是使用基于NM-RNA的非集成重编程方法重新编程从腹部皮肤分离的皮肤成纤维细胞,以诱导特定因子的表达。为了实现这一目标,从接受腹部粘动手术的患者的皮肤标本中分离出人类皮肤成纤维细胞,通过结合NM-RNA和微RNA技术的商业即用重新编程试剂盒,产生了Oct4、Sox2、Klf4、cMyc、Nanog、Lin28重新编程因子和E3、K3、B18免疫逃逸因子。协议的时间表如图1所示。 <…


iPSC正在迅速成为再生医学应用最有前途的细胞候选者,并作为疾病建模和药物测试的非常有用的工具3,8。此处介绍的协议描述了从具有皮肤冲孔活检大小的样本中生成人类 iPSC,其程序简单而高效,不需要任何特定设备或以前重新编程技术的经验。



The authors have nothing to disclose.




10 mL serological pipet Falcon 357551 Sterile, polystyrene
100 mm plates Falcon 351029 Treated, sterile cell culture dish
15 mL sterile tubes Falcon 352097 Centrifuge sterile tubes, polypropylene
24-well plates Falcon 353935 Clear, flat bottom, treated multiwell cell culture plate, with lid, sterile
25 mL serological pipet Falcon 357525 Sterile, polystyrene
35 mm plates Falcon 353001 Treated, sterile cell culture dish
5 mL serological pipet Falcon 357543 Sterile, polystyrene
50 mL sterile tubes Falcon 352098 Centrifuge sterile tubes, polypropylene
Advanced DMEM (Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium) Gibco 12491-015 Store at 2-8 °C; avoid exposure to light
DMEM (Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium) Sigma- Aldrich D6429-500ml Store at 2-8 °C; avoid exposure to light
Fetal Bovine Serum Sigma- Aldrich F9665-500ml Store at -20 °C. The serum should be aliquoted into smaller working volumes to avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles
Hank's Balanced Salt Solution Sigma- Aldrich H1387-1L Powder
L-glutamine Lonza BE17-605E Store at -20 °C. It should be aliquoted into smaller working volumes to avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles
Lipofectamine RNAiMAX Transfection Reagent INVITROGEN 13778-030 Synthetic siRNA Transfection Reagent; store at 2-8 °C
Matrigel CORNING 354234 Basement Membrane Matrix, store at -20 °C. Avoid multiple freeze-thaws.
Neubauer Chamber VWR 631-1116 Hemocytometer
NutriStem XF Culture Medium Biological Industries 05-100-1A-500ml Xeno-free, serum-free, low growth factor human ESC/iPSC culture medium. Store at -20 °C. Upon thawing, the medium may be stored at 2-8 °C for 14 days. Media should be aliquoted into smaller working volumes to avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles.
Opti-MEM Gibco 31985-062-100ml Reduced-Serum Medium; store at 2-8 °C; avoid exposure to light
Penicillin and Streptomycin Sigma- Aldrich P4333-100ml Store at -20 °C. The solution should be aliquoted into smaller working volumes to avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles
Potassium Chloride Sigma- Aldrich P9333 Powder
Potassium Phosphate Monobasic Sigma- Aldrich P5665 Powder
RNase-free 0.5 mL tubes Eppendorf H0030124537 RNase-free sterile, microfuge tubes, polypropylene
RNase-free 1.5 mL tubes Eppendorf H0030120086 RNase-free sterile, microfuge tubes, polypropylene
RNaseZAP INVITROGEN AM9780 Cleaning agent for removing RNase
Sodium Bicarbonate Sigma- Aldrich S5761 Powder
Sodium Chloride Sigma- Aldrich S7653 Powder
Sodium Phosphate Dibasic Sigma- Aldrich 94046 Powder
StemRNA 3rd Gen Reprogramming Kit Reprocell 00-0076 Third Generation NM-RNAs-based Reprogramming Kit for Cellular Reprogramming of Fibroblasts, Blood, and Urine. Store at or below -70 °C.
Trypsin-EDTA Sigma- Aldrich T4049-100ml Store at -20 °C. It should be aliquoted into smaller working volumes to avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles


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