

Published: September 14, 2021




昆虫媒介水平传播许多具有农业重要性的植物病毒。超过一半的植物病毒是由具有刺穿吸口器的半翅目昆虫传播的。在病毒传播过程中,昆虫唾液桥接病毒载体宿主,因为唾液载体病毒和昆虫蛋白触发或抑制植物从昆虫到植物宿主的免疫反应。唾液蛋白的鉴定和功能分析正在成为虫媒病毒-宿主相互作用研究领域的新热点。该协议提供了一个使用植物宿主检测叶蝉唾液中蛋白质的系统。感染水稻矮病毒(RDV)的叶蝉载体Nephotettix cincticeps就是一个例子。在以辛克二头肌猪笼草为食的水稻植株中,可以同时检测到由辛克二头肌奈瑟菌唾液载体的RDV的卵黄原蛋白和主要外衣壳蛋白P8。该方法适用于检测昆虫摄食后暂时滞留在植物宿主中的唾液蛋白。相信这种检测系统将有利于半翅目-病毒-植物或半翅目-植物相互作用的研究。




被称为水稻矮病毒(RDV)的植物病毒由叶蝉Nephotettix cincticeps(半翅目:Cicadellidae)高效且持续繁殖2223传播。RDV首先被报道通过昆虫媒介传播,并在亚洲引起严重的水稻病害2425。病毒粒子为二十面体和双层球形,外层含有P8外衣壳蛋白22RDV在蝴蝶奈瑟蝇中的循环传播周期为14天2627282930当RDV到达唾液腺时,病毒粒子通过胞吐样机制释放到唾液腺中储存唾液的腔中23。卵黄原蛋白(Vg)是雌性昆虫卵母细胞发育所必需的卵黄蛋白前体313233。大多数昆虫物种至少有一个6-7 kb的Vg转录本,其编码约220 kDa的前体蛋白。Vg的蛋白质前体在进入卵巢之前通常可以裂解成大的(140至190 kDa)和小的(<50 kDa)片段1819。先前的蛋白质组学分析显示,叶蝉Recilia dorsalis分泌的唾液中存在来自Vg的肽,尽管它们的功能尚不清楚(未发表的数据)。新报道,飞虱口服分泌的Vg起到效应作用,破坏植物的防御能力34。目前尚不清楚猪笼草的Vg是否也可以随唾液流释放到植物宿主,然后在植物中发挥作用干扰植物防御。为了解决猪笼草是否利用唾液蛋白(如Vg)来抑制或激活植物防御的问题,第一步是识别在摄食过程中释放到植物中的蛋白质。了解鉴定植物中存在的唾液蛋白的方法对于解释唾液蛋白的功能以及半翅目与植物之间的相互作用至关重要。

在这里介绍的协议中,以N . cincticeps 为例,提供一种方法来检查通过昆虫喂养引入的植物宿主中唾液蛋白的存在。该方案主要详细说明了唾液蛋白的收集和检测,有助于对大多数半翅目动物的进一步研究。


非病毒性成虫叶蝉在中国福建农林大学媒介传播病毒研究中心繁殖。 1. 非病毒昆虫饲养 将成虫饲养在40厘米x 35厘米x 20厘米(长x宽x高)的立方体笼中。保持笼子的一侧盖上防虫网,以便通风。将带有叶蝉的笼子保存在包含内置湿度控制器的培养箱中,在26°C下,相对湿度为60-75%,光周期为16小时光照和8小时黑暗。 使用吸气器轻轻地将所有成虫从…

Representative Results

图1说明了该协议中的所有步骤:昆虫饲养,病毒获取,通过水稻喂养收集唾液蛋白以及蛋白质印迹。蛋白质印迹结果显示,在用Vg抗体孵育的膜上的喂养水稻和昆虫唾液腺的样品中观察到约220 kDa的特异性和预期条带。相比之下,在非饲料大米样品中未观察到条带。图2中的结果表明,Vg作为唾液蛋白释放到植物宿主中。在与RDV P8抗体?…




The authors have nothing to disclose.




Tris base Roche D609K69032 For 5×Tris-glycine buffer and 10×TBS buffer preparation
glycine Sigma-Aldrich WXBD0677V For 5×Tris-glycine buffer preparation
SDS Sigma-Aldrich SLCB4394 For 5×Tris-glycine buffer preparation
NaCl Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd 10019318 For 10×TBS buffer preparation
KCl Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd 10016318 For 10×TBS buffer preparation
ß-mercaptoethanol Xiya Reagent B14492 For 4× protein sample buffer preparation
bromophenol blue Sigma-Aldrich SHBL3668 For 4× protein sample buffer preparation
glycerol Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd 10010618 For 4× protein sample buffer preparation
methanol Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd 10014118 For transfer buffer preparation
Tween 20 Coolaber SCIENCE&TeCHNoLoGY CT30111220 For TBST preparation
non-fat dry milk Becton.Dickinso and company 252038 For membrane blocking, antibodies dilution
goat anti-rabbit IgG Sangon Biotech D110058-0001 Recognization of the primary andtibody
ECL Western kit ThermoFisher Scientific 32209 Chemiluminescent substrate
nitrocellulose membrane Pall Corporation 25312915 For proteins transfer
Buffers and Solutions
Buffer Composition Comments/Description
 5×Tris-glycine buffer 15.1 g Tris base
94 g glycine
 5 g SDS in 1 L sterile water
 Stock solution
1×Tris-glycine buffer 200 mL of 5×Tris-glycine buffer
800 mL sterile water
Work solution, for SDS-PAGE
10×Tris-buffered saline (TBS) buffer 80 g NaCl
30 g Tris base
2 g KCl
in 1 L sterile water
Stock solution
TBS with Tween 20 (TBST) solution 100 mL 10×TBS solution
3 mL Tween 20
900 mL sterile water
Work solution
4× protein sample buffer 8 g SDS
4 mL ß-mercaptoethanol
0.02 g bromophenol blue
40 mL glycerol
in 40 mL 0.1 M Tris-HCl (pH 6.8)
For protein extraction
Transfer buffer 800 mL Tris-glycine buffer
200 mL methanol
For protein transfer
Bromophenol blue Sigma-Aldrich SHBL3668 For 4x protein sample buffer preparation
Constant temperature incubator Ningbo Saifu Experimental Instrument Co., Ltd. PRX-1200B For rearing leafhoppers
Electrophoresis Tanon Science & Technology Co.,Ltd. Tanon EP300 For SDS-PAGE
Electrophoretic transfer core module BIO-RAD 1703935 For SDS-PAGE
glycerol Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd 10010618 For 4x protein sample buffer preparation
glycine Sigma-Aldrich WXBD0677V For 5x Tris-glycine buffer preparation
goat anti-rabbit IgG Sangon Biotech D110058-0001 Recognization of the primary andtibody
High-pass tissue grinding instrument Shanghai Jingxin Industrial Development Co., Ltd. JXFSIPRP-24 For grinding plant tissues
KCl Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd 10016318 For 10x TBS buffer preparation
methanol Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd 10014118 For transfer buffer preparation
Mini wet heat transfer trough BIO-RAD 1703930 For SDS-PAGE
NaCl Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd 10019318 For 10x TBS buffer preparation
nitrocellulose membrane Pall Corporation 25312915 For proteins transfer
non-fat dry milk Becton.Dickinso and company 252038 For membrane blocking, antibodies dilution
Pierce ECL Western kit ThermoFisher Scientific 32209 Chemiluminescent substrate
Protein color instrument GE Healthcare bio-sciences AB Amersham lmager 600 For detecting proteins
SDS Sigma-Aldrich SLCB4394 For 5x Tris-glycine buffer preparation
Tris base Roche D609K69032 For 5x Tris-glycine buffer and 10×TBS buffer preparation
Tween 20 Coolaber SCIENCE&TeCHNoLoGY CT30111220 For TBST preparation
Vertical plate electrophoresis tank BIO-RAD 1658001 For SDS-PAGE
Water bath Shanghai Jinghong Experimental equipment Co., Ltd. XMTD-8222 For boil the protein samples
β-mercaptoethanol Xiya Reagent B14492 For 4x protein sample buffer preparation


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Citazione di questo articolo
Wang, Y., Wang, X., Li, Z., Chen, Q. Detecting Virus and Salivary Proteins of a Leafhopper Vector in the Plant Host. J. Vis. Exp. (175), e63020, doi:10.3791/63020 (2021).

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