

Published: September 24, 2021









在各种应激条件下(如衰老、癌症、糖尿病和肥胖)下存在的功能失调线粒体12 会干扰 HSC 自我更新能力,通过产生过量的 ROS、损害 ATP 生成和/或改变其他代谢过程来诱导 HSC/祖细胞分化的失衡91213.HSC/祖细胞分化中代谢稳态的扰动可显著影响造血,可能导致血液学异常的发展13.鉴于糖酵解和线粒体OxPHOS对HSC干性和分化的关键影响,研究正常和胁迫条件下的代谢参数是有意义的。通过评估其ECAR和OCR,可以获得对HSC和祖细胞的糖酵解和线粒体功能的宝贵见解,它们分别是细胞糖酵解和线粒体呼吸的指标。

Seahorse细胞外通量分析仪是一种功能强大的仪器,每孔配备两个探针,可同时测量活细胞中的ECAR和OCR,因此可用于实时评估细胞生物能量,以响应各种底物或抑制剂。与分析仪一起使用的检测盒包含进样口,可容纳多达四种药物,以便在测定过程中自动进样。典型的糖酵解压力试验方案如图 1A所示。该测定从测量细胞的ECAR开始,在含有谷氨酰胺但不含有葡萄糖或丙酮酸的糖酵解胁迫测试培养基中孵育。这表示由于细胞的非糖酵解活性而发生的酸化,并且被报道为非糖酵解酸化。接下来以饱和浓度注射葡萄糖。通过糖酵解,细胞中的葡萄糖转化为丙酮酸盐,丙酮酸盐在细胞质中进一步代谢以产生乳酸盐,或在线粒体中产生CO2 和水。


图1B 显示了典型线粒体压力测试的示意图。该测定从细胞的基线OCR测量开始,在含有葡萄糖,谷氨酰胺和丙酮酸的线粒体压力测试培养基中孵育。在基础OCR测量之后,在该测定中注入寡霉素,其抑制复合物V,从而减少通过电子传递链(ETC)的电子流动17。因此,OCR在寡霉素注射后降低,OCR的这种降低与线粒体ATP产生有关。第二次注射剂由羰基氰化物-4(三氟甲氧基)苯腙(FCCP),质子团和线粒体OxPHOS17的解偶联剂组成。FCCP通过允许质子流过线粒体内膜来折叠线粒体质子梯度。由于FCCP注射,通过ETC的电子流被抑制,复合物IV以最大水平消耗氧气。最大OCR和基础OCR之间的差异被称为备用呼吸能力,这是细胞在压力条件下对增加的能量需求做出反应的能力的衡量标准。最后,注射两种ETC抑制剂(鱼藤酮,复合物I抑制剂和抗霉素A,复合物III抑制剂17)的混合物,其完全关闭电子流,OCR降低到低水平。鱼藤酮和抗霉素A注射后测量的OCR对应于由细胞内其他过程驱动的非线粒体OCR。非线粒体 OCR 能够计算基底呼吸、质子泄漏和最大呼吸。

基础呼吸代表基线 OCR 和非线粒体 OCR 之间的差异。质子泄漏是指寡霉素注射后的OCR与非线粒体OCR的区别。最大呼吸量表示 FCCP 注射后 OCR 与非线粒体 OCR 之间的差异。耦合效率计算为ATP生产率与基础呼吸速率的百分比。该方法论文提供了使用海马XFe96细胞外通量分析仪测量谱系阴性HSPC中ECAR和OCR的详细方案。该协议描述了分离小鼠谱系阴性HSPC的方法,解释了细胞接种密度和细胞外通量测定中使用的各种药物浓度的优化,并描述了药物治疗策略。


所有脊椎动物实验均由密歇根大学动物使用和护理委员会批准并按照其进行。 1.测定前一天(总时间:约10分钟) 传感器滤芯的水化(步骤时间:约 10 分钟) 打开细胞外通量测定试剂盒,取下传感器盒和实用板组件。保存装载指南单位,以便第二天使用。 手动将传感器盒(带盖的顶部绿色部分)与实用板(下部96孔微孔板)分开,并将其倒置放在实用?…

Representative Results

使用该协议,优化各种OxPHOS靶向药物(用于细胞外通量测定)的细胞数量和浓度,以测量从24周龄雌性C57BL / 6小鼠中分离的HSPC的ECAR和OCR。首先,进行糖酵解胁迫试验,以优化细胞数量和寡霉素浓度。在该测定中使用每孔不同数量的HSPC,范围从5×10 4 到2.5×10 5 。如图 2A 和 图2C所示,非糖酵解酸化速率随着细胞数量的增加而升高,从5×10<…


该方法论文描述了一种优化的方案,用于使用Seahorse细胞外通量分析仪评估小鼠HSPC中的细胞生物能量(糖酵解和OxPHOS)。该装置是一种强大的工具,可同时测量活细胞的ECAR和OCR,分别是糖酵解和线粒体呼吸的指标。因此,它可用于实时评估细胞生物能量学。此外,基于96孔微孔板的平台提供高灵敏度的高通量定量,允许使用单个板同时分析多个样品,而另一种高分辨率呼吸计Oroboros O2k只能同时分?…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


伦巴第实验室的工作得到了NIH(NIGMS R01GM101171,NIEHS R21ES032305),DoD(CA190267,CA170628,NF170044和ME200030)和Glenn医学研究基金会的支持。Li实验室的工作由NIH(NHLBI 5R01HL150707)支持。


0.2 μm filter Corning 430626 Used to filter-sterilize the assay media
100 mM sodium pyruvate Life Technologies 11360-070 Component of mitochondrial stress test assay medium
15 mL conical Falcon tubes Corning 352096 Used during HSPCs harvest and to prepare assay drug solutions
200 mM L-glutamine Life Technologies 25030-081 Component of glycolysis stress test and mitochondrial stress test assay media
2-Deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG) Sigma-Aldrich D8375 3rd drug injection during glycolysis stress test
5x Enrichment buffer (MojoSort) Biolegend 480017 Used for washings during HSPCs harvest
Ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) Fisher Scientific A661-3 Component of ACK lysis buffer
Antimycin A Sigma-Aldrich A8674 3rd drug injection during mitochondrial stress test
Bio-Rad DC protein assay kit Bio-Rad 500-0112 Used as per manufacturer's instructions
Carbonyl cyanide-4 (trifluoromethoxy) phenylhydrazone (FCCP) Sigma-Aldrich C2920 2nd drug injection during mitochondrial stress test
Cell-Tak Corning 354240 Cell adhesive. Used for coating cell microplates
Countes 3 Automated Cell Counter ThermoFisher Scientific For cell counting
EDTA Fisher Scientific O2793-500 Component of ACK lysis buffer and RIPA lysis buffer
Falcon 70 μm filter Fisher Scientific 08-771-2 Used as cells strainer during HSPCs harvest
Gibco Fetal bovine serum (FBS) Fisher Scientific 26400044 Used to prepare assay buffer during HSPCs harvest
Gibco HBSS Fisher Scientific 14175095 Used to prepare assay buffer during HSPCs harvest
Glucose Sigma-Aldrich G7528 Component of mitochondrial stress test assay medium and first injection of glycolysis stress test
Oligomycin Sigma-Aldrich O4876 2nd drug injection during glycolysis stress test and 1st drug injection during mitochondrial stress test
PBS Life Technologies 10010-049 Used to wash cells after assay for protein quantification
Potassium bicarbonate (KHCO3) Fisher Scientific P235-500 Component of ACK lysis buffer
Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (PIC) Roche 11836170001 Supplied as tablets. One tablet was dissolved in 10 mL of RIPA buffer to make 1x PIC.
Rat biotin antimouse-B220, Clone ID: RA3-6B2 Biolegend 103203 Used for lineage depletion during HSPCs harvest
Rat biotin antimouse-CD2, Clone ID: RM2-5 Biolegend 100103 Used for lineage depletion during HSPCs harvest
Rat biotin antimouse-CD3, Clone ID: 17A2 Biolegend 100243 Used for lineage depletion during HSPCs harvest
Rat biotin antimouse-CD5, Clone ID: 53-7.3 Biolegend 100603 Used for lineage depletion during HSPCs harvest
Rat biotin antimouse-CD8, Clone ID: 53-6.7 Biolegend 100703 Used for lineage depletion during HSPCs harvest
Rat biotin antimouse-Gr-1, Clone ID: RB6-8C5 Biolegend 108403 Used for lineage depletion during HSPCs harvest
Rat biotin antimouse-Ter-119, Clone ID: TER-119 Biolegend 116203 Used for lineage depletion during HSPCs harvest
Rotenone Sigma-Aldrich R8875 3rd drug injection during mitochondrial stress test
Seahorse XFe96 extracellular flux analyzer Seahorse Biosciences now Agilent For ECAR and OCR measurments in real time.
Sodium bicarbonate Sigma-Aldrich S5761 Used to make Cell-adhesive solution for microplate coating
Sodium chloride (NaCl) Fisher BP358 Component of RIPA lysis buffer
Sodium deoxycholate Sigma-Aldrich D6750 Component of RIPA lysis buffer
Sodium Fluoride (NaF) Sigma-Aldrich S7920 Component of RIPA lysis buffer
Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) Sigma-Aldrich S8045 Prepared 1 N solution. Used for pH normalization
Streptavidin Nanobeads (MojoSort) Biolegend 480015 Used for lineage depletion during HSPCs harvest
Tris-HCl Fisher BP153 Component of RIPA lysis buffer
XF base medium Agilent 102353-100 base medium used to prepare glycolysis stress test and mitochondrial stress test assay media
XF prep station Seahorse Biosciences Used for non-CO2 37 °C incubations
XFe96 extracellular FluxPak Agilent 102416-100 or 102601-100 Includes assay cartridges with utility plates, loading guide flats for loading
drugs onto the assay cartridge, XF calibrant solution, and XF cell culture microplate


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Kumar, S., Jones, M., Li, Q., Lombard, D. B. Assessment of Cellular Bioenergetics in Mouse Hematopoietic Stem and Primitive Progenitor Cells using the Extracellular Flux Analyzer. J. Vis. Exp. (175), e63045, doi:10.3791/63045 (2021).

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